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21. Criminal Law News - Attorneys Woodridge Illinois IL Lawyers
you should contact your local law enforcement agency rights and protections as a victim are not Specific legal issues, concerns and conditions always require

Criminal Defense

Felonies and Misdemeanors

White Collar Crime

DUI/DWI and Traffic Violations
Business Matters

3550 Hobson Road, Suite 101
Woodridge, IL 60517
Phone: (630) 968-5532
Fax: (630) 968-5540
White-Collar Crimes
White-collar crime is a term that was first used by a sociologist in 1939 to describe criminal activity by members of the upper classes in connection with their professions. His point was that this type of crime was barely acknowledged by the criminal justice system and rarely prosecuted. Today, the most common definition of white collar crime no longer focuses on the social status of the offender but rather on the type of conduct involved: illegal acts using deceit and concealment to obtain money, property, or services, or to secure a business or professional advantage. The federal government has passed a variety of laws in the last fifty or sixty years to deal with the problem of white collar crime, using its jurisdiction under the commerce, postal and taxing powers of the federal Constitution to reach all levels of business activity. White-collar crimes follow the general principles of criminal liability in that each crime requires a bad act, a criminal intent, and causation. The defenses to white-collar crime are the same ones applicable to all crimes and include incapacity, insanity, intoxication, and duress. Of particular note for white-collar crime prosecutions is the defense of entrapment. Entrapment occurs when the government has enticed a person to commit a crime he or she otherwise would not have committed. The majority of courts look at the defense of entrapment through the eyes of the individual defendant and the focus becomes the propensity of that defendant to commit the crime in determining whether he or she has been entrapped. Other courts focus on the government's conduct from the perspective of whether it is outrageous in terms of convincing a person to commit a crime.

22. State Attorney's Office - Victim's Rights
The law enforcement agency making the arrest shall Certain motions concerning legal issues may be heard at there is an emergency or legal necessity, therefore
Victim's Rights CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA ARTICLE 1, SECTION 16(b) "Victims of crime or their lawful representatives, including the next of kin of homicide victims, are entitled to the right to be informed, to be present, and to be heard when relevant, at all crucial stages of criminal proceedings, to the extent that these rights do not interfere with the constitutional rights of the accused." If you are the victim of a crime you have the RIGHT to:
  • Be treated with dignity and compassion. Be protected from intimidation and harm. Be informed about the availability of Crime Victim Compensation and other victim services. Be informed about the criminal justice process. (Incarcerated victims have the right to be informed and to submit written statements at all crucial stages of criminal proceedings and parole proceedings.) Submit a Victim Impact Statement (if you so desire). Have your property returned as quickly as possible.
  • 23. Victim Law Litigation Topics
    Lewis Clark law School The National Crime victim law Institute's Litigation Page issues and cases with which NCVLI has been involved. legal Definitions of "victim" A. victim Standing. 1. Trial
    @import ""; School of Law National Crime Victim Law Institute Victim Law Litigation Topics
    NCVLI Home
    Contacting Us About the Institute Crime Victim Litigation Clinic ... A-Z Site Index
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    Crime Victim Litigation Topics
    The topics listed below are ones that NCVLI attorneys have litigated. You will be able to link to any of these topics and read about the particular issues and cases with which NCVLI has been involved.
    Legal Definitions of "Victim"
    A. Victim Standing
    1. Trial Court Standing
    a. Common Law
    b. Statutory Victim Rights
    2. Appellate Court Standing
    3. Appellate Review of Trial Court Action
    Victim Protection
    A. Protection from the Defendant
    1. Laws of "Reasonable Protection"
    2. Criminalizing the Failure to Report Crime
    3. Pretrial Release and Future Dangerousness 4. Criminal Protection Orders 5. Civil Protective Orders 6. Programs of Protection 7. Post-Sentence Protection of Future Victims B. Protection of Victim's Privacy

    24. Victims Of Crime Resource Center - McGeorge School Of Law
    information and referral, the Center provides legal research on victims issues for service rights, which are widely used by law enforcement and
    Last Updated: 4/21/04 Site Map Services Homicide Support Compensation ... Victim/Witness Assistance
    The Victims of Crime Resource Center, located on the McGeorge School of Law campus in Sacramento, California, has operated the State of California's toll-free 1-800-VICTIMS line since 1984. McGeorge students, under attorney supervision, provide information and referral statewide to victims, their families, victim service providers, and other interested parties. The Center publishes and distributes thousands of free informational materials yearly concerning victims' rights. Center staff research legal issues related to victims, monitor legislation, publish a newsletter, and participate in outreach activities. The Center is mandated and funded by legislation and is operated in cooperation with the Office of Criminal Justice Planning.
    Crime victims are often forgotten by the criminal justice system.
    They also frequently experience difficult financial, psychological and legal problems as a result of the crime.
    available to help you and your family cope with the effects of the crime.

