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1. The Tajikistan Update - Cultural, Language, & Ethnicity Analytical Articles. Travel. culture, language Ethnicity. Personal Home general. Ethnologue languages in Tajikistan. Map of Ethnic groups in Tajikistan http://www.angelfire.com/sd/tajikistanupdate/culture.html | |
2. Foreign Language And Culture general Foreign stuff; Arabic; Belgian; Bulgarian; Canadian in another language with the same sound as a word in English but a different meaning) soc.culture Usenet News groups http://www.speakeasy.org/~dbrick/Hot/foreign.html | |
3. Ukrainian Language, Culture And Travel Page Ethnologue web site lists ethnic groups and languages spoken in Ukraine general books about Ukraine and its history, etc. Travel books. Food and culture books. language aids books http://pages.prodigy.net/l.hodges/ukraine.htm | |
4. Spanish Language: Learn Spanish Grammar, Vocabulary And Culture Are you learning Spanish, or do you want to know more about one of the world's greatest languages and the people who speak it? Here you can learn more about the Spanish language, including its PronunciationWritten SpanishSpanish language SchoolsSpanishlanguage CultureSpanish VocabularyIn which has two groups of demonstrative adjectives and Learn Spanish - general Vocab http://spanish.about.com/ | |
5. Omnia Italia Srl - General Information Page - Language And Culture School In Ita wish to improve their language and cultural competence the expressive qualities ofthe language and to For small groups, on request, sectorial language courses http://www.omnia-italia.com/generalinformation.htm | |
6. NativeTech: Ojibwe Culture, Arts, History , Language & People Links to. culture, Art, History, language People are three major tribal groups in Michigan today the Chippewa in Lakehead University courses, and others are of general interest http://www.nativetech.org/shinob | |
7. Identifying Culture Groups Bert Hamminga Identifying culture groups version date 990923 Goto Questions. andbelieve and teach are general things in agreeing on a common language to talk http://mindphiles.com/floor/teaching/culgroup.htm | |
8. Fall 2003 FIGs - First-Year Interest Groups HIST 199, College Connections, 1 credit. language AND culture. GER 257,German culture and Thought, 4 credits. CH 221, general Chemistry, 4 credits. http://learning.uoregon.edu/figs/figs.html | |
9. Cross-Cultural Communication - Culture, Communication And Language all dialects of a given language are linguistically and grammatical structures amongcultural groups, variations also in the rules for general discourse in http://www.maec.org/cross/4.html | |
10. General Education Certification Report skills in a particular area (eg language acquisition or and goals that individualsand groups hold in inclusion in the Society and culture area indicated http://www.college.ucla.edu/ge/rep-sc.htm | |
11. Spanish Courses For Foreingers - General Course In Spanish Language And Culture All classes do have small groups. Picasso and the new language in the painting.Rafael Alberti s plays. Keys to Spanish Contemporary culture. http://www.ucm.es/info/cextran/gin2000.htm | |
12. The European Commission - Directorate-General For Education And Culture distribution, dubbing and subtitling ; * the culture 2000 programme initiatives ;* the European Year of Languages 2001, in more than 1 100 groups of visitors http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/education_culture/index_en.htm | |
13. Languages In Latin America - LANIC Individual Latin American languages language groups. and students on the people,culture, and language of Books Without Borders Foreign language Bookstore for http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/languages/ | |
14. Foreign Language And Culture Searchlanguage (search for language resources on the web); Shoecabbage (a word inanother language with the same soc.culture Usenet News groups (pages of http://www.speakeasy.net/~dbrick/Hot/foreign.html | |
15. Italian Language Courses And Lessons At Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci's Italian Langu course. The Small Group Intensive Course is held only in Florence. ^top.ITALIAN language AND culture COURSE ITALY TODAY . Starting http://www.scuolaleonardo.com/Italian-language-general-courses.html | |
16. Carmen De Las Cuevas - Spanish, Culture And Flamenco Courses In Granada, Spain - We offer private grammar, conversation, teaching Spanish as a foreign language,history, art, literature and culture classes, given by specialised groups. http://www.carmencuevas.com/2003web/vers_eng/cursos/cursoslengua_en.htm | |
17. CUEF : French Language And Culture Courses Each group offers an homogeneous language level. general interest courses 6 hours4 compulsory options to choose among the 6 following courses French culture http://www.u-grenoble3.fr/cuef/en/cours/general/culture.html | |
18. CIA - The World Factbook -- India 91 (11) 4190017 consulate(s) general Chennai (Madras skilled in the English language;India is remain, notably conflicts among political and cultural groups. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/in.html | |
19. Cherokee Language And The Cherokee Indian Culture (Tsalagi, Tsa-la-gi, Aniyunwiy Native language of the Cherokee Indians, with links to Tsalagi culture, history, and genealogy. Cherokee language. general description of Cherokee from the books about Cherokee language and http://www.native-languages.org/cherokee.htm | |
20. Virtual Foreign Language Classroom: Latin Language & Culture Specific Sites and Homepages, Discussion groups, Images of site is to promote Latinand Roman culture. Search Engines (language) Use these search engines to http://www.nvcc.edu/vflc/latin.htm | |
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