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81. Mrs. Polley's Social Studies Page Tour guide Little Horus takes visitors on a whirlwind tour of this ancient land,where they learn about Egyptian World history Archives history of East japan http://www.mccsc.edu/~bpolley/socials.htm | |
82. Internet Resources For Parents & Students Egyptian Atlas. The history Channel. The history Place. ancient World. World Map ofancient Civilizations. American Folk Legends of japan. Fake Out. Grammar Gorillas. http://home.att.net/~jonesport/studentresources.html | |
83. Homework Links: History of India history of India from ancient through modern overview of Western Europeanhistory from the US government placed over 120,000 Japanese Americans in http://www.southplainfield.lib.nj.us/homeworklinks/history.htm | |
84. What's For Kids--Strathcona County Library Arts. Books and Authors. Canada (Biographies, Geography, Government and more!).China (ancient and ModernDay). history. Holidays and Celebrations. japan. Libraries. http://www.sclibrary.ab.ca/childrens/sitemap.htm | |
85. Art Of Ancient China Posters - illumination in ancient China the forerunners of Zen in japan. civilizations/;history of China A detailed history of China from ancient days until http://www.nebulasearch.com/posters/posters/7935-Art-of-Ancient-China.html | |
86. Reference And Homework Resources 3 Window on the Western Wall. ancient World Web. Channel Traveler. Mr. Jenkins HistoryResources. NOVA Absolutely Learn Japanese-Online. Andreas Lixl s German Web http://www.layyous.com/Educational links/reference and homework resources 3.htm |
87. Homework Help--Site Map This Day In history, US history, World Holidays US Presidents) Incas India, AncientIndustrial Revolution Tests Internment Camps, Japanese American Inventions http://www.kcls.org/hh/sitemap.cfm | |
88. Great Links Project - Links G-H ancient World Cultures ancient World Web Ask an Hispanics in US history history Channel JapaneseAmerican Internment Jason Project Expedition Junior Achievement http://www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/schools/es/sherman/sites/gh.htm | |
89. Links For 3c. Dynasties [Beyond Books - Ancient Civilizations] gives detailed accounts of dynastic accomplishments through history. learn about thekingdoms of ancient Egypt through http://www.beyondbooks.com/wcu81/3c_link.asp |
91. Yolo County Library Find out about explorers from the ancient to the and sushi rice and links picturesof Japanese food markets wwwgap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/BiogIndex.html http://www.yolocounty.org/org/library/Kids_Homework_Help.htm | |
92. History - TRL WebLinks copypermitted material for ancient history and civilization Pacific Northwest historyLinks to many sites the Klondike Gold Rush, Japanese American internment http://www.timberland.lib.wa.us/history.asp | |
93. Frame A links is designed to help students, teachers, parents, administrators, and visitorsin a variety of ways. Links are provided to National history Day programs http://nationalhistoryday.org/02_contest/frameb_02_e.html | |
94. Arapahoe Library District: Our Librarians Suggest - If You Like Tom Clancy of 13 American soldiers stationed on the Japaneseheld island But ancient historymay have modern consequences. a rifle who can change the course of history. http://www.arapahoelibraries.org/ReadersCorner/SuggestedReading/OLR_Fic_IYL_TomC | |
95. Greek GCSE Revision co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/medicine/ancientandgreekmedicinerev1 Near East;ancient Egypt; Art of the German Greek Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian http://www.supercrawler.com/pages/Greek_GCSE_revision.html | |
96. Ancient Civilizations [Beyond Books] UNIT AND FOCUS AREAS. ancient Civilizations. http://www.beyondbooks.com/wcu81/index.asp | |
97. Homework H(e)aven http://www.gti.net/mocolib1/haven/ | |
98. Disability Central > Magazine > Internet & You which range from prehistory to ancient Rome. to the textbooks and other useful historyresources French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian and Japanese. http://www.disabilitycentral.com/activteen/magazine/internet_you/rachel_article_ | |
99. U Seek U Find - Kids And Teens - K-12 Egyptian Scavenger Hunt Fun place to learn about ancient Egypt K-12 Internet HistoryResources books, kids art gallery, and more (In English and Japanese). http://www.useekufind.com/tlinkstu.htm | |
100. Harpeth Hall Middle Webliographer/Main http://webliographer.com/hh/middle/ | |
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