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121. West Coast LINE A journal of art, writing and cultural critique, from Western Canada. Samples from current issues, a call for submissions, subscription information, and backissues. http://www.sfu.ca/west-coast-line/ |
122. Slurry Magazine - Spring '04 journal dedicated to new writing and art from emerging creators. http://www.slurrymagazine.com/ | |
123. I N N E R V O X One college girl's personal journal and other creative writing, kept online for the sake of personal expression and in hopes of reader feedback. http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/3949 | |
124. More Than Donuts Rants, raves and writing from the daily journal of a twentyeight year old woman living in New York City. http://www.morethandonuts.blogspot.com | |
125.    ;  The Headlights Are Beacons On The Highway         Contains writing, online journal, digital imagery, as well as hosted sites and interactive projects. http://paintedeyes.org | |
126. City Journal Winter 2000 | Why The Boy Scouts Work By Heather Mac Donald Heather Mac Donald, writing for City journal, provides a detailed history of innercity scouting and then argues that the position of activists trying to change the BSA is that furthering the gay-rights crusade takes precedence over helping inner-city children. http://www.city-journal.org/html/10_1_why_the_boy.html | |
127. Help Mike And Treava Young Canadian couple have large debts from credit cards and student loans. Site offers poems, creative writing and a journal. http://members.shaw.ca/treava/helpmikeandtreava.htm |
128. LiquidMind.Net Covers topics such as current events and daily life through journal entries, writing and photographs. http://www.liquidmind.net | |
129. Spork Issue 3.1 journal of innovative writing. http://www.sporkmag.com | |
130. Lifetimetv.com: Health - The Joy Of Journals If you make it a chore, it will never work. In reality, one of the best facets of journalwriting is that you can abandon it. http://www.lifetimetv.com/reallife/health/features/joyofjournals.html | |
131. .::a Writing Saga::. Online journal chronicling a new writer's attempt to get published. Also offers two message forums and links to writing and publishing resources. http://startledbliss.blogspot.com/ | |
132. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Reading And Writing An interdisciplinary journal focusing on the interaction among various fields, such as linguistics, information processing, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, speech and hearing science and education. Includes subscription information, aims and scope, indexing and abstracting. Online version available. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0922-4777/ | |
133. JAC Online A peerreviewed journal publishing theoretical articles on a variety of topics related to rhetoric, writing, multiple literacies, and the politics of education. http://jac.gsu.edu/ | |
134. Rattapallax A journal of international writing with CD featuring the poets reading their work. http://www.rattapallax.com | |
135. Whimperbang: A Journal Of Contemporary Writing journal of contemporary writing. http://whimperbang.tripod.com | |
136. Progress: A Writing Log A writing journal. http://www.mv.com/users/ang/journal/progress.html | |
137. K A I R O S: A Journal Of Rhetoric, Technology, And Pedagogy A refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy. writing, learning, and teaching in hypertextual environments like the World Wide Web. http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/ | |
138. Kalamalka Institute For Working Writers Based at Okanagan University College in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, the KIWW offers courses in commercial creative writing, operates the Kalamalka Press and the Kalamalka Review ejournal, maintains a digital archive, and sponsors events such as contests, conferences and workshops. http://www.kalwriters.com/ | |
139. Scraps & Scribbles: A Writer's Journal And Resource Writer, Holly jahangiri's journal and weblog. Resources to help with the writing process. http://users.ev1.net/~hjahangiri/ | |
140. Keeping A Reading Journal The GMU writing Center Guide to Keeping a Reading journal. But keeping a journal as you read is one of the best ways of exploring a piece of writing. http://www.gmu.edu/departments/writingcenter/handouts/puller.html | |
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