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21. Strengthening U.S. Relations With Latin America the Hispanic Council on International Relations, free trade organizations, businessassociations businesses to establish a foothold in the latin American market http://www.state.gov/s/p/of/proc/tr/14680.htm | |
22. World Bank PovertyNet Webguide : Latin America And Caribbean a joint project between the Asociación latinoamericana de Organizaciones de Promoción(latin American Association of Development organizations ALOP), Ayuda http://poverty.worldbank.org/webguide/region/3 | |
23. Latin American And Caribbean Studies Return to Top. Business Labor. International Labor Organization Directoryof labor organizations worldwide. Stock Exchange in latin America http://library.albany.edu/subject/lacs.htm | |
24. Latin American Solidarity voters. latin American Solidarity will have an informational booth.Money 8435050. http//www.ukans.edu/cwis/organizations/las/. http://www.cc.ku.edu/cwis/organizations/las/ | |
25. Organizations Other, nonlatino organizations, specialize in providing services for the community Phone616-742-0200 EMI 49506 FAX 616-742-0205 latin American Services 121 http://www4.gvsu.edu/latinos/organizations.htm | |
26. U-M International Center: Work: Work In Latin America though most of these organizations ask for professional skills. The InterAmericanDevelopment Bank, www.iadb.org, is helpful on latin American linkages and http://www.umich.edu/~icenter/overseas/work/latinamerica.html | |
27. Sch/col Wilson. 391 Topics in latin American Anthropology. Race and Ethnicity in AmericanSociety. and The Management of Volunteers in Non Profit Public organizations. http://www.utexas.edu/academic/uip/teach/class/list02/gradf.html | |
28. Latin American Studies - General Lists addresses of government offices and international organizations. economic andsocial conditions from the Committee on latin American Studies, University http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/subject_search_infotype.asp?SubjectID=29&Top |
29. Resources For Locating And Evaluating Latin American Videos latin America. New York, NY AIVF, 1990. Lists works, producers, andnoteworthy organizations in latin America. The International http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/LatinAmericanVideos.htm | |
30. Lisa Mitten Includer in the southwestern US and several latin American countries National Congress of AmericanIndians NCAI - the and oldest of the national Indian organizations. http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/organizations.html | |
31. HireDiversity.com Minority Job Search AsianAmerican Diversity organizations. Hispanic Public Relations Association213-239-6555. latin American Management Association http//www.lama-usa.com. http://www.hirediversity.com/resources/jobseekers/links.asp | |
32. USAID: Latin America And The Caribbean Alliances Private investments in latin America, including contributions from civilsociety and faithbased organizations, far exceed official development http://www.usaid.gov/policy/budget/cbj2005/lac/ | |
33. Hispanic/Latino Organization Directory Resources a directory covering regional organizations whose mandate is specificto the latin American Region (Mexico, Central America, and South America). http://www.joblatino.com/hispanic.html | |
34. 1991 Global Terrorism: Latin America Overview members of each of the country s main terrorist organizations. lives of the only threeAmericans to die a result of terrorist activity in latin America in 1991 http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/terror_91/latin.html | |
35. Digital Partners - Mexico/Latin America Initiative organizations, corporations, foundations and academics promoting the applicationof ICT to assist latin AmericaÂs development, members of the latin American http://www.digitalpartners.org/latin.html | |
36. Latin American Studies Curriculum students go on to graduate school in latin American studies or or governmental offices,public and private international organizations, multinational businesses http://www.bucknell.edu/LatinAmericanStudies/ls_curr.html | |
37. Latin American Studies Internet resources for latin America Includes links to databases and other referencesources, online news, national and international organizations, and general http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/latam/ | |
38. CLACS Template Caribbean. Employment with organizations working with latin Americansor Caribbean or their descendants in the United States. Research http://www.isp.msu.edu/clacs/clacs_undergrad.htm | |
39. Latin America Action Program : Cambridge : New England Region : AFSC Gift Program collects material aid, such as sports equipment and school supplies;we also provide small grants for youth organizations in latin America. http://www.afsc.org/newengland/necap.htm | |
40. Latin America-Related Information On The Internet Developed as a tool to link nongovernmental organizations around the NGOs workingon social justice, development and environmental issues in latin America. http://www.asu.edu/lib/hayden/ref/lata/ | |
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