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1. Wool Works: The Online Knitting Compendium The Web's first collection of knitting information. Listings of more than 2000 knitting suppliers worldwide, free patterns, reference material, and lots more. http://www.woolworks.org/ | |
2. The Knitting Garden - Yarns By Rowan, Debbie Bliss, Noro, Jaeger, Gedifra, GGH, Offers yarns in several name brands and weights, along with general and brand pattern books, and accessories. http://www.theknittinggarden.com | |
3. TKGA:The Knitting Guild Of America - Knitting Resources, Links, Knitting Pattern Communicate and share with knitters online!! Visit the national association of hand and machine knitters The knitting Guild of America. Convention news, contests, Cast On Magazine, message board http://www.tkga.com/ | |
4. Welcome To Vogue Knitting Previews the current issue of Vogue knitting. Each issue has styles for varied skill levels plus original http://www.vogueknitting.com/ |
5. Knitting At Knitting-and.com A list of all the free knitting information and patterns available on knittingand.com Crochet. Embroidery. knitting. Misc Crafts. Recipes. Spinning. knitting Browse the knitting patterns on http://www.knitting-and.com/knitting | |
6. International Knitting Meetup Day Sign In. knitting. International knitting Meetup Day knitting Meetups can happen in up to 646 cities worldwide on the same day http://knitting.meetup.com/ | |
7. Knitting About Com The largest selection of free knitting patterns on the net, help with basic and advanced knitting techniques and much more. Search. knitting http://knitting.about.com/ | |
8. Elizabeth's Hand-Knitting Features instructions for a large selection of Aran patterns, projects, and book reviews. http://www.recursiv.demon.co.uk/ELIZ/Knitting/knit.htm |
9. Knitting About Com The largest selection of free knitting patterns on the net, help with basic and advanced knitting techniques and much more. HelpSoftware/Reviews/Etc.Yarn/Reviews/ InfoMore knitting TopicsBuyer's http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://knitting.about.com/&y=026430DCE1282A |
10. Knitting About Com More results from knitting.about.com KF//HomeKF NEW YORK UPCOMING WEEK IN THE MAIN SPACE. Mon, May 24, 800 PM, Fat Beats Records Release Party FREE SHOW! JZone, OneBelow (of http://knitting.about.com/hobbies/knitting/ | |
11. KF//Knitting Factory New York knitting Factory Records Shimmy Disc Knit Classics JAM. knitting Factory Main Performance Space 74 Leonard Street New York City , NY 10013 212219-3132. http://www.knittingfactory.com/kfny/index.cfm | |
12. Crafter's Market Offers a wide range of assorted craft supplies including cross stitch, plastic canvas, quilting, knitting and crochet. http://Craftersmarket.net | |
13. KF//Home Main Space Calendar Old Office Calendar Tap Bar Calendar KF Message Board. Main Space Calendar Alterknit Lounge Calendar Front Bar KF Message Board. knitting Factory Records Shimmy Disc Knit Classics http://www.knittingfactory.com/ | |
14. Knitting Fever, Distributor And Supplier Of High Quality Knitting Yarns knitting, yarn, knitting yarns, handknitting, crochet, knitting books, Katia, Sirdar, Gedifra, Noro, Online, Euro Yarns, Modial, buttons, Patterns, books. http://www.knittingfever.com/ | |
15. Nova Knitting Machines USA. Manufacturer of collar and trim kitting machines, and dealer of new and used knitting machines, parts and supplies. http://www.novamachines.com | |
16. Wool Works: Knitting For Charity This page lists organizations that accept donations of finished knitted goods or in some cases, knitting supplies. It s based on http://www.woolworks.org/charity.html | |
17. Untitled Document China. knitting fabrics garments, shuttle weaving fabrics, including children's wear. http://www.cs-huaxin.com/ |
18. Lida Knitting Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers of greige, dyed and finished, flat bed, circular and jacquard knitted fabrics and accessories for the apparel industry. Also, knitted garments. English and Chinese. http://www.leetat-knitting.com/ |
19. Learn To Knit Look up any unfamiliar terms in the knitting Glossary and Abbreviation. The most popular bindoff method for finishing knitting is Knit two stitches. http://www.vogueknitting.com/tech/knit/knit.html | |
20. Filatura Lana Pettinata Trabaldo Italy. Ring spun and twisted fancy yarns for knitting and weaving, from cotton, wool, silk, linen and blends. Specialty blends with manmade fibers. Also, custom development and manufacture. English and Italian. http://www.trabaldo.com/ | |
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