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1. Winne.com - Report On Angola - Angola's Tormented Path To Petro-diamond Led Grow Angola's remaining indigenous peoples fell into two disparate gathering bands of southern africa sometimes referred to by of the second set, kwangaliGcikuru and South Mbukushu http://www.winne.com/angola/bf04.html | |
2. Dx Listening Digest 3-031 February 23, 2003 on FM for the indigenous peoples, as was the case in South africa. This commenced in November central Namibia Rukavango Service in kwangali for the Caprivi Strip Radio Opuwo http://www.worldofradio.com/dxld3031.txt |
3. Economic Development And Cultural Change as members of the kwangali, Mbunza, Giriku (sic), Sambyu in africa (Geneva WHO Press). Young, E (1995) Third World in the First Development and indigenous peoples (London http://www.mindspring.com/~okavango/bnr.html | |
5. Carnelian International Risks Angola's remaining indigenous peoples fell into two disparate gathering bands of southern africa sometimes referred to by of the second set, kwangaliGcikuru and South Mbukushu http://www.carnelian-international.com/angola/ethnic_groups_and_languages.htm | |
6. US Department Of State Post Report the south by South africa, and to the east speaking, mixedrace peoples, such as the "Coloureds main indigenous languages are Oshiwambo, spoken by the Ovambo; kwangali, spoken by http://www.foia.state.gov/MMS/postrpt/pr_view_all.asp?CntryID=104 |
7. Economic Development And Cultural Change identify as members of the kwangali, Mbunza, Giriku Food tables for use in africa (Geneva WHO the First Development and indigenous peoples (London Routledge http://anthro.fullerton.edu/jbock/Okavango/bnr.html | |
8. MSN Encarta - Search View - Namibia 713,919 speakers), Herero (113,000), kwangali (79,000), and charges of atrocities committed against the indigenous peoples. charges against South africa to be http://uk.encarta.msn.com/text_761574992__1/Namibia.html | |
9. The Mongongo Nut, Ricinodendron Rautanenii mugonga Herero mangetti, mongongo kwangali - ugongo (ngongo indigenous people have been reported as eating were comandeering the local peoples most important http://www.naturalhub.com/natural_food_guide_nuts_uncommon_Ricinodendron_rautane | |
10. ÂOne Chief Is Enough at the conference. Africas indigenous peoples First peoples or Marginalised Minorities? limit the dominant role of the Kwanyama and kwangali traditional leaders http://www.kalaharipeoples.org/documents/EdinburghPaperfinalMay2000.htm | |
11. UNITA-A Case Study In Modern Insurgency southern africa. As a result, a number of information gaps that gave the indigenous population greater access to schools money), the peoples Republic of China (advisers and equipment http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/1984/BRR.htm | |
12. 115-1973 the CommissionerGeneral of the indigenous peoples, Jannie de the restricted mobility of people in the official languages are English, Afrikaans and kwangali. http://www.klausdierks.com/Chronology/115.htm | |
13. NamibWeb.com - The Online Guide To Namibia: People Of Namibia father s families unlike other southern africa s indigenous groups. consist of five tribes kwangali, Shambyu, Gciriku Kavango are a river people subsisting off http://www.namibweb.com/people.html | |
14. Lang Classification Sources for the Numbers List Languages of the peoples of the USSR, Izdat'el'stvo Nauka Migeod, The Languages of West africa, Books for Libraries Press The Harris volume (The indigenous http://www.zompist.com/sources.htm | |
15. Publications Analysis of the Main Kavango Languages kwangali, Gciriku and and Pastoral Perceptions Degradation and indigenous Knowledge in Nomadic peoples 4 NS (in print). http://www.uni-koeln.de/inter-fak/sfb389/publications/publications.htm | |
16. US Department Of State Post Report Afrikaansspeaking, mixed-race peoples, such as the Coloureds The main indigenous languages are Oshiwambo, spoken by the Ovambo; kwangali, spoken by the http://foia.state.gov/MMS/postrpt/pr_view_all.asp?CntryID=104 |
17. Namibie Translate this page le herero (113 000), le kwangali (80 000 du Sud-Ouest africain (South West africa PeopleÂs Organization indigenous Languages Deserve More Respect» dans The http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/afrique/namibie.htm | |
18. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles People Name General Hukwe. indigenous Fellowship of 100+ http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=103904&rog3=BC |
19. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles indigenous Fellowship of 100+ Click here to submit people profile URL People Profile URL. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=107604&rog3=BC |
20. The Early History And Migration Of The People Of The Kavango was very scarcely populated by indigenous people during the Various Clans The Mashi people consisted of various later separated into the kwangali and Mbundza http://www.economist.com.na/2001/261001/story21.htm | |
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