    25. Lawinfo: Legal Dictionary, Legal Terms, Legal Definitions, Law Definitions
    legal dictionary providing legal terms and law definitions you waive your rights to that legal recourse. directly affects the legal rights of a person of tort law which looks at the negligence of the victim and which
    Select a letter below to view a plain English definition of common legal terms.
    B C D ... Z
    A vinculo matrimonii
      Latin: of marriage. The term is now used to refer to a final and permanent
    Back to Top Ab initio
      Latin: from the start.
    Back to Top Abatement
      A reduction in some amount that is owed, usually granted by the person to whom the debt is owed. For example, a landlord might grant an abatement in rent . In estate law , the word may refer more specifically to a situation where property identified in a will cannot be given to the beneficiary because it had to be sold to pay off the deceased debts. Debts are paid before gifts made in wills are distributed and where a specific gift has to be sold to pay off a debt, it is said to "abate" (compare with " ademption
    Back to Top Abbacinare
      A barbaric form of corporal punishment meted out in the middle ages where persons would be permanently blinded by the pressing of hot irons to the open eyes.
    Back to Top Abduction
      To take someone away from a place without that person's consent or by fraud.
    Back to Top Abet
      The act of encouraging or inciting another to do a certain thing, such as a crime. For example, many countries will equally punish a person who aids or abets another to commit a crime.

    26. CICC | Victims' Rights
    such principles in their domestic legal systems, it International Human rights and Humanitarian law of 1999 practical or operational level, issues relating to
    What are Victims' Rights Under International Law and Before the ICC? In many ways, victims have been the silent partners in the legal process, with little role other than as witnesses, and at the mercy of litigants. If the International Criminal Court (ICC) is going to fulfil its promise of providing justice for victims of atrocities and reconciling societies, it must incorporate a process that provides real justice to the victims.
    "The victim's perspective may be perceived in many societies as a complication, an inconvenience and a marginal phenomenon. However, the awareness is growing that redress and reparation for the victims of gross violations of human rights is an imperative demand of justice and a pressing requirement under international law, in particular the law of human rights."
    Theo van Boven, preface to publication of the proceedings of the "Seminar on the Right to Restitution Compensation and Rehabilitation of Victims of Gross Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms," held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, 11-15 March 1992.
    The formulation of the status of victim under International Law is contained in the United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power ("the Victims Declaration") adopted by consensus by the General Assembly in November 1985. This declaration reflects the collective will of the international community to establish a balance between the fundamental rights of suspects and offenders, and the rights and interests of victims. It recognizes that victims should be treated with compassion and respect for their dignity, and recommends measures to improve their access to justice and prompt redress (restitution, compensation and all necessary assistance/rehabilitation) for the harm they have suffered.

    27. The National Center For Victims Of Crime - Resource Library/Reports And Studies
    of Community Oriented Policing Services for law enforcement agencies with clear and concise information about key legal issues The Victims rights Sourcebook.

    28. Restitution Worldwide
    Beyond Grasp Of Too Many Holocaust Victims by Stuart lawRelated Resources on Nazi Gold and Other legal issues Bearing on the restitution of German Cultural
    Restitution Worldwide Restitution
    front page
    These links refer to claims for restitution throughout the world, particularly claims for restitution or reparations for major historical injustices. After the general links, there is a special section below on the claim to the Parthenon Marbles ("the Elgin Marbles"). A 50-year battle for money and justice by James Kirby (1998) A Back Door For Reparations? by Lori Widmer (Risk and Insurance) (August 2002) ABA Journal Cover Story Examines the Call for Slavery Reparations (November 2000) A Case for Reparations by Lloyd Stewart (Urban Voices Online) (September 2002) Achieving Restitution: The Potential Unjust Enrichment Claims of Indigenous Peoples Against Multinational Corporations by David N Fagan (New York Univ Law Rev) (May 2000) Aetna, CSX, FleetBoston face slave reparations suit

