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         Jewish Museums:     more books (100)
  1. Yeshiva children write poetry: From the heart ... we sing : a collection of poems published under the auspices of Torah Umesorah, the National Society ... American Jewish Museum of Art and Culture
  3. The Role of the Jew in the Forging of the Nationa: The Inaugural Exhibition of the Museum of American Jewish History, Philadephia by Marvin D. Schwartz, 1976
  4. Daniel Libeskind and The Contemporary Jewish Museum: New Jewish Architecture from Berlin to San Francisco by Connie Wolf, James E. Young, et all 2008-09-02
  5. The tradition of Jewish cuisine: State Jewish Museum in Prague, the Klausen Synagogue, April-November, 1989 by Jana Doleželová, 1989
  6. An exhibition of oil paintings by Frankenthaler: January 26th-March 2nd, 1960 : the Jewish Museum of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America by Helen Frankenthaler, 1960
  7. Precious Legacy: Treasures from the Jewish Museum in Prague
  8. Catalogue of the permanent and loan collections of the Jewish Museum, London by London, 1974
  10. Great Jewish Portraits in Metal Selected plaques and Medals from the Samuel Friedenberg Collection of the Jewish Museum by Cecil Roth, 1963
  11. Integrity and relevance: shaping Holocaust memory at the Sydney Jewish Museum.(From All Their Habitations): An article from: Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought by Avril Alba, 2005-01-01
  12. The Jewish Museum Engagement Calendar
  13. Tapestries Mambush: Ein Hod, Israel : [exhibition at] The Jewish Museum, New York January 22-April 27, 1975 : [catalog] by Aviva Mambush, 1975

81. Jüdisches Museum Berlin - Erinnerungsstücke
Text in English Berlin s jewish Museum Is Looking for Mementos.
Click on images to get an enlarged version! Photos - Briefe - Tagebücher:
Das Jüdische Museum Berlin
sucht Erinnerungsstücke Ihre alten Photoalben hat Schoschana H. aus Israel dem Jüdischen Museum Berlin übergeben. Die Alben hatten ihre Mutter und sie nach dem Krieg im Dachgeschoß der alten Amsterdamer Wohnung wiedergefunden. Dort - in der letzten Fluchtstation, seit sie Berlin verlassen hatten - überdauerten diese persönlichen Erinnerungsstücke die Kriegsjahre. Sie sind die einzige Brücke zum Leben vor der Verfolgung in Berlin. Schoschana H. verbindet ihre vertrauensvolle Geste gegenüber dem Museum mit der Hoffnung, daß die Darstellung ihrer Geschichte dazu beitragen möge, daß "so etwas nie wieder geschieht". Seit vielen Jahren sind Nachlässe und Erinnerungsstücke jüdischer Familien ein Schwerpunkt der Sammlungstätigkeit des Jüdischen Museums Berlin. Die Eröffnungsausstellung im Libeskind-Bau im Jahre wird mit zahlreichen persönlichen Unterlagen und Gegenständen Einblicke in das Leben deutscher Juden bieten. „Die persönlichen Erinnerungsstücke strahlen Intimität aus und bieten den Besuchern gute Identifikationsmöglichkeiten. Das ist für die pädagogische Arbeit, vor allem mit Jugendlichen, sehr wichtig" sagt Gisela Freydank, Archivarin des Jüdischen Museums. "Uns geht es nicht nur um berühmte Leute wie die Einsteins, Rathenaus oder Liebermanns. Gerade die Erinnerung an die vielen unbekannten Schicksale liegt uns am Herzen."

82. Das Jüdische Museum Berlin
Translate this page Juedisches Museum Berlin, THE jewish MUSEUM BERLIN. DAS JÜDISCHE MUSEUM BERLIN. Photos – Letters - Diaries Berlin‘ s jewish Museum Is Looking for Mementos.
Daniel Libeskind,
Architek t Infos und Buchungen betr. Führungen durch den Libeskind-Bau
beim Museumspädagogischen Dienst Berlin
Tel. 030-2839 7444, Fax: 030-282 61 83 Weitere Ansichten Jüdisches Museum erwartet 100 000. Besucher:
Eröffnung in Berlin in's Jahr 2001 verschoben
15. Deutscher Architekturpreis 1999
Jüdisches Museum Berlin prämiert Essen, 1. Juli 1999: Der deutsche Architekturpreis 1999 wurde an den Berliner Architekten Daniel Libeskind für die Gestaltung des Jüdischen Museums Berlin vergeben. Der mit 50.000 DM dotierte Preis wird im Herbst dieses Jahres im Rahmen einer Feierstunde an den Architekten vergeben. Der Deutsche Architekturpreis wird alle zwei Jahre von der Ruhrgas AG, Essen, unter Schirmherrschaft der Bundesarchitektenkammer ausgelobt. Die Jury vergab außerdem fünf mit jeweils 10.000 DM dotierte Auszeichnungen an folgende Architekturbüros: Dominique Perrault - APP Berlin, für die Gestaltung der Radsporthalle in Berlin, COOP Himmelblau, Wien, für die Gestaltung des UFA-Palastes in Dresden, Foster und Partners, London, für die Gestaltung des Plenarbereichs des Deutschen Bundestages im Reichstagsgebäude, Berlin, Sauerbruch und Hutton, Berlin, für die Gestaltung des Photonikzentrums, Berlin und Szyszkowitz und Kowalski, Graz, für die Wohnbebauung Küppersbuschgelände, Gelsenkirchen. Außerdem wurden sechs Anerkennungen für herausragende Arbeiten ausgesprochen.

