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41. Kansas Human Rights Commission League of United latin American Citizens; National Council Mexican American LegalDefense and Educational Fund; Department of Justice civil rights Division; US http://www.khrc.net/links.html | |
42. The Politics Of Rights In Latin America impact of such actors on the political systems of latin American countries 1, Assessthe different approaches to rights (human rights, civil, political, economic http://www.tech.port.ac.uk/tud/db/UnivPort/level_3/LARIGHTS.htm | |
43. Princeton Review Internship Profile: Washington Office On Latin America Fields Human/civil rights, Foreign Affairs, International Relations, LatinAmerican Studies, Peace Studies, Public Policy, Think Tanks, Trade. http://www.princetonreview.com/cte/profiles/internshipGenInfo.asp?internshipID=8 |
44. The NOAA Civil Rights Office Program Manager, an integral part of the NOAA civil rights/Equal Employment 12900,The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence For Hispanic americans. http://www.ofa.noaa.gov/~civilr/hisppage.htm | |
45. Colombia of human rights work and civil society organizations in Organization of American Statesconditions its verification 2003 Washington Office on latin America, http://www.wola.org/Colombia/colombia.htm | |
46. American Civil Liberties Union : Civil Rights Groups Denounce California Governo directors of the NAACP, League of United latin American Citizens, the JapaneseAmerican Citizens League, and the National Conference on civil rights, and a http://www.aclu.org/RacialEquality/RacialEquality.cfm?ID=7713&c=133 |
47. American Civil Liberties Union : Civil Rights Groups Sue Governor Davis For Elim SAN FRANCISCOA coalition of rights groups, racial Alexander, Director of the AmericanCivil Liberties Union of League of United latin American Citizens (LULAC http://www.aclu.org/RacialEquality/RacialEquality.cfm?ID=10239&c=133 |
48. Lessons In American Civics: Civil Rights Antidefamation League protects the civil liberties of Japanese-American Citizen sLeague helps ensure that League of United latin-American Citizens is one of http://www.rapidimmigration.com/usa/1_eng_civics_less5.html | |
49. OUSD > Urban Dreams Project > History/ Social Studies Resources San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools 20th Century latin America Informationand the Pinochet dictatorship and general human and civil rights themes. http://www.urbandreamsproject.org/history/general_2.html | |
50. LULAC Internship Opportunities The League of United latin American Citizens, this country s oldestand largest civil rights organization, seeks several highly talented and...... http://www.lulac.org/About/Interns.html | |
51. After The Day Of Infamy: Subjects: 1 civil defenseUnited States civil rightsUnited States Japanese americans JapaneseamericansWorld War unionsUnited States latin AmericaForeign relations http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/afcphhtml/afcpearlSubjects1.html | |
52. OSI Announces New Fund To Protect Immigrants' Rights the rights of newly arrived americans and immigrant further establish the basic civilrights that protect Asia and the Caucasus, latin America, and Southeast http://www.soros.org/newsroom/press/immigrants_20040129 | |
53. AFGE | Civil Rights Labor Council for latin American Advancement, www.lclaa.org. Leadership Conferenceon civil rights (Links to 100+ affiliated organizations), www.civilrights.org. http://www.afge.org/Index.cfm?Page=CivilRights |
54. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International of Mexico LANIC Mexico Links latin World Mexican Resource Center of the AmericasAmerican civil Liberties Union Center for Human rights Humanitarian http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
55. CheatHouse.com - Civil Rights 911 The Two Faces of Urban Medicine civil rights - Encourage Peace in Society- Archbishop Oscar Romero and Social Justice in latin America - Explain how http://www.cheathouse.com/elist/345-civil-rights.html | |
56. Prevention And Education - Civil Rights - California Dept. Of Justice - Office O of United latin American Citizens LULAC works to advance the economic condition,educational attainment, political influence, health and civil rights of the http://caag.state.ca.us/civilrights/preveduc.htm | |
57. Civil Liberties And Civil Rights: General Law: Internet Law Library Israel Supreme Court decisions on civil liberties; Japan Kuwait Constitution, partIII (Public rights and Duties) Another copy. latin American human rights http://www.lawmoose.com/internetlawlib/93.htm | |
58. Latin American Program @ The Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars relationship between the state and civil society The Strategic Dynamics of latin AmericanTrade applies political Event Summary Human rights in the International http://wwics.si.edu/index.cfm?fuseaction=topics.home&topic_id=1425 |
59. P.O.V. - The Sixth Section . Resources . Mexican And Latin American Resources | LULAC (League of United latin American Citizens) Find out Mexican American LegalDefense and Education Fund ensures and protects the civil rights of latinos http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2003/thesixthsection/resources.html | |
60. P.O.V. - Of Civil Wrongs And Rights . Inspired By... | PBS Many members of the Japanese latin American community have still not internees seeksredress equity for their civil and human rights violations; including http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2001/ofcivilwrongsandrights/inspiredby.html | |
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