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81. Media, Oil, And Politics: Anatomy Of The Venezuelan Coup, Media File Volume 21-3 The media conglomerates are closely aligned with the Venezuelan oligarchy andhave extensive ties to the right wing latin American community in Miami. http://www.media-alliance.org/mediafile/21-3/venezuela.html | |
82. WAIS Forum On Latin America 00 The Shape of South America 3/2/00 Federalism in Spain and latin America 2/17 Justice11/13/99 Religion 10/29/99 Religion 10/28/99 The media LANIC Electoral http://wais.stanford.edu/LatinAmerica/latinamer_index.html | |
83. "Helping" Latin America And when an enlightened leader comes to power in latin America, one who community,including the government of the United States and the Establishment media. http://www.stoptheftaa.org/economy/helping.html | |
84. Organizational Resources On Media Videoteca del Sur promotes latino and latin American work through production supportand of In Focus, a newsletter about the AsianPacific media arts world http://www.viewingrace.org/content.php?sec=resource&sub=media |
85. Internet Rights - APC Regionally, we have just begun to work with the latin American Communicationand media Initiative of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. http://www.apc.org/english/rights/lac.shtml | |
86. The Fourth Annual Media That Matters Film Festival about the abuse of women in latin America from MADRE. violence against women throughthe American Civil Liberties Ten ways to become media literate from the http://mediathatmattersfest.org/ | |
87. Hispanic/Latino/a Resources media QB741 .S92 1997. 2002; Electronic 1994) Geomundo Hispanic American HistoricalReview Microfilm 1989-1997; Print 1998-) latin American Literary Review http://www.harpercollege.edu/library/multiculturalism/hispanic_american_resource | |
88. SOAW movement that works through creative protest and resistance, legislative and mediawork to stand in solidarity with the people of latin America, to close the http://www.soaw.org/ | |
89. Americas' Internet Connections | Planeta Bringing the Internet to San Felipe Barbara Belejack La Plaza Abierta Buildinga latin American Internet Commons - Ron Mader and Molly Molloy Travel in the http://www.planeta.com/ecotravel/period/internet.html | |
90. NewsMax.com - America's News Page US has conferred on Ahmad Chalabi the credentials of an antiAmerican leader. WhereRegular Folks Get Their News Tim Chavez The media establishment would have http://www.newsmax.com/ | |
91. Resources For Locating And Evaluating Latin American Videos San Francisco, CA Cine Acción, 1993. The members include US and latin Americanmedia artists, such as Lourdes Portillo, Gustavo Vásquez, and Carlos Avila. http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/LatinAmericanVideos.htm | |
92. Links Nosotros. SERJobs for Progress. Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americansin Science. Hispanic media. Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies. http://www.lulac.org/Links.html | |
93. Nua Internet How Many Online latin America. April 1999, 2.5 million, .6, IABIN. December 1998, 5.7 million, 1.32,IDC. November 1997, 7 million, 1.66, Nazca S S. July 1997, 5.5 million, 1.30, StarMedia. http://www.nua.ie/surveys/how_many_online/s_america.html | |
94. League Of World Universities: Conferences mentioned, but which I would like to insist upon Particularly in latin America,it has to you have today, but among others, perhaps more in the mediato tout http://www.nyu.edu/rectors/castaneda.html | |
95. Latin America Bureau aroused great passion on both sides of the Atlantic, as people took stock of LatinAmericaÂs scarred history. Since then, the Columbus media circus has moved http://www.latinamericabureau.org/?lid=371 |
96. Latin America And The Caribbean which is blamed for the deaths of about 200,000 people in latin America each year Mediacontact Alejandra Viveros (202) 4734306, Email aviveros@worldbank.org. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20040950~menuPK:3448 | |
97. Concentric Media: Resource Guide - Page 14 For local media, the best ideas are personal stories from that community. A majorLatin American Family Planning group has been hosting screenings with the http://www.concentric.org/outreach/page14.html | |
98. Economist.com | World | Latin America latin America Colombian farright militiamen kill 11 peasants (AlertNet) Tue0213 GMT Donors to pump $300 million into Haiti (AlertNet) Tue 0213 GMT http://www.economist.com/world/la/index.cfm | |
99. Boundary Disputes In Latin America: Peaceworks: Publications: U.S. Institute Of Publications. Peaceworks 50. Boundary Disputes in latin America. latin Americansfor the most part do not fear aggression from their neighbors. http://www.usip.org/pubs/peaceworks/pwks50.html | |
100. El Dia Que Me Quieras A haunting meditation on the last picture taken of Che Guevara, as he lay dead on a table surrounded by his captors. http://www.frif.com/new99/eldia.html | |
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