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1. University Of Kentucky Libraries Send correspondence to University of kentucky libraries, William T. Young Library,Lexington, KY 405060456 Questions or comments concerning this web site? http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/ | |
2. Kentucky Virtual Library - KYVL The Kentucky Virtual Library Kentucky's information source. Find it here KYVU Faculty. Find kentucky libraries KDLA CPE DAEL EPSB http://www.kyvl.org/ | |
3. WWW Resources, University Of Kentucky Libraries Kentucky Kinesiology / Health Promotion. Languages Latin America Law LibrariesLibrary Information Science Life Sciences Linguistics Literature. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/ | |
4. World-Wide Web Resources - Humanities A catalog of annotated Internet resources maintained by the University of kentucky libraries. Offers sections devoted to English and American Literature, popular culture, Classical Studies, creative writing information for authors, Film, and Fine Arts. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/humanities.html | |
5. KYVL: Kentucky Libraries kentucky libraries. You can search for kentucky libraries by type oflibrary (below) or by county. All Types of Libraries Directory http://www.kyvl.org/html/about/kyhomepages.shtml | |
6. KYVL: Kentucky Libraries By County kentucky libraries. Click on the following Kentucky counties to discover what libraries are in that http://www.kyvl.org/html/about/kylibscounty.shtml | |
7. University Of Kentucky Libraries Welcome to the University of kentucky libraries' WWW site. Use the alphabetical list in the lefthand frame to go immediately to specific areas or explore the listings below to find the information http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/libintro.html | |
8. These Pages Have Moved Home page for W. Frank Steely Library's web site. Lois Schultz published in kentucky libraries. The Winter 2004 edition of kentucky libraries includes "A New Hybrid Is http://www.nku.edu/~refdept | |
9. KVUG: Home A forum for sharing information and expertise in the use of the Endeavor Voyager integrated library computer system amongst kentucky libraries. http://www.uky.edu/OtherOrgs/KVUG/kvug.html | |
10. :: W. Frank Steely LIBRARY @ Northern Kentucky University:: Lois Schultz published in kentucky libraries. The Winter 2004 edition ofkentucky libraries includes A New Hybrid Is Blooming by Lois Schultz. http://library.nku.edu/ | |
11. Kentucky Library Jobs For Information Professionals And Librarians Kentucky Library Jobs. Individual Libraries Employment Opportunities at the Universityof kentucky libraries. Or at Eastern Kentucky University Libraries. http://www.lisjobs.com/states/kentucky.htm | |
12. Other Kentucky Libraries UNIVERSITY OF kentucky libraries. UK Catalog (INFOKAT......Other kentucky libraries. Library Access from Main Page Content http://library.georgetowncollege.edu/Information/Other_Libraries.htm | |
13. WilsonWeb Journal Directory Journal kentucky libraries. If your library subscribes to a WilsonWebdatabase that includes this journal, click directly on a journal http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/Journals/getIssues.jhtml?sid=HWW:LIBFT&issn=073 |
14. Biblio Tech Review Eight Kentucky Libraries Choose Library Eight kentucky libraries choose LibraryÂSolution. Eight kentucky librarieschoose LibraryÂSolution. 7 Mar 2003. Company Links click http://www.biblio-tech.com/btr11/S_PD.cfm?DO=A&ArticleID=508&issueno=41 |
15. Eclectic Librarian: Kentucky Libraries Article December 16, 2003. kentucky libraries article I submitted my firstarticle to kentucky libraries yesterday. Normally, it would be http://www.eclecticlibrarian.net/blog/archives/000276.html | |
16. Eclectic Librarian: Discussion On Kentucky Libraries Article this entry http//www.eclecticlibrarian.net/cgibin/mt-tb.cgi/108 Listed below arelinks to weblogs that reference kentucky libraries article from eclectic http://www.eclecticlibrarian.net/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi?__mode=view&entry_id=276 |
17. Position At University Of Kentucky Libraries--Conservation DistList Subject Position at University of kentucky libraries From Becky Ryder(rjryde01@pop.uky.edu) Date 0808-1997. Next message Kevin http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/1997/0989.html | |
18. Position At University Of Kentucky Libraries--corrigendum--Conservation DistList Subject Position at University of kentucky librariescorrigendumFrom Becky Ryder (rjryde01@pop.uky.edu) Date 0812-1997. Next http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/cdl/1997/1007.html | |
19. The Genealogy Forum: Resource Center: Kentucky Libraries And Archives Welcome to the Genealogy Forum s Resource Center! kentucky librariesand Archives. kentucky libraries AND ARCHIVES. Department for http://www.genealogyforum.rootsweb.com/gfaol/resource/KY/LA.htm | |
20. Williamsburg, Kentucky Libraries, Libraries In Williamsburg Williamsburg, kentucky libraries. Norma Perkins Hagan Memorial Library821 Walnut St Williamsburg, KY 407691338 Phone 606-539-4329 http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/kycountywilliamsburglib.htm | |
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