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21. Soil Quality or by misapplication of animal manures, irrigation water, fertilizers, pesticides,and consultancy and training in soils and their use, manag ement and http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/orgfarm/faqs/soil-quality.faq.html | |
22. The Institute Of Subtropical Plants And Olive Tree Of Chania yield of greenhouse grown eggplant under drip irrigation. water use, growth, yieldand fruit quality of Bonanza oranges under different soil water regimes http://www.nagref-cha.gr/endocs/irrigation.html | |
23. Drought And Water Allocation Drought and water Allocation. Compiled by Mary Stevanus. water Quality Information Center. National Agricultural Library. This bibliography lists 71 articles on water allocation as it relates to drought and water shortages dated 1992 1999. irrigation schemes. II. Applications. Menenti, M., Chambouleyron, J., Morabito, J., Fornero, L., and Stefanini, L. water Resour manag http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Bibliographies/drought.htm | |
24. Register Of Ecological Models: SWIM irrigation code,. Arnold, JG, JR Williams, R. Srinivasan, KW King, and RH.Griggs,1995 SWAT soil and water Basin scale water qualitymodelling using GIS. http://dino.wiz.uni-kassel.de/model_db/mdb/swim.html | |
25. SWMRU Publication List p. 151. 1999. Tolk, JA, Howell, TA, and Evett, SR Effect of mulch, irrigation, andsoil type on water use and yield of maize. soil Tillage Res. http://www.cprl.ars.usda.gov/wmru/wmpubs.htm | |
26. Untitled distribution of soil water balance for a drip irrigated almond tree. Agric water Manag35123146 Coelho (1996). soil water Dynamics under Drip irrigation Transient Flow and Uptake http://www.bard-isus.com/FRPublications/2131.htm | |
27. JOURNAL ARTICLES NR and TW Sammis 1993 Selecting Trickle irrigation Filters using TL Jones 1996 Sensitivityof Simulated Field water Balance to Different soil Hydraulic Data http://weather.nmsu.edu/Teaching_Material/sammisres2.html | |
28. Pesticides In Ground Water References Pesticides in Ground water References ( 974 References) Abernathy, J.R., leaching of herbicides in soil Environ. manag., v. 15, no on groundwater quality. J. soil water Conserv., v. 40, no http://ca.water.usgs.gov/pnsp/pest.rep/vol2_ref.html | |
29. Proceedings Of The Seminar On Integrated Water Resources Manag Integrated water Resources Management Institutional and Policy ReformProceedingsPort of Spain, Trinidad and TobagoJune 2427 1997 Reduction of Demand for irrigation water. Policy interventions http://www.iadb.org/sds/doc/TTProceedingsE.pdf |
30. Dr. Grattan - Publications Impacts of gypsum and winter cover crops on soil physical properties and crop productivitywhen irrigated with saline water. Agric. water manag 45(1)5571. http://lawr.ucdavis.edu/faculty/grattan/p-complete.htm | |
31. Publications 1974. Nitrate and chloride movement in the Plainfield loamy sand under intensiveirrigation. J. Environ. soil Biol. and Biochem. Agri. water manag. 1253262. http://www.johngilmour.com/mainPubs.htm | |
32. UNCCD - United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification information use in optimal management of community irrigation systems in (soil Science) Technion, 1969 D.Sc. Other activities 1. Adjunct Professor (water Eng http://www.unccd.int/cop/cst/experts/individualDetails.php?id=606 |
33. Mount Lofty Ranges Catchment Program Fire prevention officers. irrigation systems (see water). Local government. Pumps Pump Repairs (see water). Slashing mowing. soil and/or plant tissue testing. http://www.mlrcp.sa.gov.au/farmsupplies.htm | |
34. Sakia.org - The World Irrigation Index: IR-L: 07-08 1997 Stein 24/07/1997; LAND AND water ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER Stein - 08/07/1997; Intr.toIRRIGATION-L fr. GEORGE KLASSEN - 03/07/1997; Re soil Moisture Sensors http://www.vl-irrigation.org/cms/index.php?id=262&type=5 |
35. »»Reviews For Water Resources«« Iraq, where nearly all the arable soil has been destroyed through irrigation. Fistor Open Hand. Published in Paperback by soil water Conservation Society http://www.booksunderreview.com/Science/Environment/Water_Resources/ | |
36. Bentonite In Ponds | Malibu Water Resources proved helpful in sealing freshwater ponds, irrigation ditches, reservoirs emailsize of pond, soil type (if the MOST EFFECTIVE METHODS of water loss control. http://www.malibuwater.com/PondBentonite.html | |
37. Pubblicazioni 1994 Effect of saline water on soil salinity and on water Conference on Land and waterresources management of different levels of seasonal irrigation water on two http://www.inea.it/isa/file/1994.htm | |
38. AUTHORIZATION CHECK Establishment methods for alfalfa in irrigated corn. of surface water flows the caseof rainfed cultivation of pearl millet on sandy soil in the water manag. http://wssa.allenpress.com/wssaonline/?request=get-document&issn=0890-037X&volum |
39. PARYAVARAN ABSTRACTS, 1995 Vol. 12 No. 1&4 the ground water can safely be used for irrigation. influence on the quality of groundwater in the phosphorus and organic carbon in the soil profiles around http://sdnp.delhi.nic.in/resources/paryaabs/v12n14/watpol.html | |
40. PARYAVARAN ABSTRACTS, 1998 Vol. 15 No. 3&4 flora, fauna, genetic resources, water, soil and ecosystem protection of forests;soil conservation and Institution Int International Irrig irrigation J Journal http://sdnp.delhi.nic.in/resources/paryaabs/parya-geninfo.html | |
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