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41. Jim Pether AskJim indo species of monitors. jimpether only the komodos, the climate here isnot to good for pure tropical species, I mainly keep all my animals outside. http://www.kingsnake.com/articles/Kingsnake/JimPether.html | |
42. Komodo My Rating Patrick A traumatized teen who witnessed his dog and parentsgetting attacked and eaten by the komodos. He acts very http://www.geocities.com/jrgdawg/breviews/komodoreview.html | |
43. Dragons Are Real! .................................. komodos are reptiles, but are not descended from dinosaurs. Baby komodos are small,only 40 centimetres long, and like to eat insects, birds, and snakes. http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/komodo/dragon.html | |
44. NIXFLIX.COM Movie Review - Komodo (1999) nearly crashes into a car being driven by Oates (Billy Burke), a biologist and Denby(Paul Gleeson), a local gunman, while the two men are hunting the komodos. http://www.nixflix.com/reviews/komodo.htm | |
45. Komodo Dragon Favorite prey include wild pigs, deers, and monkeys. Though komodos can move quickly,they can do so only over short distances. komodos also eat carrion. http://wonderclub.com/Wildlife/reptiles/komododragon.html | |
46. Search.lt Alava, UAB prieÂkambario, svetaines, miegamojo, virtuves baldai (sekcijos,spintos, TV staliukai, stalai, kedes, komodos) (http//www.alava.lt) Lit; http://www.search.lt/browse.asp?lang=L&id=362 |
47. Behavior komodos tend to be loners. They usually hunt and wander alone, but they feed as agroup. Each morning at about 530 am, komodos wake up and search for food. http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapunaha/student_projects/komodo/behavior.htm | |
48. Predators It will attack anything edible that moves. komodos will even attack each other. komodosalso use their claws to defend themselves from bigger Komodo Dragons. http://www.k12.hi.us/~kapunaha/student_projects/komodo/predators.htm | |
49. KOMODO (2000) in Paris. We were there throning the cinema along with multitudes ofpeople to witness the komodos taking their bow. Before starting http://www.thehotspotonline.com/moviespot/holly/k/komodo.htm | |
50. Bali And Beyond Magazine | Bali & Beyond News Update,Bali Maps,Bali Tourism Maga komodos have survived against threat of other predators and human challengesfor thousands of years not only because of their fitness, but also for a http://www.baliandbeyond.co.id/month/2003/aug/beyond.html | |
51. Komodo Dragon Fact Sheet - National Zoo| FONZ The infections it incurs from the Komodo bite will probably kill it within one week;its attacker, or more likely other komodos, will then consume it, usually http://natzoo.si.edu/Animals/ReptilesAmphibians/Facts/FactSheets/Komododragon.cf | |
52. Komodo Dragons - Giant Predators With A Tiny Kingdom - National Zoo| FONZ komodos hunt along game trails, where they wait for prey to pass by. In contrast,komodos eat much more efficiently, leaving only about 12 percent of the prey. http://natzoo.si.edu/Support/AdoptSpecies/AnimalInfo/KDragon/default.cfm | |
53. AUKMERGÃS BALDAI, UAB: Products Svetaines baldai Garrat Kavos stalai 9 ir 12 stalciu, lempos stalas, 6, 8ir 12 stalciu komodos, lovos, spinteles prie lovos, rubu spintos. http://www.medis.lt/aub/products.cfm | |
54. AYSOÂ REGIONÂ 4Â -Â 2003Â -Â NON-COMPETITIVEÂ DIVISION Chevalier. 6Sep, 1200 PM, 2, Mighty Monitors, Bond, Kicking komodos,Glasberg. Cannon. 13-Sep, 800 AM, 1, Kicking komodos, Glasberg, Lizards,Burke. http://www.aysoregion4.org/mainsite/s07b.htm | |
55. AccessKent John Ball Zoo Animal Spotlight At The Zoo adult dragons is the Sunda deer, but they also eat birds, snakes, fish, crabs, snails,small mammals, pigs, water buffalo, eggs, wild horses and younger komodos http://www.accesskent.com/visiting/zoo/zoo_feature.htm |
56. Komodo Dragon Komodo dragons will eat just about anything from a small rodent to a largewater buffalo. Young komodos feed on small lizards or insects. http://columbuszoo.com/animalareas/islands/komodo.html | |
57. Komodo: EarthÂs Last Dragon But there have been instances when 10 feet komodos have been found. Zoologists arehowever astonished with the tendency of the Komodo to eat other komodos. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/text5-8-2004-53896.asp | |
58. Which Of The Following Animals Frightens You The Most? I think komodos are tight looking and very very strong and nasty that s why I votedWolf Because they are fast and they can catch me when I mTrying to escape http://www.buzzle.com/boards.asp?board=230&message=19986 |
59. ENTERING THE DRAGONN`S WORLD komodos usually swim underwater and go up to the surface to breath. A report saysthat some komodos have managed to swim about 450 meter in open sea. HABITS. http://seameo5.bpkpenabur.or.id/smkn6/Komodo.htm | |
60. Wild Wild Wild Animals Average life span is 20 years. Diet in the Wild anything they can catch, favoritesinclude deer, goat, wild boar and even smaller komodos, will eat carrion. http://groups.msn.com/wildwildwildanimals/komododragons.msnw | |
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