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41. A LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE ANALYSIS OF WATER AND LAND MANAGEMEN water related activities (water detention, irrigation systems, river cutting, rehabilitation);ecosystem management (water and soil interactions, ecosystem http://www.swcc.cn/waswc/articles/proceedings/PROCEEDINGS1-1.htm | |
42. Marcel Dekker water Use, and Yield in Contrasting Soils , Agric. 2 Bray E. , Plant Responses towater Deficit , Trends Examination of Regulated Deficit irrigation , NZ Agric http://www.dekker.com/servlet/product/DOI/101081EEWS120010160/object/references. | |
43. Assadian Et Al. 1998 the river has contaminated fertile soils and reduced contribute to the instabilityof water quality in is directly discharged into open irrigation canals and http://www.css.cornell.edu/courses/190/abstr/vermilyea.htm |
44. Search SUSAG Abstracts J. soil water Conserv In situ stabilization of soil lead using phosphorus Effects ofirrigation on the environment of selected areas of the western United States http://www.css.cornell.edu/courses/190/SUSAG-search.html | |
45. UNCCD - United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification of Soils and irrigation, Alameda del Obispo, Cordoba zero tillage in heavy clay soilsunder dry Alternative water resources, supported by the Foundation Ramón http://www.unccd.int/cop/cst/experts/individualDetails.php?id=306 |
46. Salt Tolerance In Relation To Ploidy Level In Guayule 1991. water and nutrient requirements of guayule under irrigated anddryland production, p. 145172. soil Sci. 58399-403. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1993/v2-349.html | |
47. A.G. Hornsby Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Agriculture. Oxford University Press, 251 pp., 1994. Sci.58146160.CONTACT INFORMATION soil and water Science Department http://soils.ifas.ufl.edu/personnel/hornsby.html | |
48. EEAD - Optimising Production Techniques In Agricultural Systems the utility of the pre sidedress soil nitrate test Improvement of sprinkler irrigationeficiency in Aragón. a computer program for advanced water management in http://www.eead.csic.es/en/lineas_investigacion/07_optimizacion_tecnicas.html |
49. 8.0 References irrigation Principles and Practices. SCSTP-149, US Department of Agriculture, SoilConservation Service, Washington, DC Linsley, RK water-Resources Engineering http://mepas.pnl.gov/earth/formulations/source_term/8_0/8_0.html | |
50. Chapter 3 Summary Of The Field Survey Results ties suited to low fertility soils, earlyripening Pumped irrigation facil-ity construction(pump room Establishing farmers organization (water utili-zation http://www.aicaf.or.jp/chapter3.htm | |
51. Resultado Da Pesquisa ENGINEERING HANDBOOKNEH 4) Ano 1985 water RESOURCES R 1986 NOBE R$ 155,10 ComprarIRRIGATION MANAGEMENT IN R$ 600,00 Comprar METHODOLOGIES FOR soil SEDIMENT http://livrariapolytecnica.com.br/result.php?&AREA=ENG. CIVIL |
52. Mango Tree Management Systems - III easy tree manipulation for inducing water stress required top 6 10 inch of soildepth and tree manipulation therefore become easy with controlled irrigation. http://members.tripod.com/Shanthap/mb3.htm | |
53. Personal Data Econ. and manag., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Research Economics of irrigationwater mixing within a farm function of crop yields to soil salinity. http://departments.agri.huji.ac.il/economics/eli-personal.html | |
54. WOCAT - Regional Initatives Rivera, Bureau of soils and water Management. Reynaldo Baloloy,National IrrigationAdministration, Department of sent to Bern 54 soil Conservation extension http://www.wocat.net/reginits.asp | |
55. Use Of Reclaimed Water And Sludge In Food Crop Production and on the sustainability of soils for crop Where alternative irrigation water ischeaply available, there are of incentives to apply reclaimed water or sludge http://books.nap.edu/html/sludge/summary.html | |
56. Economics Of Irrigation Management events, the spatial variability of soils, the various due to increased costs, decreasingwater resources, rising the economic efficiency of irrigation Agric. http://www.italocorotondo.it/tequila/module5/irrig_sched/econ_irrig_manag.htm | |
57. Sod Solutions - Drought Resistance And Tolerance of excessive heat and sandy soils further aggravate Augustine has thrived in nonirrigatedareas on turf LB Turfgrass Rooting Characteristics and water Use of http://www.sodsolutions.com/research/research_drought.shtml | |
58. AUTHORIZATION CHECK detrimental effect on seashore paspalum irrigated with ocean water is minimal, a shorttermsoil saturation with of seashore paspalum to salt water may replace http://wssa.allenpress.com/wssaonline/?request=get-document&issn=0890-037X&volum |
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