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Home - Basic_L - Lapidary Clubs Societies & Assoc |
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1. Club Directory Australian lapidary clubs, societies and related Earth Science Groups Coffs Harbour lapidary assoc. Crafts Club. PO Box J87, Coffs Harbour Jetty, NSW 2451 http://www.home.gil.com.au/~mineral/clubs/clubs.html | |
2. California Federation Of Mineralogical Societies Members 2002 CFMS. Member societies Rock clubs. Brought to you by. Back to Main Menu. Note this is not the official site but is here purely as a courtesy to CFMS Member clubs to attract members. of Mineralogical. and lapidary societies. Midwest Federation Superior California. Gem and Mineral assoc. 1960. PO Box 144 http://www.gemandmineral.com/cfms.html | |
3. Club-links Eastern Federation of Mineralogical lapidary societies. Delaware Mineralogical Society Ventura, CA) Convair Rockhound assoc. of San Diego of rock and mineral clubs in New Zealand http://www.gamineral.org/club-links.htm | |
4. MISSOURI Clubs of Gem and Mineral societies Mailing President Bob Morse Louis assoc. of Earth Sci. clubs. Mailing Address St CENTRAL MISSOURI ROCK lapidary CLUB. 1201 Jake Lane, Columbia http://www.facetersco-op.com/zabinski/Clubs/Missouri.html | |
5. El Dorado County Mineral And Gem Society - Links EARTH SCIENCES lapidary ARTS - SHARING INTERESTS Trip Chairmen's assoc. California Federation of Mineralogical societies (CFMS) Also lists clubs and provides information about http://www.eldoradomineralandgem.org/edc-links.html | |
6. Lapidary Journal: Directory Of Gem & Mineral Clubs Worldwide - US Mineralogical and lapidary societies; or (SE), Southeast Federation of Mineralogical societies. clubs not affiliated WEST COAST PROSPECTORS TREASURE HUNTERS assoc. ( C) PO Box http://www.lapidaryjournal.com/archive/clubs.cfm | |
7. Lapidary Journal: Directory Of Gem & Mineral Clubs Worldwide - International Mineralogical and lapidary societies; or (SE), Southeast Federation of Mineralogical societies. clubs not affiliated Dublin IRISH GEOLOGICAL assoc. ( FLAG). Dept http://www.lapidaryjournal.com/archive/clubs_int.cfm | |
9. Southeast Federation Of Mineralogical Societies, Inc. Established in 1976 to bring about a closer association of clubs and societies devoted to the study of Earth Sciences and the practice of lapidary Arts and Crafts in the Southeast part of the United States. http://www.amfed.org/sfms/index.html | |
10. Fossicking - Queensland Gemstones & Fossicking Holiday Guide With QLD Maps 4075 Queensland lapidary Allied Crafts clubs assoc Inc PO Roma District lapidary Mineral Society PO Box Qld 4455 South West Brisbane lapidary Club PO Box http://www.fossicking.com.au/fossicking_in_QLD/fossicking_and_mining_34.htm | |
11. Geological Societies And Clubs V.1.5 Recreation Dept; Muskegon Muskegon Rock and Mineral assoc. Port Huron - Blue WaterLapidary Society 3020 Sturgis St. Mikeauk Rock and Gem Club 11701 Lancewood http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/8147/clubs.html | |
12. PENNSYLVANIA Clubs Easton PENNSYLVANIA EARTH SCIENCES assoc., INC. Reading - Berks Mineralogical SocietyBMS Meeting 2nd Tues. Saltsburg - KISKI AREA GEM lapidary CLUB RD 2 http://www.facetersco-op.com/zabinski/Clubs/Pennsylvania.html | |
13. Lapidary Journal: Directory Of Gem & Mineral Clubs Worldwide - US Please send them to lapidary Journal, 60 Chestnut Resource Guide clubs (Gem Mineral) Museums Associations Schools Bead societies Recommended Books http://www.lapidaryjournal.com/archive/clubs6.cfm | |
14. Lapidary Journal: Directory Of Gem & Mineral Clubs Worldwide - US Allentown PENNSYLVANIA EARTH SCIENCES assoc., INC. Plymouth Meeting - DELAWARE VALLEYPALEONTOLOGY SOCIETY (I). PO Box 686 KISKI AREA GEM lapidary CLUB, INC http://www.lapidaryjournal.com/archive/clubs5.cfm | |
15. Clubs & Organizations LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA SOCIETY 8033 University Ave. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY assoc. SAC FOX lapidary CLUB-Bill Rathbun     472-0286. http://www.fairfieldiowa.com/Chamber Links/Clubs-Organizations.htm | |
16. LookSmart - Directory - Mineralogy Association & Institutes societies California Federation of Mineralogical societies presents info on morethan 150 clubs devoted to minerals, gems, and lapidary crafts. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us53775/us55055/us62102/us3309 | |
17. Clubs Papatoetoe District Returned Services assoc. Ph 09 278 6372. Pakuranga Arts Societyassociation Club, Ph 09 577 0138. Papakura lapidary Club, Ph 09 298 9152. http://www.communities.co.nz/Manukau/d_Clubs.cfm?Scope=Region&WPID=1677 |
18. QueenslandWeb Subject Listing For Arts - Clubs, Societies, Associations And Comm to explore issues, events and values of contemporary society. Guild Australia s largestsingle lapidary organisation, the org.au. Cairns Potters Club This site http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/ROADS/subject-listing/artsclu.html | |
19. QueenslandWeb Subject Listing For Clubs, Societies, Associations And Community O Facetors Guild Australia s largest single lapidary organisation, the Guild was ModelEngineering Listing of Queensland clubs and societies associated with http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/ROADS/subject-listing/club.html | |
20. Interesting Links For Rock Hounds & Mineral Collectors categorized links to mineral, fossil, gem, lapidary, club and information of Mineralogicalsocieties Database of mineral clubs and societies listed by http://minertown.com/links/ | |
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