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Japan Government: more books (100) |
141. Japanes War Crimes : Has Justice Been Served ? Speech by prominent JapaneseAmericans calling for the Japanese government to address its war crimes in WWII. http://skycitygallery.com/japan/japhonda.html | |
142. Net Aichi Official website of the Aichi prefectural government. Contains profile, info on the 2005 World Exhibition, the Central japan International Airport, international exchange, plus a number of other topics. http://www.pref.aichi.jp/index-e.html | |
143. ATIP97.081 : High Performance Computing Research: Japan's Real World Computing P A government/industrial consortium, with distributed laboratories focused on several longterm research areas in computer science. http://www.cs.arizona.edu/japan/www/atip/public/atip.reports.97/atip97.081r.html | |
144. Ministry Of The Environment Of JAPAN Calendar of Events. Reports and Publications. Laws and Regulations. Policies. japan's Environment at a Glance. Systems Supporting Environmental Efforts. Contact us; News Service. 04.05.13 Result of http://www.env.go.jp/en |
145. InfoWorld: Report: Japan, Korea, China To Break Windows Ties: September 02, 2003 Plans for governments and private sector firms of China, japan, South Korea, to jointly work together to develop new OS to rival Microsoft Windows to be unveiled later this week, according to 2 japanese newspaper reports. InfoWorld http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/09/02/HNbreakties_1.html | |
146. | Stanford US-Asia Technology Management Center The Stanford Guide to japan Information Resources has been moved to http//jguide.stanford.edu http://fuji.stanford.edu/jguide | |
148. $B$*CN$i$;(B-Announcement- Announcement. The web site of the Economic Planning Agency has beenclosed due to the restructuring of Japanese government agencies. http://www.epa.go.jp/ | |
149. The Japan Information Network (JIN) "JIN FACTS" Have Been Renewed Information. The japan Information Network (JIN) JIN FACTS have been renewed as Web japan as of April 1, 2004. You will be redirected to Web japan in 10 seconds. http://www.jinjapan.org/jd/ | |
150. Ministry Of Finance FSA website. For Japanese. Ministry of Finance, The Japanese government/ info@mof.go.jp / Location and Contact Address. The email http://www.mof.go.jp/english/ | |
151. Jgbs Japanese. Planned Bond Issuance. Auctions Announcements and Results. Financing Bills.Japanese governmentGuaranteed Foreign Bonds. Updated. For Individual Investors. http://www.mof.go.jp/english/jgb-e.htm | |
152. The Central Government WWW Servers of Japanese government and Related Organizaion (INDEX) ? ( http://www.st.rim.or.jp/~okbys/gov.html | |
153. Nara Prefecture Nara International Seminar House Home Page. Wanted! Native English Speaking Volunteers.Newsletter from NARA, japan Kaze Vol.22. Message, . Governor s Message, http://www.pref.nara.jp/index-e.html | |
154. Plant-Covered Roofs Ease Urban Heat The promotion of green roofs by city governments in Canada, japan, and the United States. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/11/1115_021115_GreenRoofs.html | |
155. Welcome To Ministry Of Health, Labour And Welfare Guideline for Application for Establishment and Revision of Maximum Residue Limitsfor Agricultural Chemicals used outside japan. Food Sanitation Law in japan. http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/ | |
156. Osaka Prefectural Government Tondabayashi City. Japanese Prefectures(NIPPONNet). To the upper part of this page. essentialsfor living in osaka. osaka prefecture local government information. http://www.pref.osaka.jp/en/ | |
157. LIBERIA Japanese Government Announce US $3.6 M For Child Soldiers LIBERIA Japanese government announce US $3.6 m for child soldiers. http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=40762&SelectRegion=West_Africa |
158. Japanese Government Home Links Japanese government. Alumni Associations. Japanese government.Universities, etc. Various Organizations. Work Related. Private Scholarships. http://www.studyjapan.go.jp/en/link/link02e.html | |
159. Mustard Gas Victims Sue Japanese Government Advertisement. Mustard gas victims sue Japanese government ( 200402-022341) (China Daily) A new group of Chinese victims of chemical http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2004-02/02/content_302377.htm | |
160. Kyoto Prefecture Web Site Guide to Investing in Kyoto. Maizuru Port, a Key Port on the Sea of japan CoastPort. Kyoto and the Global Environment Home Page. japanese. Introduction. History. http://www.pref.kyoto.jp/index_e.html | |
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