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121. Organization Of Japanese Government Offices Organizations of japanese government. Cabinet. Cabinet Secretaria. CabinetLegislation Brueru. Security Council of japan. Judicial System Reform Council. http://www.export-japan.com/english/jpgovoffice.html | |
122. Smoke Around The Rising Sun Law professor's essay on tobacco regulations in japan and the government's conflicts between protecting citizen's health and the massive cigarette tax revenues it receives. http://www.hawaii.edu/law/faculty/publications/smokerising97.pdf |
123. Ancient Japan Lists the first constitution of japan written in 604 A.D., showing both the first concepts of society and government, as well as its Confuscian and Buddhist influences. http://www.wsu.edu:8001/~dee/ANCJAPAN/CONST.HTM | |
124. JT Delight World Japanese government monopoly corporation for domestic tobacco sales. Also active in pharmaceuticals and food. http://www.jti.co.jp/JTI_E/Welcome.html | |
125. The Japan Times Online see tech windfalls in costly humanoid quest Japanese researchers in robot technologyare advocating a grand project, under which the government would spend 50 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20030820b8.htm |
126. Stockton's Japan Links government, business, traditional and regional japan links. http://www.lafayette.edu/~stocktoj/home/japanl.html | |
127. Environmental Web Sites In Japan [E] Directory of organizations, research institutes, NGOs, government environmental information, and other science and environment sites. http://www.apec-vc.or.jp/ewldweb/ewebsite.htm | |
128. Japanese Government Foreign government in japan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) List ofEmbassies, Consulates and International Organizations in japan. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2136.html | |
129. K-12 From Japan (Internet And Education) Lists of online schools, organizations and government agencies relating to education. Also covers tertiary and special education as well. http://www.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/educ/index-e.html | |
130. JLGC Homepage Organization to foster cooperation and understanding between local governments in japan and their equivalents in the United States and Canada. http://www.jlgc.org/ | |
131. Statistics Bureau Home Page Official government statistics collecting organ. http://www.stat.go.jp/english/ | |
132. BBC NEWS | Business | Analysts Drop Japan To 'Latvia Status' Ratings firm Moody s downgrades japan s government debt over fearsthe country s economy may be entering uncharted territory . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/2017886.stm | |
133. The Operations Research Society Of Japan Conducts research on OR theory and development of methodologies, and explores the practical use of methods applicable to specific problems occurring in the world of business and government offices. http://www.orsj.or.jp/english/engindex.html | |
134. JET Programme Official government information on the JET Program. http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/jet/ |
135. Japan A U.S. government appraisal of Japanese laws, courts, human rights, and treatment of minorities. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2000/eap/index.cfm?docid=709 |
136. JPRI Occasional Paper No. 17 Essay on Hirohito and the japanese government coming to grips with japan's decision to go to war and their postwar relationship with the United States. http://www.jpri.org/publications/occasionalpapers/op17.html | |
137. WU Libraries: Internet Resources On Japan -- Government Selected Internet Resources on japan government. List of government and Municipaloffices. WWW Servers of japanese government and Related Organizaion. http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/eastasian/japan/government.html | |
138. Japanese Government Bonds Held By The Bank Of Japan (as Of April 7, 2004) Statistics japanese government Bonds held by the Bank of japan (as of April7, 2004) April 8, 2004 Bank of japan Financial Markets Department. http://www.boj.or.jp/en/stat/boj/mei0404.htm | |
139. Jichiro_information Union of government employees, workers at related public corporations, and private enterprises that provide public services. http://www.jichiro.gr.jp/english_page/information.htm | |
140. NHK Radio Japan Online Live broadcast from the government network, with links to multiple languages. Realplayer required. http://www.nhk.or.jp/rj/ram/en/live.ram |
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