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Home - Basic_I - Inventors Specific Bios |
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1. Inventions & Science Projects: School Subject Links: Homework Help: Kids' Page: Search for inventors' bios, or browse by inventors' names, inventions, and types of inventions find more information about the specific inventors (or inventions in general) in this http://www.clpgh.org/kids/homework/subjectlinks_inventions.html | |
2. Invention Resources each week's candidate). bios have links included inventors in a wide range of disciplines. It's a great starting point for students interested in advances in specific http://www.teachersfirst.com/lessons/inventor/invention.htm | |
3. Motherboards - Copyright N. R. Productions applause is due to the inventors and implementers of Flash bios, for making our lives a specially programmed bios chip from a bios manufacturer, that is specific to the motherboard http://internal.vusd.solanocoe.k12.ca.us/Buck/pc_tech/study/motherboard.htm |
4. Biographies html African American chemists, biologists, inventors, engineers, and specific GroupPages 2) Black Heritage http www.galegroup.com/freresrc/blkhstry/bios.htm 3 http://42explore.com/biographies.htm | |
5. BIOS Item No. 30 Fuels And Lubricants Index bios ITEM NO. 30. FUELS AND LUBRICANTS INDEX. Item No. 30 bios REPORT NO. 39. CONCEALED OIL PLANTS IN THE BRILONBREDELAR AREA. Reported by R.A. Acton-Taylor and F.A. Williams. 3 p report. instruments and to find and interrogate the inventors, makers and users respecting the design, operation and questions and answers on specific points. Item No. 30 bios REPORT NO http://www.fischer-tropsch.org/indexes/bios_item_no_30.htm | |
6. African American History set of links, both general and specific Gale Group inventors list of African Americaninventors their in America, with photos, maps, bios, teacher s guide http://teachers.westport.k12.ct.us/resource/african_american_history.htm | |
8. People: Biographies The National inventors Hall of Fame inventors Indexed by The Nobel Channel The PulitzerPrizes bios of the MY Table of Contents SELECT A specific TOPIC OR http://www.teacheroz.com/biographies.htm | |
9. Biographies n Roll Biographies, (15) Scientists / inventors in Electricity, and (16) World groups. specific Group Pages 2) Black Heritage http//www.galegroup.com/freresrc/ blkhstry/bios.htm http://eduscapes.com/42explore/biographies.htm | |
10. Biography & Personal Names Top. inventors, Mathematicians see specific mathematicians on our Mathematicspage. History of Astronomy includes bios of famous astronomers. http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/ref/topics/refbiog.htm | |
11. -- At MakeItSimple never need to know the specific settings for your hard disk, your bios does. The settings are essentially IBM The inventors of the Hard Disk, Magnetoresistive (MR) and GMR heads http://www.makeitsimple.com/sections.php?op=printpage&artid=10 |
12. People inventors, Math Biographies. Mathematicians see specific mathematicians on ourMathematics page. History of Astronomy includes bios of famous astronomers. http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/about/hmwrk/schpeople.htm | |
13. Scientist Search Websites women http//www.treasuretroves.com/bios/bios. html pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/bioindex.html. specific Scientists A0801697.html. http//inventors.about.com/library/ inventors/bldrew.htm http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/staff/jfisch/scientist_search_websites.htm | |
14. Otis Boykin: Bibliography edu/bios/text.shtml boykin. This site has information on over 20 different blackinventors. The information isn t very specific on any of the inventors, but it http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/ryn/projects/inventors/boykin/boykinbib.h | |
15. Biography Individual Biographies. Amelia Earhart. Biography and photographs of the popular American aviator whose plane mysteriously disappeared off the coast of Howland Island in 1937. you to find the specific person you're looking for News Maker bios. ABC News presents brief biographical entrepreneurial spirit of great inventors through exhibits and presentations http://www.wcs.edu/Ees/Biography.htm | |
16. Reference Tools Women inventors 16 profiles of women. Mathematicians Biographies - bios for mathmasters since ancient Industry Central - Industry-specific news resources http://www.bayschools.com/jms/DigitalMedia/resources/Reference Tools.htm | |
17. Creativity & Innovation: New Ideas, Products, Concepts, Ideation. IdeaFlow - Cor Wolpert and Joyce Wycoff (bios here) Posted Friday, June specific purpose of the greater populace. Expression is a fulfillment of a personal desire. During the Renaissance, inventors http://www.corante.com/ideaflow/20030601.shtml | |
18. TCF-2003 Talks: Abstracts And Bios It is hoped this lecture will impart those attending with specific tools to variousforms of IP protections that may be available to inventors, businesses, and http://www.tcf-nj.org/tcf2k3talks.shtml | |
19. Grade 4 Curriculum Connections The bios are full of informations but only one page long. Kid Inventor Resources Teacherresource focusing on kids as inventors. Many links for specific areas. http://www.greenville.k12.mi.us/ecc/grade4.html | |
20. Online Reference For Kids search engines as well as specific person s websites and Inventions Website thatcovers many inventors. ABCNEWS.com Newsmakers bios Find information about http://www.greenville.k12.mi.us/ecc/onlikids.html | |
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