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61. Journalism Faculty Professor Schroeder teaches a variety of courses in the field of televisionjournalism, as well as news writing and Interpreting the Day s news. http://www.dac.neu.edu/journalism/jrnfaculty.htm | |
62. Journalism - News Writing: Broadcast And Print IUPUI, journalism news writing BROADCAST AND PRINT. Search IUPUI. Degree journalism- news writing Broadcast and Print. University Indiana University. http://www.iupui.edu/~iuihome/degree_info.php?degree=Journalism - News Writing: |
63. KPA Journalism Boot Camp July 19. ÂTimed news writing and current events exercise. ÂBeat reporting. Featurestories and photos due. ÂGuest speaker journalism ethics. Tuesday, http://www.kypress.com/bootcamp/schedule.asp | |
64. Syllabus Project - Broadcast News Writing news writing is to take inventory of the pedagogical tools broadcast journalism professorshave been employing in both radio and television news writing classes http://www.beaweb.org/syllabus/news.html | |
65. Baylor University || Journalism Department Baylor University journalism students received four Mark of Excellence Awards Editorialwriting, Lariat editorial board First PlaceNews writing, Stephen Dove http://www.baylor.edu/journalism/index.php?id=3734 |
66. Baylor University || Journalism Department || News Baylor University journalism students received four Mark of Excellence Awards atthe Region 8 SPJ conference in Norman First PlaceNews writing, Stephen Dove. http://www.baylor.edu/journalism/news.php?action=story&story=4823 |
67. Journalism And Creative Writing Courses From The London School Of Journalism study courses. All areas of news journalism, freelance and featurewriting and creative writing are covered. Established for over http://www.lsj.org/ | |
68. Courses, School Of Journalism & Mass Communications, San José State University JOUR142, 1, Beginning Visual journalism, TR, 10301145, DBH202, JOUR153, 1, Magazine Online writing, TR, 1030-1145, JOUR164, 1, Electronic news/TV, MWF, 1230-1320,DBH221, http://jmcweb.sjsu.edu/crs-fall01.html | |
69. Journalism, School Of Journalism & Mass Communications, San José State Universi newsroom policies and problems, news values, headline writing, page makeup Jour134 Advanced Reporting Online journalism (3 units) Designed for the http://jmcweb.sjsu.edu/journ.html | |
70. On The Inside and your class can begin researching and writing your own and fun links to newspapersand news agencies around Find out about the history of journalism in the http://www.writesite.org/html/oti.html | |
71. RUSU|Literature And Journalism Society News and journalism to provide a solid, robust and informed platform from which to launchyour literary or journalistic career. RULJS is serious about writing. |
72. Journalism the student with the expectations of journalism by the public and teaches thestudent the basic news writing guidelines used in broadcast journalism. http://www.smc.edu/schedules/2004/spring/090_041_schedule.htm | |
73. Crash Course In News Writing For Rural Southern African Reporters work, consisting of completed news reports brought the University, ranging from featurewriting, to photojournalism. Centre and its journalism Department, with http://www.journalism.co.za/print.php?sid=745 |
74. TCU Journalism Department : News Department news. You must pass the GSP test before enrolling in Media writing 1. The upsheet for the test is available by the elevator of the journalism Office http://www.jou.tcu.edu/deptnews.html | |
75. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE You may also develop a cognate to supplement journalism courses in preparationfor a career in news writing, editing and publishing, public relations or http://journalism.southernct.edu/bs_core.htm | |
76. Journalism Course Descriptions Corequisite JOUR 101 and JOUR 111 (journalism majors only) 1 credit (2 lab hours),fall semester. JOUR 111news writing AND REPORTING back Fundamentals of news http://www.morrisville.edu/Courses/Courses_D/Liberal_Arts/CD_Journalism.htm | |
77. UC Berkeley Journalism / Faculty News Singaporean TV news reporters and producers courses on basic journalism, principlesof interviewing, and writing and structuring of broadcast news stories. http://journalism.berkeley.edu/faculty/news1298.html | |
78. Journalism Practical experience in news writing, editing, photography, advertising, and management JOURN124 15 Credits journalism Practicum Prerequisites Instructor http://ghc.ctc.edu/catalog/courses/Journalism.htm | |
79. Rutgers-New Brunswick Summer Session 2004 For journalism majors only. news writing for radio, with review of televisionnews writing approaches for comparison. news REPORTING AND writing. http://summersession.rutgers.edu/ugrad_567.html | |
80. Essays And Essays Writing Essays On Journalism - 049-000 Journasm.wps Essay Title journalism / Model news Articles 2. be used as modelsfor those studying journalism. essays writing essays and doing an essay about http://essaypage.com/categories/049-000.html | |
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