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81. Geotimes October 1999 Political Scene POLITICAL SCENE. October 1999. The Political Lessons of kansas Thepopularly elected kansas State Board of education voted Aug. 11 http://www.geotimes.org/oct99/scene.html | |
82. Kansas Council On Secretary Treasurer. Carol Rupe. kansas State Board of education. Wichita, KS. kansasState Board of education. Topeka, KS. atompkins@ksbe.state.ks.us. Tim Witsman. http://www.kcee.wichita.edu/Supporter/BoardofDirectors.htm | |
83. ESSDACK's Education Jobs In Kansas Home Page Official web site of kansas kansas State Board of education How to obtain a kansasteaching certificate or renew an existing one Schedule of education Job http://www3.essdack.org/jobs/links/kslinks.htm | |
84. Kansas Education Board Votes To Bring Back Evolution Theory TOPEKA Reversing a decision that sparked international criticism and 18 monthsof tension, the kansas Board of education on Wednesday approved new science http://www.kcstar.com/item/pages/home.pat,local/377521d9.214,.html | |
85. Kansas State Board Of Education In August of 1999 the kansas State Board of education voted to eliminate therequirement of testing of students on their knowledge of Evolution. http://www.sunflower.com/~olin/editorial/evolution.htm | |
86. Myasthenia Gravis Association Of Kansas City The kansas City MG Association is proud to have two professional Advisory Boardsin its The Nurses Advisory Board provides education and information http://pages.prodigy.com/lifewithmg/mgakc.htm | |
87. Skeptical Inquirer: Evolution Returns To Kansas: Board Supports Science Standard with an invigorated proscience movement in kansas behind them Gamble, a moderatewho ran on a pro-science education plank, defeated Board chairwoman Linda http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m2843/3_25/74523971/p1/article.jhtml | |
88. Evolution Debate Heats Up Kansas TOPEKA, kansas (AP) A decade ago, the biggest complaint about the kansas Boardof education was that no one knew exactly what it did or who served on it. http://www.trussel.com/prehist/news204.htm | |
89. Kansas Board Of Education Removes Evolution From Science Curriculum The kansas Board of education voted Wednesday to delete virtually all referencesto evolution from the state s science curriculum after a yearlong campaign by http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/aug1999/kan-a13.shtml | |
90. Create An Account DeSOTO Harvard University doesn t think much of the kansas State Board of education sdecision to deemphasize evolution in kansas public schools, but the http://cjonline.com/stories/101299/kan_evolution.shtml | |
91. HSLDA | Home Schooling In Kansas from which to promote home education recently, as a Hesston Record, the local schoolboard president erroneously kansas Prosecutor Stirs Up Trouble Again Home http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/KS/default.asp | |
92. HSLDA | Kansas Legislation 2003ÂSenate Concurrent Resolution 1611: Allows Schoo This resolution would remove all direct democratic influence on the State Board ofEducation, making it a puppet of local school boards, which would then make http://www.hslda.org/Legislation/State/ks/2003/ksscr1611/default.asp | |
93. AAAS Condemns Kansas Decision And Offers Web Site On Evolution The American Association for the Advancement of Science has passed a resolutioncondemning the recent ruling by the kansas Board of education on the teaching http://www.science-spirit.org/articles/archive_cm_detail.cfm?item_id=164 |
94. Bush Marks School Integration In Kansas The Brown v. Board of education ruling named attention to his original domesticpriority improving education. From kansas, he was heading to Atlanta for a http://new.blackvoices.com/news/sns-ap-bush-education,0,7571202.story?coll=bv-ne |
95. BBC News | Americas | Kansas Rejects Theory Of Evolution The board of education in kansas is accused of taking the state back 100 yearsas it votes to drop Darwin s theory of evolution from the curriculum. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_417000/417996.stm | |
96. Create An Account TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) The kansas Board of education has approved new standards forteaching science in public schools that critics say strips evolution from its http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/081299/new_evolution.shtml | |
97. Kansas, OH News - Topix.net See also Tiffin; Fostoria. BestSellers for kansas, Ohio FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 16-22. TheBuckeye Central Board of education approved emergency roof repairs http://www.topix.net/city/kansas-oh | |
98. McREL ERC kansas Space Grant Consortium www.ksu.edu/ksgc/. kansas State Boardof education www.ksbe.state.ks.us/commiss/board.html. Midwest http://www.mcrel.org/hpc/resources/ks_links.html | |
99. Salon News | Trouble In "Holy City" Sept. 3, 1999 OLATHE, Kan. Many Kansans were shocked when they opened theirnewspapers last month to learn that the kansas Board of education had voted 6 http://www.salon.com/news/feature/1999/09/03/kansas/ | |
100. People For The American Way | Kansas, Move Over! over the creationismevolution battle has largely died down since the people ofKansas voted creationists off the stateÂs Board of education, thus bringing http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=1725 |
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