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41. Ancient / Classical History Monks Cenobites - Orders Monasticism has a history preceding Christianity and Phoenicians, whose worshp spread to the ancient Jews Amateras (japan) Sun goddess http://ancienthistory.miningco.com/mlibrary.htm | |
42. History Of Japan Includes a brief history of japan from ancient times through developments after 1945. Find geographical and topographical details as well. http://web-jpn.org/museum/historyofjp/histjp.html |
43. Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport Chinese history. China. Southeast Asia. japan. ancient Greece. Rome. Middle Ages. The Renaissance. The Enlightenment. The World Wars. Russia and Communism. Europe Today. http://www.mrdowling.com/ | |
44. Sinhala Jukebox Community - Authenticating Ancient History Of Sri Lanka Ananda Guruge speaks of his recent research on the recorded ancient history of Sri University mentioned that the Chinese Tripitaka published in japan from 1924 http://community.sinhalajukebox.org/article.php?story=20040504085521741 |
45. Women Warriors Of Japan, Part 1 Provides a history of women's role in Japanese martial arts from the ancient era until modern times. http://www.koryu.com/Library/wwj1.html | |
46. Gardening History Timeline: From Ancient Times To The 20th Century       Kiva Han, opens in 1475. Pietro Creszenzi of Bologna compiled ancient works into Temple garden of Royanjii, japan. Christopher Columbus A Culinary history. http://www.gardendigest.com/timegl.htm | |
47. History Of Nara City ancient capital of japan before Kyoto, offers tourist info, data base, guides to various facilities, city office, and city profile. In English and japanese. http://www.city.nara.nara.jp/english/kokon/rekishi/index.htm | |
48. SUMINAGASHI - The Ancient Art Of Japanese Marbling history The origin and development of marbling was practiced in japan as early as the 12th century. The first forms of japanese http://www.suminagashi.com/history.html | |
49. Keyhole Tombs Article on the kofun, or ancient burial mounds in japan, with background information, history, timeline, types and characteristics. http://www.ozlab.osakac.ac.jp/KOFUN_E/ | |
50. Text Maps Of Places From Antiquity To 2000 CE WORLD history. about map permissions. THE ancient WORLD .index of places. The Fertile Crescent, 90004500 BCE. China, Korea and japan. Mesoamerica and the Maya. http://www.fsmitha.com/maps.html | |
51. WWW Sites For Japanese History This server on japanese history and culture is being done in conjunction ancient Medieval japan ancient japan An impressive site covers japanese prehistory http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/eac/histwww.htm | |
52. Ancient Japan National Museum of japanese history, Chiba. The EMuseum s introduction to Paleolithic/Jomon japan. Richard Hooker s excellent guide to ancient japan. http://www2.odn.ne.jp/~hab26240/ancients/japan/ancient.html | |
53. Elementary Theme Pages By Jim Cornish order to understand any contemporary society, a knowledge of its history is essential. This site lists links covering time periods from ancient japan to modern http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/japan.htm | |
54. Ancient History ancient japan Atlas. I am David Gray, a student at Monmouth College in Monmouth Illinois. I am a history major and am very interested in ancient history http://personal.monm.edu/DGRAY/ | |
55. EDUCATION PLANET - 7236 Web Sites For Ancient History and Women s Communities in ancient japan The history of women in ancient japan is, like so much else in early japanese history, filled with missing parts. http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Social_Studies/History/Ancient_History?sta |
56. Theplumber.com International history of Plumbing ancient and Current. to the International Toilet history in India and the 2002 Al Heavens Toilets In japan - October 2002 http://www.theplumber.com/ | |
57. Japanese History: Ancient Times ancient japan Early history, folklore, sumo wrestling and more. LisaÂs japanese Pages MENSA special interest group on feudal japan. http://www.storyanime.com/Links/Ancient.htm | |
58. Jitsuka: Ancient History Of Ju-jitsu ancient history. How old is Jujitsu? Its history is one of convergence not divergence. So unarmed combat has always existed in japan as it has everywhere else. http://www.jitsuka.org/jitsuka/history2.htm | |
59. Japan.co.jp Web Directory About Us Advertising Partnering Add Your Site Report Broken Links, Society history ancient history, Directory Home, Ainu Articles, Jomon Samurai. http://www.japan.co.jp/mid01.php?catkey=15107 |
60. History Of Japan: An Annotated Directory Of Internet Resources history of japan, Part of Richard Stockton College s Global history Consortium history culture of japan from ancient times to the present. http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/japan-history.html | |
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