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61. NCKTC GENERAL INFORMATION Campus was established in 1975 and traditionally provided technical education tostudents is growing to serve potential students from all over kansas and parts http://www.ncktc.tec.ks.us/hays/default.htm | |
62. Brown V. Board Of Education National Historic Site - An Act - Public Law 102-525 IN general.There is hereby established as a unit of the National Park System theBrown v. Board of education National Historic Site in the State of kansas. http://brownvboard.org/mnroschl/102st525.htm | |
63. North Kansas City Schools Missouri general Assembly Department of Elementary Secondary education (DESE) Click Learnmore about Staff Development in North kansas City Schools http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/ | |
64. Kansas Education Curriculum Evolves Away From Creationism kansas decision came with caveats designed to protect The Board of education adopteda resolution that found considerable support among the general public for http://speakout.com/activism/news/5643-1.html | |
65. 1997-102 | 12/31/1997 | Kansas Attorney General Opinion PO Box 171300 kansas City, kansas 66117. Re SchoolsOrganization, Powers and Financesof Boards of educationBoards of education; general Powers; Contracts http://www.kscourts.org/ksag/opinions/1997/1997-102.htm | |
66. BlogKC » Education projects. kansas City, MO infrastructure improvements. etc. Mar 24, 2004Filed in general, Politics, education Comments. Shawnee http://blogkc.com/archives/category/education/ | |
67. BlogKC » Kansas 2004 sessions for the Missouri general Assembly and kansas Legislature are set tobegin in a few Dec 3, 2003 Filed in kansas, education Comments (2 http://blogkc.com/archives/category/kansas/ | |
68. Kansas History/General - Kansas State Historical Society This list is a compilation of general books on the history of kansas. LawrenceDivision of Continuing education, The University of kansas, 1987. http://www.kshs.org/research/collections/documents/bibliographies/history/ | |
69. State Archives - Kansas State Historical Society Attorney general. Correspondence; opinions; investigation records; material aboutthe Brown v. Board of education of Topeka case and the kansas v. Colorado http://www.kshs.org/research/collections/documents/govtrecords/ | |
70. ARAGdirect.com - Providing Access To Education And Legal Services. Agreement for Direct Seller; Independent Contractor Agreement for general Contractor; fromEmployment; Joint Invention Ownership Agreement; kansas Living Will http://www.aragdirect.com/index.cfm?action=legalDocuments_showDocsForCategory&id |
71. Senator Sam Brownback kansas has always been a leader in education and we continue to set the I join withthe US Department of education, and Brian Jones, general Counsel for http://brownback.senate.gov/record.cfm?id=192065 |
72. ResearchChannel On Cable TV Florida County of Sarasota, The education Channel (School District of kansas kansasState University campus, Manhattan, Junction City, Ogden, Grand View Plaza http://www.researchchannel.org/general/rtrans_loc.asp | |
73. Second Annual OK, KS, NE Junior Science And Humanities Symposium. general Information. travel stipends will be paid as available to kansas and Nebraska togetherover 360 participants in a program of educational and scientific http://www.okstate.edu/education/jshs/ | |
74. SECONDARY SCHOOL SCIENCE CERTIFICATION FOR KANSAS kansas AT PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY. general SCIENCE. The following courses are requiredfor ANY certification to teach science in secondary education. general http://www.pittstate.edu/services/scied/Certify/kscert.htm | |
75. GPN - General GPN Meeting - January 17, 1998 networking technology in support of collaborative research and education GeneralGPN Meeting January 17, 1998. Marriott Airport Hotel, kansas City, MO. http://www.greatplains.net/activities/meetings/meeting-19980117/ | |
76. Emporia State University Admission/Transfer Counselor in charge of assisting kansas City kansas CommunityCollege at ACCC for each major in addition to general education courses before http://www.emporia.edu/regist/heart/kckcc.htm | |
77. WashLaw Web - State Government IOWA - MICHIGAN Asssociation Continuing Legal education. kansas District kansas Government EthicsCommission Opinions 1990 Attorney general s Homepage Search Attorney general http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/uslia_mi.html | |
78. College Of Education Web Links MCREL also has a good, more general Language Arts page The Explorer at the Universityof kansas is a materials ) for K12 mathematics and science education. http://edweb.sdsu.edu/links/ | |
79. K-State Food Science Institute - Academic Programs, Undergraduate Food Science A education students must meet KSU general education Requirements contact Divisionof Continuing education http//www 5861 148 Waters Hall, kansas State University http://foodsci.k-state.edu/academics/distance/bs.html | |
80. Kansas - Early Hearing Detection And Intervention (EHDI) Universal Newborn Heari Also See  general Communication education Information. Health DevelopmentState Children s Health Insurance Program Information  kansas HealthWave. http://www.infanthearing.org/states/kansas/ | |
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