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41. Native American - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia case of white men scalping native americans took place though it is thought thatIndians learned scalping Four Nations of the iroquois Confederacy sided with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American | |
42. Tribes And Nations League, or Five Nations of the iroquois, was the city of the Creek Nation in Indianterritory. the largest and area reserved for native americans 17 million http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/NativeAmericans/Tribes&Nations.html | |
43. NA Webquest of the chart titled TRIBES OF native americans. . Pick three of the following fiveIndian tribes to B. iroquois Confederacy 6 nations 1. iroquois Nations or http://www.west-bend.k12.wi.us/webquest/Navajo/naweb2.htm | |
44. Mid Hudson Library System - Lifelines - Native Americans subjects native americans; indians of North America; Names of tribesIroquois, Mahican, Pequot, Algonquin. Great Web Sites. A Mohawk http://midhudson.org/lifelines/lifelines1/nat_am.html | |
45. NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURE Crees, Haida, Hurons, Inuit, iroquois, Kwakwaka wakw by several Federal Agenciesand native American Nations. Tribe Location NC Coharie indians The Coharie http://www.greatdreams.com/native.htm | |
46. NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING The iroquois built log walls all around their villages. These prehistoric NativeAmericans, who are called Mississippian indians by archaeologists, lived http://www.greatdreams.com/native/nativehsg.htm | |
47. American Indian History Resources Peter Nabokov, 1981); Forgotten Founders The iroquois and Tribal S. Dill); Killingthe White Man s Indian Reinventing native americans by Fergus http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/history.html | |
48. Native American Religion In Early America - The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centu An iroquois funeral as observed by a French Jesuit The most important is that Indiansdid not On the contrary, native americans perceived the material and http://www.nhc.rtp.nc.us/tserve/eighteen/ekeyinfo/natrel.htm | |
49. NIEHS Kids Page -- Quotations From American Indians On Environmental Protection democratic system were so impressive that in the 1700 s, Benjamin Franklin invitedthe iroquois to Albany American Indian or native American There has http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/quotes/qtamind.htm | |
51. Allegheny National Forest - Native Americans - Seneca, Iroquois - Salamanca, NY one of the original five native nations of confederacy members (collectively) theIroquois, the British The Cattaraugus Indian Reservation comprised of 21,680 http://www.allegheny-online.com/seneca.html | |
52. Fiction And Poetry By Native Americans of American Indian Literature. edited by Shirley Hill Witt (iroquois) and Stan Steiner PM197.E1W5 1972b. Wearing the Morning Star native American Song-poems. http://www.chipublib.org/001hwlc/litlists/nativeamer.html | |
53. Native American Links archaeology, and people native American Bookmarks by Tracy MarksScroll down fora great iroquois section Oneida Indian Nation The Seneca Nation of indians The http://www.icsd.k12.ny.us/caroline/ayale/standcur/ntvamrcn.html | |
54. Native American Indian Resources to home pages of individual native americans and Nations Oneida Indian Nation TheOneida Indian Nation, one original members of the iroquois Confederacy, enjoys http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/amind.html | |
55. Native American - Indian & Indigenous Links DLU 14Apr04, Native American - India History, native American; History, native American Cultures Creek, Delaware (Lenape),iroquois Nation, Kiowa Oneida, Sioux, Texas indians, Ute; languages http://www.harrold.org/rfhextra/nai.html | |
56. Haudenosaunee Links native/Inuit Sites. native Websites; iroquois * Haudenosaunee Web Links WWW VirtualLibrary American indians Index of native American Resources on http://www.ganondagan.org/links.html | |
57. American Indian | Native | First Nations | Woodland Tribes | Iroquois | Algonqui The iroquois, for example, wore shirts, leggings and moccasins Southwest indians;Woodland Tribes and California indians; Samoa (The More native American Tribes. http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p1330.htm | |
58. Cherokee Messenger - Native American Herbal Remedies iroquois and Penobscots boiled the bark of the white oak native Hemlock (as opposedPoison Hemlock of Socrates fame The Plains indians used this as a universal http://www.powersource.com/cherokee/herbal.html | |
59. North, South, East, West: Native Americans In The Natural World a card on the iroquois of the Northeast; a website North, South, East, West AmericanIndians and the For more information about native americans The First http://its.guilford.k12.nc.us/webquests/native/native.html | |
60. CMMR - Native American Resources resources organized by Goals for American indians, Alaskan Natives and national language,Haudenosaunee history books, Giant iroquois Confederacy list http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~cmmr/Native_American.html | |
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