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61. AMERROSS.com RMAX.tv ROSS Performance Enhancement Process And Zdorovye Health Sy history OF CIRCULAR STRENGTH TRAINING the former olympic Games event, olympic Clubbell®Sport Indian Kalaripayat, Iranian Pahlavani, Okinawan karate and Russian http://www.clubbell.tv/cbhistory.html | |
62. Greek Martial Art Mythology, History & Mythology ground work and their art resembles okinawan karate more than not be included inthe 2004 olympic Games. and materials pertaining to the history of wrestling http://www.mutau.net/sites/mythhistphil/history/timeline/ | |
63. School History history. The school is a continuation of over twenty years of karate traditionin Logan, Ohio; that was first started with Bill Smith and the olympic karate http://www.shuri-ryu.org/dojos/school_history.htm | |
64. Sports karate Resources Online karate University of Essex karate Club Ketzscher SportsolympicGames Olynpics, NationsBank 100 Years of olympic history Outdoor Report http://www.pixi.com/~irvdili/page-48.htm | |
65. In Olympic Footsteps: An International Tour olympic Footsteps An International Tour history meets athletic popular, but outofthe-olympic-mainstream sportsÂbowling, billiards, karate, and squash http://away.com/features/olympicsintl_1.html | |
66. WEST ISLAND TAE KWON DO - History Of Tae Kwon Do history OF TAE KWON DO. return, probably had a big influence on the kicks of karate. federationintroduced its sport to the International olympic Committee (IOC http://www3.sympatico.ca/carol.bergeron/tkdhist.html | |
67. WUKO Vs. IAKS (ITKF), The Battle For Olympic Recognition of the post World War II history of karate for recognition by the International OlympicCommittee and international governing body for karate, culminating in http://www.shotokai.com/ingles/interviews/wuko.html | |
68. History Of Karate In SA A Brief history of the Martial Arts in International olympic Committee, InternationalAmateur Athletics Federation as the World Union of karateDo Organisations http://users.iafrica.com/a/as/ashihara/webdoc40.htm | |
69. USA National Karate-do Federation A representative body governing national competitions and operating as a member of the US olympic committee. Includes information on national tournaments, world karate and olympic updates. http://www.usankf.org/ |
70. Untitled Document The USA Pankration Federation presents the 2004 olympics. karate athletes will achieve olympic status for the first time in the 2004 olympics to be held in Athens, Greece. http://teamusapankration.com/ | |
71. World Karate Federation The representative of world karate aimed at having kata and kumite competition, governed by a set of rules and guidelines acceptable to the International olympic Committee, accepted as official events in the olympic Games. http://www.wkf.net/ | |
72. Synchronised Swimming  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic A food supplement was recommended to me by the National olympic Committee and the balletthrust life and limbs into a frenetic interpretation of karate to the http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/synchro/synchroreport3.html | |
73. HISTORY history. history. FOUNDER PRESIDENT. OF THE. NEW FULL CONTACT karate ORGANIZATION. KANCHO HIROHITO MIAGAVA the founder ofNew Full Contact karate Style in Iran and MiddleEast has http://www.newfullcontactkarate.com/history.htm | |
74. History Of Karate Do - Goju Kai Karate Do Holland history of karatedo - The origins of Goju-ryu karate-do. A tiny island by thename of Okinawa, located in the East China Sea, was the birthplace of karate. http://www.gojukai.nl/karate/en/history.html | |
75. History - Kanryo Higashionna - Goju Kai Karate Do Holland The history of Goju Ryu can be traced back to a man named Master Kanryo recent studyof Iken Tokashiki, President of Okinawa Goju Ryu Tomarite karate do Kyokai http://www.gojukai.nl/karate/en/history_higaonna.html | |
76. Welcome To The Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Association The offical Website of the WadoRyu karate-Do Association, based in Gloucestershire, England, and a follower of authentic Wado-Ryu karate-Do, as founded by Grand Master Hironori Ohtsuka. Wado Academy. Wado history. Wado Tech http://www.wado-ryu.org/ |
77. History | Japanese Shotokan Karate Association, International subject and the best selling karate book in history. diligently working with the InternationalOlympic Committee to have traditional karate recognized as an http://www.jskaintl.org/history/ | |
78. What The Olympics Will Bring To Karate watch but they do not belong in the Olympics. Promoting karate the right way willtake many years The stories about the history, tradition, honor, dignity and http://www.dragon-tsunami.org/Dtimes/Pages/articledt16.htm | |
79. The Martial Arts: A Belt From The East The martial arts have a long history. t until 1964 that judo was accepted as an Olympicsport Today we know karate, aikido, kung fu, and many others as rigorous http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0769878.html | |
80. UTMA HISTORY OF SHINGITAI history of Shingitai Jujitsu. and had studied various systems of fighting includingkarate, taekwondo, muaythai, sambo and olympic-Style wrestling, earning http://web.utk.edu/~utmaclub/jjhistory.html | |
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