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21. ROMARCH: Roman Art And Archaeology Archives of the scholarly mailing list hosted by DePauw University covering the art and archaeology of early italy and the ancient Roman world, from the earliest settlements to Late Antiquity. http://acad.depauw.edu/romarch/ | |
22. Archaeology In Italy Etruria Photographs and introduction to the civilization in italy before the Romans from Giorgio Caponetti, with references. http://www.tuscania-italy.com/archaeology/etruscans.htm | |
23. Roman365 Directory : Archaeology : Italy Navigation. Top archaeology italy. Italian Projects La Roma Imperiale a FORVM FVLVII ALESSANDRIA - PIEDMONT - italy. care and preservation project about the archaeological http://go.roman365.com/archaeology/italy | |
24. Intro Screen... Describes courses and department projects, lists faculty members, and provides information on archaeological projects in Turkey, italy, and the U.S. http://www.uakron.edu/csaa/ | |
25. The Looting Of Italy Editor of archaeology. © 1998 by the Archaeological Institute of America www.archaeology.org/9805/abstracts/italy.html. advertisment. http://www.archaeology.org/9805/abstracts/italy.html | |
26. Sporades Tours: Greece, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Eastern Europe Tours to Greece, Turkey, Egypt, italy led by classics and archaeology professors. http://www.sporadestours.com | |
27. $1.2-Million Phiale Returned To Italy and July 1999, that mandated forfeiture of the object to italy. his position, while the Archaeological Institute of America (archaeology s parent organization http://www.archaeology.org/online/news/phiale.html | |
28. Jamestown Ceramic Research Group Group formed to identify and define all the ceramic ware types that appear on or near the pre1650 Jamestown archaeology site in Virginia. Includes ceramic types from Germany, China, England, italy, France, and Spain. http://www.apva.org/resource/jcrg.html | |
29. American Academy In Rome - The Humanities Promotes scholarship in all phases of italy's history and material culture classical studies, archaeology, art history, philology and humanistic studies. Details of excavation projects. http://www.aarome.org/programs/classical.htm | |
30. SAA Bulletin 16(2): Jon Morter, 1956-1997 Obituary published in the Society for American archaeology newsletter. Conducted excavations at the Italian Neolithic site of Capo Alfiere, Calabria, and at the Greek colonies of Metaponto, italy, and Chersonesos in the Crimea. http://www.saa.org/publications/saabulletin/16-2/SAA10.html | |
31. Jones, Barri (1936-1999) Obituary in The Guardian July 23 1999 of the charismatic Welshborn Professor at Manchester University, a noted Romanist. Contributions to archaeology included aspects of ancient italy, north Africa, Roman Britain and Roman mining, and also played a leading role both in popularising his subject and creating a professional regional archaeology service. http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,3885777-103684,00.html | |
32. A Cache Of Vintage Ships: Introduction An illustrated article by Andrew Slaymana in archaeology on the ancient Roman ships unearthed at Pisa, italy. http://www.archaeology.org/9907/etc/pisa.html | |
33. Richard Jones Profile of this Glasgow University Senior Lecturer. Research interests include relations between the Aegean and italy in the Late Bronze Age and the ceramic evidence and Neolithic pottery on Orkney. http://www.gla.ac.uk/archaeology/staff/rej/index.html | |
34. Europe of Ireland italy Malta Poland Portugal Russia Spain Sweden United Kingdom of Great Britain Northern Ireland Greek Roman archaeology in http://archaeologic.com/europe.htm | |
35. Roman Archaeology Roman archaeology; ROMARCH roman archaeology main page; ROMARCH mailing list archives; Greek Roman Cities of Turkey; Planet italy art and architecture through http://www.xs4all.nl/~mkosian/roman.html | |
36. Classics And Mediterranean Archaeology Home Page Capo Alfiere. A Neolithic site near Crotone, Calabria, italy. Egyptological Fieldwork Directory. GIS and Remote Sensing for archaeology Burgundy, France. http://www.gzg.fn.bw.schule.de/faecher/links/classic.htm | |
37. THE ART NEWSPAPER - ARCHAEOLOGY Museum (until 14 March 2004) which celebrates the contribution of amateurs to BritainÂs archaeological heritage. Some countries, such as italy, demonise the http://www.theartnewspaper.com/archaeology/archeology.asp | |
38. Southampton Archaeology - Skeletons And Society University of Southampton Department of archaeology. Human Skeletons and Society in Prehistoric italy. John Robb This research, ongoing http://www.arch.soton.ac.uk/Research/Italy/ | |
39. Otzi S New Home In Northern Italy bytes)Ãtzi the Ice Man s new home at the South Tyrol Mus The entrance to the South Tyrol Museum of archaeology in Bolzano, Italynew home of the Icemaneum of http://www.mummytombs.com/museums/italy.tyrol.otzi.htm |
40. Notes From The Field - Index European archaeology. ROMARCH Art and archaeology of italy 1000 BCAD 700 This has links to many other interesting sites. ArchNet http://users.erols.com/pklazrus/bovamarina/ | |
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