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Kids Safety & Prevention Programs: more detail | |||||
81. Injury Prevention And Kids Injury prevention and the safety Advice from the prevention coalitions including SAFE kids Coalitions. a SchoolBased injury prevention Program Many elementary http://www.mchb.hrsa.gov/child/injurypreventionandkids.htm | |
82. The Alaska Injury Prevention Center Kid s safety. have professional concerns that link them to specific safety issues and Comprehensive prevention programs that address multiple causes of injury. http://www.alaska-ipc.org/ | |
83. Prevention Institute: Kids' Plates: The Spectrum Of Prevention For Childhood And The kids Plates program was established in 1992 This program sets aside funds for the prevention of childhood and to enhance the health and safety of children http://www.preventioninstitute.org/spectrum.html | |
84. Georgia Division Of Public Health | Injury Prevention Injury prevention, Child Car safety. Dog Bite prevention. Healthy Farmers. Occupant safety programs. Publications. Residential Fire safety. Contact Info. http://www.ph.dhr.state.ga.us/programs/injuryprevention/index.shtml | |
85. CIRCL Safety Program, News Bureau - University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pit One of the best ways to address prevention of these traumatic injuries is Think First For kids is designed to help students develop safety habits that http://newsbureau.upmc.com/emergency/Kidsafe.htm | |
86. National SAFE KIDS Campaign: Promoting Child Safety To Prevent Unintentional Inj SAFE kids Campaign and Bell Sports want kids to be 2004 Splash into safety with the Water safety Checklists 04/28/2004 A Program of Childrens National Medical http://www.safekids.org/ | |
87. Injury Prevention Program Link) Senior Fall prevention  Commerce City Child Passenger and Home safety  Consortium for http://www.tchd.org/injury.htm | |
88. Internet Safety And Prevention Program A Bit Of Prevention Is Worth A Gigabyte HTCI Kid safety Initiative is a computer crime prevention program designed by the staff of the High Tech Crime Institute. The program http://www.hightechcrimeinstitute.com/kidsafe/ks_main.htm | |
89. Safety Rules OK! safety Rules was a school injury prevention program which ran in primary schools and district high schools across Western Australia between 19982000. http://www.safetyrules.health.wa.gov.au/ | |
90. DARE The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program, the pioneer prevention Gleaming with the latest in prevention science and teaching Together for the kids. http://www.dare.com/ |
91. RadKIDS: Children's Safety Education dangerous situations with confidence, personal safety skills and Through this handson educational program the lives of successes in the prevention of violence http://www.radkids.org/ | |
92. Welcome To Dignity Memorial Escape School This free program educates children and parents about common tactics used by child abductors. Click here to learn more. 10 Second safety. Quick Links. Hey kids! http://www.escapeschool.com/ | |
93. Rhode Island SAFE KIDS Coalition SAFEkids Coalition is the state chapter of the National SAFE kids Campaign goal is to educate Rhode Island families about childhood safety to prevent injuries http://www.health.ri.gov/disease/saferi/safekids.htm | |
94. Colorado Injury Prevention Program Sexual Assault prevention Program utilizes a statewide strategic plan to guide the development of sexual assault prevention programs, distribute funding for http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/pp/injuryprevention/injuryprevhom.asp | |
95. VAWnet :: Kid & Teen Safe: An Abuse Prevention Program For Youth With Disabiliti Kid Teen Safe An Abuse prevention Program Disability Services ASAP (A safety Awareness Program forces in providing comprehensive prevention and intervention http://www.vawnet.org/NRCDVPublications/TAPE/Papers/NRC_KTSafe-full.php | |
96. Resource Guide Product: Kid & Teen Safe: An Abuse Prevention Program For Youth W Kid TeenSAFE provides abuse intervention and and professionals, about personal safety issues. forces in providing comprehensive prevention and intervention http://wind.uwyo.edu/resourceguide/product.asp?ID=411 |
97. KidsWalk-to-School importance of regular physical activity for children, improved pedestrian safety, and healthy Anticipated benefits of the KidsWalkto-School program include. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/kidswalk/ | |
98. National Center For Missing & Exploited Children Minority Outreach Program Increases awareness of problems associated TIME Information to help prevent child abduction Personal safety for Children A Guide for http://www.missingkids.org/ | |
99. Automotive Safety Program 575 West Drive Room 004 Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA, local tel 317..274..2977 tel 800..543..6227 fax 317..278..0399. ©2002 PreventInjury.Org Contact. http://www.preventinjury.org/ | |
100. Bicycle-Related Injuries - NCIPC SearchInjury. Bicycle Related Injuries. Each year, more than 500 000 people in the US are treated in emergency departments, and more than 700 people die as a result of bicyclerelated injuries. http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/bike | |
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