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1. Constructed Human Languages Index of artificial human languages on the web sarji la lojban. Constructed Human Languages. Lat update 6 Dec 1998 is just an index; other people have done all the work of actually inventing http://www.quetzal.com/conlang.html | |
2. Teaching Indigenous Languages: Index Index of Indigenous Education and Indigenous Language Web Sites Dean Mellow. languages index to articles by Language/Tribe http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jar/TIL_Index.html | |
3. Don Rosa Language Index Don Rosa languages index. Search in Choose if you want to search only amongthe languages you choose or among all the languages in the index. http://www.duckburg.dk/languageindex/ | |
4. Other Languages Index onestopenglish.com. OTHER LANGUAGES. http://www.onestopenglish.com/booksandcourses/catalogue/otherlanguages/langindex | |
5. The Programming Languages Index This page provides an index to historical descriptions of programming languages,old or dead and those still in use.The editors know that the list is far from http://www.thocp.net/software/languages/languages_index.htm | |
6. Alaska Native Languages Index On Www.Alaskool.org Check out the index page for each of the languages by clicking on the map ortext links above, and to see Alaska Native languages in action, visit the http://www.alaskool.org/language/languageindex.htm | |
7. Languages Index: LSU Libraries LSU Libraries Webliography languages index TroyH. Middleton Library Reference Services. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/language/ | |
8. Languages Index - Research By Subject Site WVC Library languages index of Research by Subject site maintained by Wenatchee ValleyCollege Library. Wenatchee LIBRARY. Research by Subject LANGUAGE INDEX. http://www.wvc.edu/Library/Research/Languages/RBLanguagesIndex.html | |
9. USENIX - Conference On Domain-Specific Languages Index Proceedings of the Conference on DomainSpecific Languages October 15-17, 1997Santa Barbara, California, USA. Technical Program Summaries from ;login http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/dsl97/ | |
10. Languages Index Index to Cherwell Language Links. Page UnderConstruction some links not yet active. http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/cherwell/ml/mlindex.html | |
11. Translations In Other Languages Index Facility and Provider Compliance Division Translations in Other languages index.Other languages index Translations in Other languages index. ENGLISH, http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/consumerinfo/otherlang2.html | |
12. SIGPLANet SIGPLANet Programming languages index. Analysis and Implementation Compilers,Interpreters, Program Analysis, Catalog of Languages http://www.acm.org/sigplan/sigplanet/ | |
13. Sanskrit Documents List: Other Languages Index Welcome to the compilation of Sanskrit documents, available in Devanagari display or etext/transliterations format, and various tools to learn Sanskrit such http://sanskrit.gde.to/doc_z_otherlang_1_index.html | |
14. Culture.coe.fr/lang/ languages index of My Academic Only Home Page.com languages. Tongue twisters, Zungenbrecher, Trabalenguas, SkorogovorkiThis index file contains one tongue twister for each language. More http://culture.coe.fr/lang/ |
15. UNIVERSIADE FUKUOKA Other Languages Index THE 18TH UNIVERSIADE 1995 FUKUOKA. Welcome to other languages index. Clickhere for English home page. Click here for Japanese home page. http://universiade.fjct.fit.ac.jp/etc.html | |
16. Favorite Resources For Catholic Homeschoolers - Languages Index AMDG. languages index. http://www.love2learn.net/languages/langindx.htm | |
17. SLP803 Controlled Languages: Index Controlled Languages An Introduction Next What is a Controlled Language? Thiswebsite is a brief introduction to the subject of controlled languages. http://www.shlrc.mq.edu.au/masters/students/raltwarg/clindex.htm | |
18. Foreign Languages Index Page Return to Index Page Table of Contents. Foreign Languages CurriculumUnits. Unit Name, Fellow, Unit Index Topic, Grade Suggestion. Teaching http://www.unm.edu/~abqteach/index/foreign_languages_index.htm | |
19. Specialized Languages Index - Humber Continuing Education Calendar Locations. Humber Home CE Main Page Field of Study Language Studies. SpecializedLanguages Courses, Workshops Seminars. American Sign Language Introduction. http://cecalendar.humber.ca/splang/ | |
20. FOREIGN LANGUAGES INDEX http://www.daemen.edu/academics/foreign_languages/default.html |
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