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61. Archaeology Department, UCD - Archaeology, Ireland, Irish, Celtic Archaeology, D neolithic, bronze age, iron age, early christian, viking, medieval, research, education,wetland, Irish archaeology, archaeology of ireland, Excavation ireland http://www.ucd.ie/archdata/ | |
62. Research Report 1991-96 - ARCHAEOLOGY 819. Cooney, G (1991) `Parking Lots for Paradise , archaeology ireland 53,pp. 23-4. Cooney, G (1991-96) Editor, archaeology ireland, vols 5-10. http://www.ucd.ie/politics/res_rep/report05.htm | |
63. WWW-VL History Index Heritage of ireland; Chapters of Dublin History. Prehistoric and AncientAges Browse ireland History and archaeology; The Discovery http://www.ukans.edu/kansas/eire/ | |
64. Knowth - Archaeological & Astronomical Legacy A comprehensive article on the archaeology and astronomy ofKnowth, one of ireland s richest archaeological sites. http://www.mythicalireland.com/ancientsites/knowth/knowthlegacy.html | |
65. Ballynahattin - Ireland's Stonehenge Works consulted Buckley, VM, 1988, ireland s Stonehenge a lost antiquarianmonument rediscovered , archaeology ireland 2, no. 2, pps.53-54. http://www.mythicalireland.com/ancientsites/stonehenge/irelandstonehenge.html | |
66. BOOKS - MEGALITHS ARCHAEOLOGY IN SCOTLAND IRELAND scrollingtitles-gift-selection-468x60.gif (12017 bytes). MEGALITHS archaeology IN SCOTLAND ireland. Scotland. The Pictish Guide. http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~aburnham/book/archscot.htm | |
67. Tracing Ireland's Lost Archaeology Much of ireland s archaeological artefacts either lost much of the information associatedwith their discovery or were dispersed through their sale and auction http://doi.ucc.ie/archcoll.html | |
68. Directory Of British Archaeology: National Bodies The Directory of British archaeology. Last known at = Data may be outof-dateorganisation did not reply this year. Northern ireland Isle of Man. http://www.cix.co.uk/~archaeology/directory/ireland.htm | |
69. The Swift Guide To Ireland of King John s Castle Earthlore Explorations ireland (Preview, contact irelandAT elore Currently the site of a fascinating Archaeological investigation. http://swift.kerna.com/cat/Society_and_Culture/Archaeology/ | |
70. Archaeology Graduate Programs In United Kingdom And Ireland here to visit the Gradschools.com Bookstore! archaeology. GraduateSchools in United Kingdom and ireland. Sponsoring Institutions http://www.gradschools.com/listings/UK/archaeology_UK.html | |
71. Ancient Ireland - Prehistory, Archaeology, Paleogeography, Geology ireland History in Maps PreHistory + PaleoGeography + archaeology Ancient irelandA collection of findings from archaeology, Geology and other scientific http://www.rootsweb.com/~irlkik/ihm/ancient.htm | |
72. Mallow Archaeological & Historical Society The Mallow Archaeological Historical Society encourages the study ofhistory and archaeology in North Cork, ireland. Mallow Archaeological http://www.rootsweb.com/~irlmahs/ | |
73. CAF Staff - Mr John à Néill archaeology ireland, No.43, 5. 1999 A recently discovered wedge tomb in Shankilltownland, Co. Dublin. archaeology ireland, No.49, 2730. http://radiocarbon.pa.qub.ac.uk/caf/CAFStaff08john.htm | |
74. CAF Staff - Dr Colm Donnelly Hamlin. General Reader texts. Donnelly, C., 1988 ÂCounty Focus County AntrimÂ, archaeology ireland 2.3, 90-93. Donnelly, C http://radiocarbon.pa.qub.ac.uk/caf/CAFStaff01colm.htm | |
75. Some Links Related To Irish Archaeology Institute of Archaeologists of ireland The mission of IAI is to advance the professionof archaeology by seeking to promote development, education, contact http://homepage.tinet.ie/~conormcdermott/ | |
76. Europreart - European Prehistoric Art - Past Signs And Present Memories and historic landscape archaeology, theory and interpretation, settlement archaeologyand the coastal and wetland archaeology of ireland, Britain and Europe http://www.europreart.net/unidublin.htm | |
77. MegaLinks: Ireland (Hits 177). archaeology of Ancient ireland A fairly complete illustrated introductionto Irish archaeology by Michael Sundermeier (Creighton University http://www.stonepages.com/megalinks/01_megalithic_sites/ireland/ | |
78. Ireland Travel - Travel Ireland To The Medieval And Ancient Sites Of Ireland - I THE archaeology OF ireland. Next trip in 2005 Itinerary may change MoreEurope Destinations. ireland is a country of striking contrasts. http://www.farhorizon.com/europe/archaeology_of_ireland.htm | |
79. Books On Neolithic Ireland Secret Sights Unknown Celtic ireland by Rob Vance. Illustrated guide to the legendand archaeology of ancient ireland, both in Celtic and pre-Celtic times. http://www.knowth.com/books.htm | |
80. Archaeology - Ireland - International Center For Scientific Research - CIRS Universities National University of ireland, Galway. *****Departmentof archaeology. *****Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit. http://www.cirs-tm.org/org-eng.php?pays=Irlande&matiere=archeo |
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