83. - Jewish Museum Of Maryland
Email to a friend. jewish Museum of Maryland 15 Lloyd St., Baltimore What s nearby 410-732-6400 The largest museum in the country devoted specifically to,1419,p-artslife-art-X!PlaceDetail-16
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var ChannelHome='Movies'; MakeCDVChannelArray('artslife','restaurantsfood'); ChannelHome='Movies'; Jewish Museum of Maryland
15 Lloyd St., Baltimore What's nearby
The largest museum in the country devoted specifically to regional Jewish American Culture, the Jewish Museum of Maryland houses a variety of exhibits, ranging from contemporary art to Baltimore's role in the late 1940s Jewish exodus to Palestine. The museum also offers guided tours of two neighboring synagogues and one children's exhibit. The Lloyd Street Synagogue, built in 1845, is Maryland's oldest synagogue and the third oldest in the country. While it is no longer functional, it provides insight into 19th-century American Jewry. The B'nai Israel Synagogue, built in 1876, is still in use. The museum is located in the heart of what was the heart of Baltimore Jewry until the 1940s. These days, it sits a trifle forlorn in a rundown neighborhood on the eastern outskirts of downtown. Still, just a block away is the fragrant remnants of Corned Beef Row. Before or after your trip to the museum, stop in one of the delicatessens for some of the best Jewish-style eats in town. Hannah Feldman
Current/Upcoming Events

Hours: TUE-THU 12:00AM-4:00PM, SUN 12:00AM-4:00PM

84. The Jewish Museum In Stockholm
The jewish Museum in Stockholm. To reawaken these sensitive questions of role and responsibility, is a privilege for the jewish Museum in Stockholm.
The Jewish Museum in Stockholm In 1774, Sweden permitted its first Jewish settler, Aaron Isaac. Via the permanent exhibition, the history of Sweden's Jewish population is followed from its first settler to the present day, depicting the Jews integration into Swedish society. Their contributions to Swedish culture, science, industry and trade are illustrated with visual material and guided tours. Past and present religious practices are illuminated with artifacts, books and objects. The Holocaust is represented with a presentation of a replica of the Raoul Wallenberg statue in Budapest, A Swedish citizenship protection pass for Hungarian Jews, a sculpture by the Italian artist Mirella Patruno "The Nightmare of Suffering", among other historic documentation. The current exhibition: In the Shadow of War: Sweden's Jews 19331945 For the very first time, in Sweden's history after the Second World War, has the subject of Jewish life under a nonoccupied regime, been examined and explored. Through the use of archival material, film, and "experimential" themes, the public has been invited to listen, feel, and possibly reexperience the extremely unique situation the Jews of Sweden found themselves in, this while simultaneously given a personal and intimate view into the horrors of the reality of bordering countries and other close neighbors.

YOUR OPINIONS. THE SYNAGOGUE AND THE jewish MUSEUM OF FLORENCE. The Synagogue of Florence, also called The Major Temple, was built
the site... Entertainment Food and Drinks Shopping Accomodation Arts Free Time Useful Info Community Chat EXHIBITIONS TOUR GUIDES Walks about Dante's Tour ... YOUR OPINIONS THE SYNAGOGUE AND THE JEWISH MUSEUM OF FLORENCE
The Synagogue of Florence, also called The Major Temple , was built between 1874 and 1882 according to a project of Marco Treves and thanks to the testament legacy of David Levi in order to grant Florence with a place of worship for the Jewish community. The building suffered much from the damages of the Nazi occupation , who at first used the Temple as a garage for military vehicles and mined it the moment they escaped from the city. The dome made of copper is, today, a characteristic of the scenery of the city: the green colour, typical of copper, distinguishes it from the rest of the domes, enriching it with a particular charm.
In front of the entrance there is a silent garden , and crossing it gives you a feeling of preparing yourself for cult. The doors of the Temple are very impressive: the engravings, with geometrical and arabesque decorations, represent the entrance to the Moresque and arabesque environment typical of the building. Even more impressing is the interior : the mosaics and frescos were made by Giovanni Panti . The square plant is divided into three aisles and ends with an apse where the , the Arch, is situated, with arabesque decorations by Giacomo del Medico and enlightened by the symbolic or perpetual lamp or wooden podium, inlaid and gilded, reserved to the men of the Jewish community, while, the upper part, or