    29. Victims Rights
    years ago, the idea of legal rights for victims of significant responsibility for enforcing and monitoring the laws. in all aspects of victim issues and victim
    Member of the National
    Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
    About NOVA Board Members Contact Us ... Victim Assistance Crime Victim and Witn ess Rig hts
    Basic Rights Revisited When the victims movement was founded over twenty years ago, the idea of legal rights for victims of crime was a distant ring of hope for those who had suffered the trauma of victimization. Its early sound was a simple statement of seven principles, first articulated in 1980.
    • Victims and witnesses have a right to protection from intimidation and harm. Victims and witnesses have a right to be informed concerning the criminal justice process. Victims and witnesses have a right to reparations. Victims and witnesses have a right to preservation of property and employment. Victims and witnesses have a right to due process in criminal court proceedings. Victims and witnesses have a right to be treated with dignity and compassion. Victims and witnesses have a right to counsel.
    Determined victims and their advocates continue to fight for victim rights. Since 1980, every state has sought to translate these principles into policies and practice. Thirty-two states have passed

    30. Law Professors, Victims' Families Oppose Victims' Rights Amendment
    letter released today by 160 prominent law professors and legal scholars from or constitutional provisions protecting victims rights to restitution
    September 5, 1996 For More Information:
    Jack King, Director of Public Affairs
    202-872-8600 ext. 228,
    Professors, Murder Victims' Families Express Concerns About Unintended Consequences
    Law Professors, Victims' Families
    Oppose Victims' Rights Amendment
    Washington, D.C., September 5, 1996 A victim's rights amendment to the U.S. Constitution is an unnecessary infringement on the states' powers and would prove too costly and cumbersome to implement, according to a letter released today by 160 prominent law professors and legal scholars from across the country. The letter notes that almost all states already have statutes or constitutional provisions protecting victims' rights to restitution or to participate in sentencing proceedings, and that a constitutional amendment could actually make criminal proceedings more complex and time consuming and would lead to "more, not less, uncertainty in the criminal justice process." Joining the debate, a group of families of murder victims has released a statement opposing the proposed amendment, different versions of which are pending before the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation (MVFR) expresses concerns that the amendment would cause problems and additional delays for crime victims and their survivors. The organization notes that the proposals are based on "a flawed understanding of the needs of crime victims and their survivors." For example, regarding the draft proposals to create a victim right "to final disposition free from unreasonable delay," the victims group statement says "Victims are

    31. Otto Bremer Foundation--Human Rights Strategies Direct Grants, Legal Issues
    responsibility of addressing the underlying issues that cause juveniles while the Children’s law Center of provided both advocacy and direct legal support to
    Priorities Guidelines About Us Human Rights ...
    Legal Issues
    Several articles of the Declaration address access and fair treatment within the justice system. Nonprofits apply numerous strategies for promoting legal rights. Restorative justice programs provide alternatives to traditional practices with the understanding that crimes harm whole communities. Through community involvement and accountability, these programs humanize both the victim and the perpetrator. A broad segment of the community participates in the programs to support and assist the victim, hold the offender accountable while determining ways for him or her to make amends, and take on the responsibility of addressing the underlying issues that cause crime. The Legal Rights Center used a Foundation grant to expand their Minnesota work statewide to engage those in the legal, law enforcement, and various cultural communities in strategies to strengthen the state network of local restorative justice programs; William Mitchell College of Law convened a Restorative Justice Summit. Both Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association and the South St. Paul Public Schools

    32. Texas Megan's Law Registered Sex Offenders
    the state, peace officer, or law enforcement agency victim or guardian or legal representative of Contact Person Registration issues Vincent Crime Records
    Talk To An Attorney NOW Submit Your Case For FREE Evaluation
    Information And Resources
    Back To Megan's Law By State
    Texas Megan's Law and Victim's Rights
    (1)The right to respect (2)The right to be informed (3)The right to be present (4)The right to be heard 30. RIGHTS OF CRIME VICTIMS. (a) A crime victim has the following rights: (1) The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim's dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process; and
    (2) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process. (b) On the request of a crime victim, the crime victim has the following rights:
    (1) The right to notification of court proceedings;
    (2) The right to be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless the victim is to testify and the court determines that the victim's testimony would be materially affected if the victim bears other testimony at the trial;
    (3) The right to confer with a representative of the prosecutor's office;

