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Kansas Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
61. The EnviroLink Network - Environmental Education general public from the metroplitan kansas City area of wildlife for children, teachers and parents. Category Educational resources Displaying 1 20 of 173 http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topic=Environmental Education&topicsku=200 |
62. Explorer Explorer This Internet site offers a collection of educational resources for grades K to 12 mathematics and science education. resources include instructional software, lesson plans, and student http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://explorer.scrtec.org/&y=02D9D2448D4D1 |
63. Explorer Explorer Supported by the US Department of education, the Explorer educational Web site is a collection of educational resources geared to k12 students that include instructional software, lab http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://explorer.scrtec.org/explorer/&y=02DF |
64. College And Graduate School Of Education Development. Technology resources. International Activities Graduate School of education (CGSE) prepares educators for psychologists, and other education specialists graduate as well http://www.educ.kent.edu/ | |
65. North Kansas City Schools North kansas City Schools 200306 Technology Plan. education Foundation Click here! Click here! Public Notice for parents of students with disabilities. http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/ | |
66. Archived: Including Your Child Appendix B: Resources - Parent Training And Infor This section of the archived guide 'Including Your Child' provides addresses and numbers for various organizations that focus on parent training and information. PEAK parent Center, Inc. ( parent http://www.ed.gov/pubs/parents/Including/resptic.html | |
67. Genetics Education Center including Children Resemble their parents and various High School Hub Biology; Hispanic Educational Genome Project Microbiology, University of kansas; What is http://www.kumc.edu/gec/ | |
68. Genetic/Rare Conditions National /International Groups Conditions Site, University of kansas; Genetic Alliance; National Center for education in Maternal and Parents Helping Parents; PEDINFO A Pediatrics WebServer http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/grouporg.html |
69. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) (kansas) 1301 SW Topeka Boulevard Topeka, KS 66612 Phone (785 Email emiller@cul.org Oklahoma Top Parents as Partners in education (Oklahoma) Suite http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_cd=PRC |
70. The Lawrence (KS) CyberVillage: Education And Libraries Kansans Families United for Public education An Âinformal group of parents and interested in support of adequate funding for kansas public schools http://www.ci.lawrence.ks.us/education/index.shtml | |
71. Kansas Homeschooling Laws - A To Z Home's Cool school, the state board of education, upon request Return to kansas homeschooling legal information. Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/laws/blKS.htm | |
72. Kansas Homeschooling - A To Z Home's Cool Information Handbook Johnson County parent Educators (JCPE alternative approaches to delivering educational processes through in the Greater kansas City area. http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/regional/Kansas.htm | |
73. Kansas City Missouri School District 4188615. 418-8625. Parents As Teachers. 5915 Park, Rm. Truancy Hotline, 418-7551, Vocational education. 1215 E. Truman Rd., KCMO 64106. 418-7943. kansas City Library. http://www.kcmsd.k12.mo.us/help/contacts.htm | |
74. Kansas City Missouri School District 4188625. Parents As Teachers. 5915 Park, Rm. Truancy Hotline, 418-7551, Vocational education. 1215 E. Truman Rd., KCMO 64106. Room 812, 418-7943. kansas City Library. http://www.kcmsd.k12.mo.us/district.asp?b=9&id=2 |
75. NHERI teachers, homeschoolers (home schoolers), and parents in general engaged in research on home education topics. be speaking in at least kansas, Illinois, North http://www.nheri.org/ | |
76. Kansas PTA A Powerful Voice for All Children; A Relevant Resource for Parents; A Strong Advocate for Public education. The kansas PTA Bulletin is now online! http://www.ptasonline.org/kspta/ | |
77. Parents And Families -- Heart Of America Family Services and referral services throughout the kansas City metropolitan Child Care Source also helps parents understand the importance of quality early education. http://www.hafs.org/parentsFam/ | |
78. KNEA - Safe Schools Facilitate training or parenting skills, where necessary. Return to Top. Copyright 2002 kansas National education Association 715 SW 10th Avenue http://www.knea.org/schools/safe_schools.htm | |
79. ARIZONA PARENTS FOR TRADITIONAL EDUCATION Parents of North Olmsted, Ohio Ohio parents group! Home Page Ohio State Board of education, Diana Fessler kansas education Watch Network kansas parents group! http://www.theriver.com/Public/tucson_parents_edu_forum/ | |
80. Education, General And Special ISER helps parents find local special education professionals to KSSB kansas State School for the Blind kansas City, kansas 66102 USA Phone 913281-3308; http://www.kansas.net/~cbaslock/educat.html | |
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