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81. The World's Top Twenty Spoken Languages Estimates for the world's top 20 languages (given in millions) on the basis of the number of mothertongue (first-language) speakers and population estimates for those countries where the language has official status. http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/COMMUNICATIONS/TopLanguages.html | |
82. Linguasphere.org, World's Languages And Speech-Communities Devoted to exploration of our global linguistic environment with extracts from the Linguasphere Register of the World's languages and Speech Communities. http://www.linguasphere.org | |
83. Andrew Cooke: An Introduction To Programming Languages A page for people who know one language and are wondering about learning another. http://www.acooke.org/andrew/writing/lang.html | |
84. E L A - Exotic Languages Agency Flash needed Translation and interpretation services for business, legal, technical, medical, conferences and the entertainment industries in 152 languages. http://www.ela1.com/ |
85. The Afroasiatic Index Project THE AFROASIATIC index PROJECT. Project, as a whole, began to look outward, beyondCushitic and Omotic, toward the more general Afroasiatic language superfamily. http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/PROJ/CUS/AAindex.html | |
86. Universal Language Dictionary Project An attempt to create a list of concepts, described in English, along with words to express those concepts in several natural and artificial languages. http://ogden.basic-english.org/dicintro.html | |
87. Multilingual Software (Windows/Macintosh): Dictionary And Language Translation S Spellchecker. Downloadable languages Spanish, French, German, English. languagesEnglish to/from Spanish, French, German, and English. It s COLLINS ! http://www.allvirtualware.com/languages/ | |
88. Dictionary Of Programming Languages Compendium of computer coding methods assembled to provide information and aid appreciation for computer science history. http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl | |
89. Mts Languages International - Sprogrejser,sprogkurser,sprogskoler Og Universitet Denmark based language travel (Sprachreisen/ sprogrejser) site, many languages (in Danish) http://home9.inet.tele.dk/mtssprog | |
90. Welcome To Certified Languages International Telephone interpretation and translation for hospitals, banks and insurers. http://www.certifiedlanguages.com/ | |
91. LANGUAGES AND THE MEDIA Dec 46, 2002 in Berlin, German. Mainly for those in the media industry and language industry specialist. Includes conference theme, registration fees, registration forms, conference structure, call for papers http://www.languages-media.com/files/main.htm | |
92. Swearsaurus Swear Words: Swearing, Cursing, Cussing And Insulting! SLANG. JOKES. How to insult, swear, cuss, and curse in 156 languages! UPDATED! Thousandsof new entries and 6 new languages added. Afrikaans, Gujarati, Romanian. http://www.insultmonger.com/swearing/ | |
93. Welcome To Radio Korea International RKI (Radio Korea International), an international broadcast service. Information and connection to live Real Audio broadcasts. RKi brings 10 languages news and Korean songs. http://rki.kbs.co.kr/ | |
94. Multi-Languages Translations And Interpretations Provides translation and interpretation in most languages. http://www.multi-languages.com/ | |
95. BYTE.com A special Byte Magazine article published for Byte's 20th anniversary special report http://www.byte.com/art/9509/sec7/art19.htm | |
96. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SALISH AND NEIGHBORING LANGUAGES Conference reports on Salish and other languages. Some links given. http://www.cas.unt.edu/~montler/icsnl.htm | |
97. Welcome To WWW.KAHONWES.COM Where Everything Is Iroquois Related Iroquois Language index. Mohawk Language Resources A section of electroniccharacters devoted to Kanienkeha Lang. for people all http://www.kahonwes.com/language/ | |
98. Listing Of OO Languages Contains a listing of object oriented languages that have come into existence in academia, research and/or realworld environments. http://www.cios.sbu.ac.uk/oohb/OOLanguages.html |
99. Policy Specification Languages Two languages to express security policies. Keynote language more general, express most kinds of policy in form that can be used to automatically test conditions expressed in same format. Security Policy Specification Language, SPSL more limited, for communications security policies; easily usable to implement firewall rules, control IPSEC connections. http://www.nixu.fi/~minna/draft2.html | |
100. Redirect UBC Home Page, UBC Home Page UBC Home Page, UBC languages, Cultures and Travel, UBC Continuing Studies Registration Search. Home. Language Programs. http://www.cstudies.ubc.ca/languages/ |
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