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61. EKU Libraries Welcome to Eastern kentucky University libraries. http://www.library.eku.edu/ | |
62. Lexington Public Library - Lexington, Kentucky The largest libraries for genealogy research are located in Frankfort at the kentuckyHistory Center and the kentucky Department for libraries and Archives. http://www.lexpublib.org/reference/kyroom.cfm | |
63. Kentucky Public Library Welcome to kentucky Public libraries! kentucky Public libraries Directory.Allen County Welcome to kentucky public libraries! Please feel http://www.publiclibraries.com/kentucky.htm | |
64. Libweb - Directory Of USA Academic Libraries, Kentucky This page is a directory of Academic libraries in kentucky. libraries on theWeb. USA Academic kentucky. Current update 05/24/04. Keyword search. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/Academic_KY.html | |
65. Kentucky Library kentucky Library. What is this? This These are thumbnail previews. Actualimages are highquality vector art. kentucky Library. Keywords http://www.smartdraw.com/libraries/content/Library/maps___geography/us_states/l_ | |
66. BookFinder.com: The Kentucky Library Book: A Surprising Guide To The Unusual Spe Title The kentucky Library Book A Surprising Guide to the Unusual Special Collectionsin libraries Across Our State for Students, Teachers, Writers and http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/The_Kentucky_Library_Book-A_Surprising_Guide_to_ | |
67. Kentucky Internet Legal Resource Guide compilation of legal materials; kentucky Bar andthe jurisdictions (arranged by subject); see also Law schools and law libraries; http://www.lawguru.com/ilawlib/157.htm | |
68. Kentucky The kentucky Department for libraries and Archives houses a collection of kentuckymaps for the period 1784Â1818, including agencysponsored late nineteenth http://www.segenealogy.com/kentucky/ky_map.htm | |
69. Ancestors: Resource Guide- Kentucky kentucky Department for libraries and Archives 300 Coffee Tree Rd.PO Box 537 Frankfort, KY 406020537 Phone (502) 564-8300 Fax http://www.pbs.org/kbyu/ancestors/resourceguide/kentucky.shtml | |
70. Kentucky Genealogy Resources Miscellany. Edmonson County Tax List, 1825. kentucky Vital Statistics Informationfrom the kentucky Department for Archives and libraries. Societies. http://www.distantcousin.com/States/KY/ | |
71. IPL Kidspace: Stately Knowledge kentucky Department for libraries and Archives (http//www.kdla.state.ky.us/)Access high quality library and information resources and services. http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/stateknow/ky1.html | |
72. Midwest Chapter MLA: Continuing Education: Kentucky uic.edu. kentucky Council of Health Science libraries. Laura Davison 4396793.kentucky Health Science Library Consortium. Nancy Utterback http://midwestmla.org/ce/kentucky.html | |
73. School Libraries In Kentucky State Pages Relating to School libraries. LMS Reference Desk; Results of the2000 LMS Report Statistics of kentucky school libraries. Other Web Sites. http://www.sldirectory.com/libsf/stpages/kentucky.html | |
74. Kentucky Library Association Home. The Mission of the kentucky Library Association (KLA) is to provide leadershipfor the development, promotion and improvement of library and information http://www.kylibasn.org/ | |
75. KLA Conferences Conferences. kentucky Public Library Association kentucky Library Trustees AssociationJoint Conference Radisson Plaza Hotel Lexington, kentucky May 57, 2004. http://www.kylibasn.org/conference.htm | |
76. Www.kdla.state.ky.us/ www.kdla.state.ky.us/libserv/publwww.htm More results from www.kdla.state.ky.us Redirect to new home pageKY Department for libraries and Archives. Please update your bookmarksto reflect our new name kdla.ky.gov. You will be directed http://www.kdla.state.ky.us/ |
77. The New Kentucky Library And Musuem Website and been renamed! The kentucky Library and Museum online is now locatedat www.wku.edu/Library/kylm Please update your bookmarks! http://www.wku.edu/Library/kentuckybuilding/ | |
78. PLDHS.com Linking kentucky library media specialists to resources they can useis the objective of the kentucky LMS Reference Desk. The mission http://www.pldhs.com/lms/ |
79. Kentucky Library And Museum Online Collecting kentucky, the kentucky Library and Museum serves as a timecapsule for kentucky history. Learn more about the Civil War http://kentucky.gov/Portal/FollowLink/wku_building-online | |
80. Kentucky Library And Museum In Bowling Green, KY - Details | MuseumStuff.com kentucky Library and Museum details page from MuseumStuff.com, the web s leadingguide to 1000 s of museums worldwide. kentucky Library and Museum. http://www.museumstuff.com/rec/org40451068832900.html | |
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