86. Chicago Oriental Institute, Spertus Jewish Museum, & Field Museum Of Natural His
Chicago Oriental Institute, Spertus jewish Museum, Field Museum of Natural History Photo Album. Photo 33. Photo 34. Spertus jewish Museum. Photo 35. Photo 36.

87. GoCityKids The Jewish Museum
The jewish Museum3504 Parent rating Our visitors average rating 5.0 out of 5 in 1 review click to read comments • Location 1109 Fifth Avenue, New York

88. Jewish Museum, London
jewish Museum, London. Raymond Burton House, 129/131 Albert Street, London, NW1 7NB (map) Telephone 0207 284 1997 Web site http

89. Jewish Museum
10 am 8 pm Synagogue Museum Judenplatz. jewish Museum. of the City of Vienna. , jewish Vienna. jewish Museum. Museum Judenplatz Vienna.

90. Museum Judenplatz Vienna
Vienna Card for 1,50 instead of 3 Euro Combined ticket with jewish Museum 4 instead of 7 Euro Sun Fri 10a.m. - 6p.m. Thu 10a.m. - 8p.m. jewish

91. Jewish Social Studies--Daniel Libeskind's Jewish Museum In Berlin: The Uncanny A
Daniel Libeskind s jewish Museum in Berlin The Uncanny Arts of Memorial Architecture. James E. Young. Permission to Copy The jewish Museum and the Berlin Museum.
from Jewish Social Studies Volume 6, Number 2
Daniel Libeskind's Jewish Museum in Berlin: The Uncanny Arts of Memorial Architecture
James E. Young
Permission to Copy You may download, save, or print for your personal use without permission. If you wish to disseminate the electronic article, or to produce multiple copies for classroom or educational use, please request permission from:
Professional Relations Department
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers MA 01923 FAX: 978-750-4470/4744
Web address: For other permissions, use our online reprint request form
[According to Schelling], the uncanny [is] something which ought to have remained hidden but has come to light. Sigmund Freud, "The Uncanny" How does a city "house" the memory of a people no longer at "home" there? How does a city like Berlin invite a people like the Jews back into its official past after having driven them so murderously from it? Such questions may suggest their own, uncanny answers: a "Jewish Museum" in the capital city of a nation that not so long ago voided itself of Jews, making them alien strangers in a land they had considered "home," will not by definition be heimlich but must be regarded as unheimlich or, as our translation would have it, uncanny. The dilemma facing the designer of such a museum thus becomes how to embody this sense of

92. - Jewish Museum Berlin (Berlin, Germany - Berlino, Germania)
Translate this page jewish Museum Berlin (Museo ebraico).
Contemporary Jewish Museum Berlin (Museo ebraico) Berlin, Germany, 1999 to 2001 (Berlino, Germania dal 1999 al 2001) Web Resources (Risorse sul Web) Link Collections by (Link selezionati da
  • ArchitectureWeek - 2001.1107
    ArchitectureWeek - 2001.1107 No. 74 . 07 November 2001 Libeskind Zigzag in Berlin by Lili Eylon In an unprecedented happening, more than 300,000 visit...
    Interest (Interesse)
    Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) Site info archINFORM - Jüdisches Museum
    archINFORM - Jüdisches Museum
    Interest (Interesse)
    Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) Site info Jüdisches Museum Berlin Jüdisches Museum Berlin Für optimale Ergebnisse beim Betrachten der Seite des Jüdischen Museums Berlin benutzen sie bitte einen der folgenden Browser:...