    33. California Courts: Reference: Courts - How To Use: Guide To California Courts: L
    a will, arrest, and other common legal issues are also on a variety of topics, including juvenile law issues. free, for referral to the nearest victim center.
    Guide to California Courts
    Family Court Juvenile Court Criminal Court Small Claims Court ... Jury Duty
    Legal Resources
    Filing or defending a case in court can be very complicated. There are many rules and procedures to follow, and the courts differ in how some things are done. Also, many cases require immediate kinds of actions that a person with little or no legal training may be unaware of. For example, anyone involved in an auto accident should interview witnesses and gather evidence as soon as possible.
    Where to Find Legal Help
    Timely legal advice can stop small problems from becoming larger ones. If you need legal help, look in the Yellow Pages of the phone book under "Attorney Referral Services," "Attorneys," or "Lawyers." Some public—interest groups, such as those concerned with civil liberties and housing discrimination, also offer legal guidance. In addition, many local bar associations sponsor free legal advice clinics.
    Free Legal Services
    Free legal services for qualified poor people are available from the National Legal Services Corporation (e.g., Legal Aid Society and Legal Services Foundation). People accused of a crime who cannot afford an attorney may apply for free help from the public defender's office. The courts may also be a source of legal asistance. Each court has a family law facilitator who can provide information on child, spousal, family, and medical support at no charge. Each court also has a small claims advisor who provides free help to people involved in small claims matters. Many courts have self-help centers with information and referrals. In addition, law school "clinical" programs sometimes provide free or low-cost legal aid.

    34. (CASA) Center Against Spouse Abuse - Know Your Rights! Legal Advocacy
    The legal system can be very lengthy, confusing and A law enforcement officer must attempt to serve a copy issues of visitation and support may be referred to
    24-Hour Help Line Voice: 727-895-4912 E-Mail CASA: Florida State Wide Crisis Line: 1-800-500-1119 Know Your Rights! Legal Advocacy
    Criminal Court
    Civil Court Injunctions For Protection Documentation of Injuries Due to Domestic Abuse ... Pressing Charges
    Florida law defines domestic voiolence as any assault (threat or attempt to do bodily harm), battery (intentional, unlawful touching or striking) sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking (repeated, willful and malicious pattern of harassing or following), kidnapping or false imprisonment or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one "family or household" member by another who is or was residing in the same single dwelling unit.. "Family or household" members include spouses, former spouses, those related by blood or marriage, those who are or were residing in the same single dwelling unit (including same sex relationships), as well as those who have a child in common regardless of whether they have ever resided together.. It is against the law to physically hurt another person, no matter how the two people are related. Every victim of domestic abuse has a right under the laws of this state to be protected. There are a number of legal steps victims can take to protect themselves from further abuse including calling the police and/or filing for an

    35. DOJ And State Dept. Issue Regulations Implementing Victims Of Trafficking Law
    Act of 1982 (VWPA), federal law enforcement agencies pro bono and lowcost legal services, including o individual privacy rights and confidentiality issues;;
    Immigrants' Rights Update, Vol. 15, No. 5, Aug. 31, 2001 On July 24, 2001, the State Dept. and Dept. of Justice (DOJ) issued interim regulations implementing section 107(c) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA). Congress enacted the TVPA in order to combat trafficking in persons, both in the United States and internationally. The TVPA provides the federal government comprehensive tools of investigation and enforcement, and authorizes assistance and protection-including immigration relief-to individuals who cooperate with the investigation and prosecution of traffickers. The new regulations, which implement the portions of the TVPA concerning protections and services for trafficking victims, offer guidance to officials of the DOJ and State Dept. as well as other law enforcement agencies that may encounter victims. The regulations provide definitions to key TVPA terms. They also address the development of procedures to protect and provide services to trafficking victims; victim identification; detention; providing victims access to information on protection, safety, medical care, and rights; mechanisms for allowing victims to remain in the U.S.; and training for law enforcement personnel. Definitions.

    36. About Us
    legal Aid of Western Mo such hearings; the right to reasonable with law enforcement and reliable answers to victim s questions, solutions to issues arising from
    Site Map About Us Patrols Departments ...
    Capital Improvements

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    Alarms Admin.

