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41. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print latin America general There are 702 books in this aisle. Browse the aisle by Title by Author by Price See recently arrived used books in this aisle. http://www.powells.com/subsection/LatinAmericaGeneral.html | |
42. EOL Book Review Garland/Latin America groups (Olsen), popular music (Gage Averill) followed by general articles on the on Gerard Béhague s major 1979 survey Music in latin America An Introduction http://www.research.umbc.edu/eol/5/solis/ | |
43. ZNET Latin America Watch: Cuba 2000) La Asamblea general de la ONU Discute el Fin del Embargo a Cuba New Omnibus Bill will be rallying point on Cuban legislation (latin America Working Group http://www.zmag.org/LAM/zcuba.html | |
44. Latin American Studies Internet resources for latin America databases and other reference sources, online news, national and international organizations, and general interest resources http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/latam/ | |
45. United States--General Materials Table of contents. 1. United StatesGeneral materials. 2. United StatesPersonal papers. Sexuality. 7. Africanamericans. Africa. 8. latin America. Caribbean. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/hist/mfguide.html | |
46. Latin American History DP 501900, Portugal, F 2251-2291, Colombia. F 1201-1392, Mexico, F 2301-2349, Venezuela. F 1401-1419, latin America (general), F 2351-2471, Guiana. Surinam. http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/lahis.php | |
47. Latin American And Iberian Collections And Resources At UNM DILARES (Division of Iberian and latin American Resources and Services) of the University of New Mexico general Library. latin American http://elibrary.unm.edu/ibero/webres.htm | |
48. Digital Partners - Mexico/Latin America Initiative new tools for development Kofi Annan, Secretary general, United Nations latin America faces increased challenges unless new and effective means are developed http://www.digitalpartners.org/latin.html | |
49. DR1 Forums - Powered By VBulletin Keith Ripley, a veteran consultant on latin American environment, health safety issues general. Many who have been here before are willing to share their http://www.dr1.com/forums/index.php | |
50. The Human Cost Of Wartime Violations German American Civil Liberties In December 1942, general George Marshall initiated the for exchange with interned American civilian nationals Mr. Droege from 12 latin American countries were http://www.foitimes.com/internment/Stories.htm | |
51. :: Paul Robeson Library | Rutgers University | Camden :: Finch, MS An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Sources on latin American Theater general Section, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Peru. (Diss., 1979) (ALEX M http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/robeson_lib/guides/latiname.html | |
52. Subject Research Guides: Latin American Studies: Bibliographic Tools For Researc latin America a guide to selected reference sources, bibliographies, and introductory texts in the Princeton University Library latin America (general). http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/latin/biblio_too | |
53. Native American Home Pages - General Indian Country Criminal Jurisdiction a general guide regarding which sovereign Peoples of latin America (from LANIC - the latin American Network Information http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/general.html | |
54. Latin American History - Academic Info of latin American history, organized by nations. Over time, we hope to have a basic history written for each country. Our target audience is the general http://www.academicinfo.net/latinamhist.html | |
55. UNT Libraries: Subject Guides, Latin American Studies Dictionaries, Encyclopedias Handbooks Located in general Reference, 1st floor, Willis GT1 .C85 2002 3. Dictionary of Afrolatin American Civilization F1408.3 http://www.library.unt.edu/subjects/latinamer/latin.html | |
56. United States Consulate General In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is to provide the US Congress with a general overview of human rights practices in an extensive list of countries (34 countries in latin America and the http://usembassy.state.gov/posts/mx2/wwwhmain.html | |
57. Africans In The Caribbean/Latin America Blacks in Colonial Society In latin America society was, in general, a threetiered structure of castes, subdivided into classes. http://www.saxakali.com/caribbean/shamil.htm | |
58. America Online Latin America, Inc. Investor Relations In addition, AOL latin America has created a special World Cup section on its consumers with access to the latest scores, game results, and general World Cup http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=PR_130904&script=416&layo |
59. PMC Cultural Diversity In Health - Regions - Latin America Cysticercosis (common in latin America) has presented as neurocysticercosis with fitting or headaches; Higher rates of diabetes than in the general population. http://www.diversityinhealth.com/regions/america/latinamerican.htm | |
60. Latin American - Encyclopedia Article About Latin American. Free Access, No Regi The primary religion throughout latin America is Roman Catholicism Catholicism, from the Greek katholikos (?a?), meaning general or universal http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Latin American | |
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