93. Jewish Museum Of The City Of Vienna
jewish Museum of the City of Vienna. Memory is the key idea for the work of the jewish Museum. At the Palais Eskeles in the heart

94. The Jewish Museum Of Prague
BOHemia MORavia SpecialInterestGroup. .. The jewish Museum of Prague. by Henry Wellisch (Meet the author). As we all know the jewish
BOH emia MOR avia
S pecial I nterest G roup The Jewish Museum of Prague by Henry Wellisch
(Meet the author)

As we all know the Jewish Museum in Prague has a large collection of Jewish records going back well into the 18th and in some cases into the 17th century. In JUDAICA BOHEMIAE Vol. VII , Jan Herman published under the Title: The Jewish Community Archives from Bohemia and Moravia a detailed description of these holdings. This important publication is available in larger Jewish and University libraries. The contents of the archives are divided into three analytical tables. The most important one is table Nr. 1. It is organized by community, type of record and timeframe. The table is divided into 42 vertical columns. Following is a description of the content of these columns. Please note that the items listed below are under the control of the Jewish Museum in Prague with the exception of columns 25, 26 and 27. These are the birth, marriage and death registers which have been transferred to the Czech State Archives. Many of the records listed are not at the Museum itself and it is necessary to request items in advance. A typical entry: BRNO: Vertical Column 6: 1848-1936. This means that for this community the chronicles and historical references to local Jews are available for the years 1848-1936.

95. Jewish Museum, Finchley - 24 Hour Museum
jewish Museum, Finchley. The Sternberg Centre 80 East End Road Finchley London N3 2SY England. Collection details Archives , Costume
Text-only Version June 10 2004 Search this site
ADVANCED SEARCH Jewish Museum, Finchley The Sternberg Centre
80 East End Road
England Collection details
Archives, Costume and Textiles, Personalities, Photography, Religion, Social History, World Cultures Facilities [ icon key ] Contact details
General information (Tel) : 020 8349 1143
General information (Fax) : 020 8343 2162
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Website : Open Mon-Thurs 1030-1700 Sun 1030-1630 Closed Admission charges £2 Adults £1 Concessions Free for children 12 and under Discounts Museums Association Description Formerly the London Museum of Jewish Life, now the home of the social history collections of the Jewish Museum (also at Camden Town). Visitors can explore the history of Jewish immigration and settlement in London, and step back in time to view reconstructions of tailoring and cabinet-making workshops from the Jewish East End. There are hands-on activities for children and a children's treasure trail is available. Holocaust education is a major feature of the Museum's work, with exhibitions and educational programming relating to the Holocaust and the experiences of refugees from Nazism. Collections description The colections include a wide range of documents and artefacts reflecting the diverse roots and heritage of Jews in Britain, as well as an Oral History Archive and a Photographic Archive.

96. Jewish Museum, Camden Town - 24 Hour Museum
The jewish Museum opens a window onto the history and religious life of the jewish community in Britain and beyond....... jewish Museum, Camden Town.
Text-only Version June 10 2004 Search this site
ADVANCED SEARCH Jewish Museum, Camden Town Raymond Burton House
129-131 Albert Street
Camden Town
England Collection details
Coins and Medals, Costume and Textiles, Decorative and Applied Art, Fine Art, Personalities, Religion, Social History, World Cultures Facilities [ icon key ] Contact details
General information (Tel) : 020 7284 1997
General information (Fax) : 020 7267 9008
E-mail :
Website : Open Sun 1000-1700 Mon - Thurs 1000-1600 Closed Admission charges £3.50 Adults £2.50 Senior citizens £1.50 Children/students/UB40 £8.00 Family ticket Discounts Museums Association Description The Jewish Museum opens a window onto the history and religious life of the Jewish community in Britain and beyond. Founded in 1932, the Museum has one of the world's finest collections of Jewish Ceremonial Art, plus a History Gallery, tracing the story of the Jewish community in Britain from the Norman Conquest to recent times. There is also a temporary exhibition gallery with an exciting programme of changing exhibitions, to illustrate different facets of Jewish history and culture. Key artists and exhibits The Judaica collection includes a 16th century Italian synagogue ark, Italian cradle charms, the oldest English made Hanukah lamp, embroidered textiles and illuminated marriage contracts. Highlights in the History Gallery include medieval notched wooden tax receipts, eighteenth century portraits, a Queen Anne silver tray and loving cups presented to the Lord Mayors of London by the Spanish and Portugese Synagogue.

97. The Jewish Museum On Citysearch New York
The jewish Museum, Photo by Oscar Perez. 03/26 07/25, My America Art From the jewish Museum Collection. 01/01 - 12/31, Culture and Continuity The jewish Journey.

98. Charity Navigator Rating - The Jewish Museum
The jewish Museum. CONTACT INFORMATION. The jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10128 tel (212)4233200 Contact Email Visit Web Site.

99. Židovské Muzeum V Praze
Práve vyšel Velký katalog synagogálního textilu. CD unikátní nahrávky z let 1940-41 (CD, 71 minut).

100. Jüdisches Museum Franken
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