    Do You Know About the State of Missouri Victims Services? Victims of a Violent Crime You may be eligable to receive compensation for loss of income, support, funeral expenses and reasonable medical, drug, and counseling expenses up to $25,000. For more Information Call Missouri Dept. of Labor and Industrial Relations Other Related Sites Victims of a Crime Hate Crime Information National Center for Victims of a Crime. NOVA- National Organization for Victims Assistance. ... Help Guide for Stalking Victims General Legal Search Engines Find Law The Law Runner The Virtual Chase Meta Index for Legal Research ... Katsuey’s Legal Gateway Kansas City Missouri and Area Cass County Prosecutor Victim Services Clay County Prosecutor Victim Services Jackson Coutny Prosecutor Victim Services Platte County Prosecutor Victim Services Other Legal Resources Kansas City Prosecutor Missouri Bar Referral K.C. Bar Referral

    awareness about commercial motor carrier and highway safety issues. We provide free legal help to income groups for changes in the law and social
    Addressing issues of law reform, civil rights, and the criminal justice system as well as insuring legal assistance. Americans United for Separation of Church and StateSouthern Maine Chapter
    100 King St.
    Saco, ME 04072

    Jennie Aranovitch
    Local Chapter of a national group working to protect the wall of separation between church and state. Issues include school vouchers, faith-based initiatives, and school prayer. Bill of Rights Defense CommitteeHancock County
    PO Box 158
    Ellsworth, ME 04605

    Preserving civil liberties from the assaults of the Patriot Act and other 9-11 security measures. Other groups exist in the Bangor and Belfast areas. Building Alternatives
    181 Brackett St. Portland, ME 04102 775-0105 Fax: 780-1701 Melanie Petrlik Innovative correctional education for youth held in the Maine Youth Center and those on juvenile probation. The program provides an alternative vocational education program, helps facilitate students' re-entry into society, and prepares youth for further employment. State House Station 6 Augusta, ME 04333

    case, including the application of the law or the were based and, where relevant, any legal issues which had Victims should have the right to inspect the case

    Download a copy of your own in MS Word? Click here
    Summary of victims’ rights in the process of criminal justice Guiding Principles
    • The rights of victims of crime must be accorded the same priority as those of the defendant The process of dealing with the offender must not increase the distress or add to the problems of the victims of crime
    Victims’ Rights Victims must have the right to:
    • respect and recognition at all stages of the criminal justice proceedings receive information and explanation about the progress of their case provide information to officials responsible for decisions relating to the offender have legal advice available, regardless of their means protection both for their privacy and for their physical safety compensation both from the offender and from the State

    Statement of victims’ rights in the process of criminal justice The European Forum for Victim Services It is estimated that one in four people in Europe become victims of crime each year. The European Forum has been set up to:
    • promote the development of effective services for victims of crime throughout Europe promote fair and equal compensation for all victims of crime throughout Europe, regardless of the nationality of the victim concerned

    39. Survivor Psalm
    policymakers about crime victim’s issues, to educate state, law enforcement officer or law enforcement agency of violent crime (due to legal requirements and
    Victims Rights and Support Organizations Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence East Tennessee Victims Rights Organization Shelby County Victim's Assistance Program You Have The Power ... Community Services Directory Online Chat Support Groups
    Our Purpose The Tennessee Victims of Crime State Coordinating Council has been established to promote awareness of the needs of victims of crime and the families of victims of crime, to provide awareness of the needs of victims of crime and to coordinate and assist the efforts of victims' rights organization. We do not provide direct services assistance to individual victims or families of victims, but will instead refer victims and/or will advise victims of resources available to victims. This website attempts to provide information to the public, professionals and policymakers about crime victim’s issues, to educate, train and provide technical assistance to professionals assisting victims of crime and to provide information regarding services available to victims of crime. We want you to know that as a victim, you have rights. Regardless of your gender, age, sexual orientation, education, social standing, or financial status. The state of Tennessee has created a Victim's Bill of Rights. Below lists those rights:

    40. Restitution, Compensation And Rehabilitation
    of the report addressing the main issues to be only binding instruments or soft law as well conventions or other instruments; the legal difference between a
    Restitution, Compensation and Rehabilitation
    Report of the Independent Expert In the early 1990s, the Sub-Commission appointed a special rapporteur to consider the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms and to prepare draft guidelines on this question. Between 1993 and 1997 three versions of basic principles and guidelines were prepared (see E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/8, 2 July 1993, section IX; E/CN.4/Sub.2/1996/17, 24 May 1996; and E/CN.4/1997/104, 16 January 1997). At its 1998 session, the Commission adopted resolution 1998/43 in which it noted with interest the positive experience of countries that had established policies and adopted legislation on the question and called once more upon the international community to give due attention to the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of grave violations of human rights. In that same resolution, the Commission established the mandate of an independent expert to prepare a revised version of the draft basic principles and guidelines and to submit the revised daft to the Commission on Human Rights at its 1999 session, with a view to adoption by the General Assembly. Cherif Bassiouni was the Independent Expert in 1999. The Independent Expert's report to the 1999 Commission ( E/CN.4/1999/65

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