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121. Windows Scripting Languages Windows Scripting languages. Alex Angelopoulos (aka at mvps dot org) 4NT. InterpretiveShells. Cygwin sh, csh, bsh, bash, ksh Programming languages. http://www.mvps.org/scripting/languages/ | |
122. 3GL Programming Languages - A CompInfo Directory Programming resources directory. http://www.compinfo-center.com/tpsw01-t.htm | |
123. Index Of Native American Language Resources On The Internet and Dictionary Systems An online dictionary and lessons in Mingo, an Iroquoian languageclosely related to Seneca and Cayuga Iroquois Language index from Chris http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAlanguage.html | |
124. Relations Between Indoeuropean And Afroasiatic Languages Traces of possible relations between Indoeuropean and Afroasiatic languages. http://www.dabis.at/Anwender.htm/Alscher/afroasia.htm | |
125. Anthea Languages Flash needed Translation of technical manuals, corporate literature, software and web sites. http://www.anthea-languages.com/ |
126. Ethnologue, Languages Of The World languages of the world and a whole lot more! Books and eBooks about languagesand cultures of the world for education, research, and reference. http://www.ethnologue.com/ | |
127. Bellin, Gianluigi University of Leeds Proof theory, the formulae-as-types correspondence and semantics of programming languages. http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/~bellin/ |
128. Jennifer's Language Page Welcome to Jennifer s Language Page! At this site you can learn how tosay several words and phrases in hundreds of different languages. http://www.elite.net/~runner/jennifers/ | |
129. TESOL (Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages) - Suite101.com Resources and articles on examinations, job hunting, schools and lesson ideas. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/tesol | |
130. Verbix - Verb Grammar, Conjugation, Inflection. Software for conjugating verbs in modern and extinct languages, including English. Free to use online or pay for the downloadable version. http://www.verbix.com/ | |
131. English * Italiano language resources, especially dictionaries and glossaries, but there are also linksto other resources which can be useful to translators in all languages. http://www.iol.ie/~mazzoldi/lang/ | |
132. ««·´¯º·¸_BuyDomains.com_¸·º¯`·»» - Discount Domain Registration, Code for the representation of names of languages, with additional informative data and references. http://www.laurentia.com/iso639/lang-en.htm | |
133. About -Homework Help LanguageThe Rockets of NASA National Aeronautics and Space Adminis HurricaneHangman- Practice With French Jewelry and Accessories Vocab Topic index , http://about.com/homework/ | |
134. BCN LANGUAGES - Per Aprendre Idiomes Barcelona This school offer native teachers, flexible timetables, small groups, private classes. http://www.bcnlanguages.com |
135. Ancient World Languages, Archaeology Fonts TrueType and Postscript archaeology fonts Mayan, Egyptian, archaeological font packages, and Native American southeastern and southwestern Indian glyphs. http://www.geocities.com/mayanglyphs/ | |
136. Untitled Document A department in the Division of Humanities featuring the study of Greek and Roman languages, literature, philosophy and culture. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/classics/ |
137. Endangered Language Fund Human languages Are Becoming Extinct. Of the more than 6,000 languages currentlybeing spoken, fewer than half are likely to survive the next century. http://sapir.ling.yale.edu/~elf/ | |
138. School Of Languages & European Studies - Politics And Modern History The politics and modern history department offers undergraduate courses and an MSc in Comparative European Politics and Cultures. http://www.les.aston.ac.uk/polmodhist.html | |
139. 1st International Collection Of Tongue Twisters For translation and text services visit www.besttranslations.com.This index file contains one tongue twister for each language. http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/ | |
140. The Unbound Bible English, French, Russian, Spanish Biola University's collection of searchable Bibles with 10 English versions, Greek, Hebrew, ancient versions, and numerous other languages. Additional study tools, such as commentary, Bible dictionaries, and Strong's Lexicon. Allows personal study notes. http://unbound.biola.edu/ |
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