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101. Core Python Programming By Wesley J. Chun ©2001 Prentice Hall PTR now considered the standard introductory text. R. Ozaki,Lockheed Martin. Core Python programming by Wesley J. Chun. This http://starship.python.net/crew/wesc/cpp/ | |
102. MIDITECH Provider of informational programs for television. Also offers nonEnglish programming. http://www.miditech.org | |
103. TechThemes: Programming With Karel J. Robot programming with Karel J. Robot. An Introduction to programming withKarel J. Robot (October 2003); Teaching a young robot new tricks http://member.melbpc.org.au/~tgosbell/karel/ | |
104. Constraint Programming And Optimization GroupHome Page Several very interesting projects GENET; Guided Local Search, GLS; Guided Genetic Algorithm, GLS; Adaptive Constraint Satisfaction, ACS; ComputerAided Constraint-programming, CACP. http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/CSP/ | |
105. TechThemes: An Introduction To Programming With Karel J. Robot An Introduction to programming with Karel J. Robot. First published PC Update Oct2003 (online version updated) programming with Karel J Robot Part 1 of 4. http://member.melbpc.org.au/~tgosbell/articles/karel-intro/ | |
106. Welcome To Systemics Inc.! Explains how to connect legacy systems to the Internet using C++. (Authorz.net, a division of Systemics) http://www.SystemicsInc.com/cgi/index.html | |
107. Ultimate Programming And Database Tutorials Page Recommended Books (please buy one to support my reading habits) programming Python(2nd Edition) ( / /International). Prolog. J (not java based, but the APL http://www.thinkbrown.com/programming/ | |
108. DBLP Bibliography A bibliography on logic programming is supplemented with a survey of conferences, journals, series of books, organizations and related subjects. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/indexl.html | |
109. Citations Programming Tools And Environments - Saltz, Sussman Saltz, J., Sussman, A., Graham, S., Demmel, J., Baden, S., and Dongarra, J. Programmingtools and environments. Communications of the ACM 41, 11 (Nov. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/1724694/0 |
110. Visual Programming Languages Research Papers Large list of papers, with abstracts and comments objectoriented, dataflow, and tree structures. Very useful. http://www-ist.massey.ac.nz/~plyons/711_html/VPL papers.html | |
111. Dictionary Of Programming Languages Compendium of computer coding methods assembled to provide information and aid appreciation for computer science history. http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl | |
112. Mouse Programming Information on using interrupt 33h for mouse programming. Includes free C source code. http://www.geocities.com/rk_page/ | |
113. Kenneth J Ayala The 8086 Microprocessor: Programming And Interfacing The Persona Kenneth J Ayala The 8086 Microprocessor programming and Interfacingthe Personal Computer. Kenneth J Ayala The 8086 Microprocessor http://www.urbanzen.co.uk/Kenneth-J-Ayala-The-8086-Microprocessor-962-484-892-5. | |
114. The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC Their home base class reference, articles, tips, software downloads, links, and a zippy looking Ruby slide presentation. Book available as downloadable HTML and XML files. http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/ruby/index.html | |
115. Mathematical Programming Journal J. F. Sturm, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Springer Verlag SpringerWeb Site for Mathematical programming (Springer started to publish the http://www.mathprog.org/sub/journal.htm | |
116. Welcome - Ticalc.org Features programming tutorials, columns, news articles, and thousands of files for download. http://www.ticalc.org/ | |
117. J-98 The Boot :: Your Number 1 Choice For New Country And All Your Country Favor Action Subscribe Unsubscribe. Privacy Policy. programming J98 strives tobring you the best in country music as well as First, Fast and Accurate news. http://www.j98.com/programming.php | |
118. Programming Languages, A Journey Can John McCarthy be the father of Extreme programming? posted by Jack J. Coleman@ 817 PM (0) comments. Friday, May 14, 2004. UML While working on my J2EE http://www.ora-web.com/blogs/blog.html | |
119. Free C/C++ Libraries, Source Code And Frameworks(thefreecountry.com) A variety of free libraries, with or without source code, for accessing databases (with/without ODBC, SQL), encryption, graphics/images, compression, fonts, GUI's, 3D engines, 2D engines, and sockets programming. http://www.thefreecountry.com/developercity/freelib.html | |
120. Programming Pearls This is my favourite programming pearl, a 237 character program that generates mazesof arbitrary length char*M,A,Z,E=40,J40,T40;main(C){for(*J=A=scanf(M= %d http://homepages.cwi.nl/~tromp/pearls.html | |
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