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61. The Logic Programming Group At Imperial College Department of Computing, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London group information, software, manuals, FAQs, ALP link, LP links. http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/ | |
62. WJR Programming Etc. Welcome to the webpage of Wayne J. Radburn where I remind myself of some of thethings I enjoy doing Assembly Language programming SKELETON SOURCE CODE. http://www.magma.ca/~wjr/ | |
63. Designing And Testing New Programming Constructs In A Data Flow VL article by Elena Ghittori, Mauro Mosconi, Marco Porta http://iride.unipv.it/research/papers/98tr-dataflow/usabilit.htm | |
64. Advanced Programming Languages Useful links about programming languages. Describes the syntax and semantics of programming. http://lsi.uniovi.es/~labra/APL.html | |
65. Paul Edwards's Programming Page Contains PDOS, a public domain DOS alternative. http://freespace.virgin.net/paul.edwards3/program.htm | |
66. ILPNet institutions involved in Inductive Logic programming (ILP) research. The followerof ILPNET is ILPNet2. Academic coordinator Nada Lavrac, J. Stefan Intitute. http://www-ai.ijs.si/ilpnet/ | |
67. Index Of /en Interpreted, dynamically typed, pure objectoriented, scripting language for fast, easy programming, from Japan. Simple, straightforward, extensible. Many features to process text files and do system management, as in Perl. More elegant than Perl, fewer parentheses than Lisp. Japan has more users of Ruby than Python. Open Source http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ | |
68. Jupiter Programming, J-COM Broadband, Sumitomo Corporation And Liberty Media Est Jupiter programming, JCOM Broadband, Sumitomo Corporation and LibertyMedia Establish Japan s First VOD Content Company. Tokyo, Japan http://japancorp.net/Article.Asp?Art_ID=7289 |
69. Andrew Cooke: An Introduction To Programming Languages A page for people who know one language and are wondering about learning another. http://www.acooke.org/andrew/writing/lang.html | |
70. Java Programming: Contents Appendix 2 Some Notes on Java programming Environments. Appendix 3 Source codefor all examples in the text. News and Errata. David J. Eck (eck@hws.edu), July http://www.faqs.org/docs/javap/contents.html | |
71. Internet Programming Contest Duke University sponsors a programming contest that takes place in realtime over the internet. http://www.cs.duke.edu/~ola/ipc.html | |
72. Functional Programming Languages SHARP APL for Linux. J Software. Juggle J for Unix. Google search for +APL programminglanguage. APL and J Home Page. SIGAPL Software Library. The APL Archives. http://cbbrowne.com/info/functional.html | |
73. EVTV Eastview High School Television Channel 7 at Eastview High School in Apple Valley, MN. Running 24 hour programming of video announcements and school events like pep fests, athletic events, and fine arts performances televised from our studio. http://www.isd196.k12.mn.us/schools/evhs/evtv.htm |
74. Does MySQL Connector/J Support Multithreaded Programming? Does MySQL Connector/J Support Multithreaded programming? http://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/newsletter/2003-04/a0000000154.html | |
75. GameSpy.com - Articles An article by Tim Sweeney on the evolution and future of programming languages as it relates to game development. http://www.gamespy.com/legacy/articles/devweek_b.shtm | |
76. Dynamic Programming Tutorial S i,j = 0 (mismatch score); w = 0 (gap penalty). Three steps in dynamicprogramming. Initialization; Matrix fill (scoring); Traceback (alignment). http://www.sbc.su.se/~per/molbioinfo2001/dynprog/dynamic.html | |
77. XO(TM) Web Site Hosting As a Boston based consulting firm Application programming Solutions specializes in the design and development of Distributed Enterprise Applications. http://www.apps-inc.com/sys-tmpl/door/ | |
78. Advanced Dynamic Programming Tutorial S i,j = 1 (mismatch score); w = -2 (gap penalty). Initialization Step. The firststep in the global alignment dynamic programming approach is to create a matrix http://www.sbc.su.se/~per/molbioinfo2001/dynprog/adv_dynamic.html | |
79. Programming Tutorials - JustPhukit.com A resource of tutorials and articles for programmers and developers. http://www.justphukit.com/ | |
80. Programming With DOM Answers, Is Xerces DOM implementation threadsafe? No. DOM does notrequire implementations to be thread safe. If you need to access http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/faq-dom.html | |
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