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61. Historic_organizations and Community Development Act of 1974, Public law 93383. THSA and its 1,000 national and international members interested Building trades Directory Eyespeak. http://www.buildingtradesdir.com/resources/historic_organizations/historic_organ | |
62. THE CONFEDERATION OF TURKISH TRADESMEN AND CRAFTSMEN (TESK) According to the law 507, objectives of the Confederation can be Representing Turkish trades and Craftsmen on national and international level,. http://www.tesk.org.tr/eng/eng.html | |
63. Subject Guides - Business Research - Labor Includes international Labour Standards and Human Rights, international labor law, press releases trades Union Congress (TUC) Gateway for labor unions in http://www.csulb.edu/library/subj/business/labor.html | |
64. TOURISM BUSINESS To have locations appropriate for tourism business trades. working as tour guide for international tourists must the conditions and criteria prescribed by law. http://www.vietnam-tourism.com/vietnam_gov/e_pages/Dulich/PhaplenhDL/chuong5.htm | |
65. Liberia: UNMILÂs Crackdown On Trafficking Puts Women At Risk - Bulletins - Refu around the world are transported over international borders each Human trafficking undermines the rule of law and supports to the arms and drug trades, and has http://www.refugeesinternational.org/cgi-bin/ri/bulletin?bc=00818&spotlight=1 |
66. All.info - Society And Social Sciences, Economics And Business international Union of Operating Engineers international Union of Painters and Allied trades Internet Internet Unions Land and Sea Pollution law Lemon law http://all.info/directory/Society_and_Social_Sciences/Economics_and_Business/ | |
67. Economics Internet Resources - Industrial Relations The Parliamentary Library law and Bills Digest Group s Industrial law links; trades and Labour Councils (from the ACTU National Directory). international Links. http://www.aph.gov.au/library/intguide/econ/indusrels.htm | |
68. Exploring Scholarships AFLCIO Skilled trades Explorer $1,000 Recognition; Floyd Boring law Enforcement Explorer international Association of Fire Chiefs Foundation Fire http://www.learning-for-life.org/exploring/about/ | |
69. Exploring Scholarships And Awards service, health, law government, law enforcement, science, skilled trades, social services, or Fire Service, $500) The international Association of http://www.learning-for-life.org/exploring/scholarships/ | |
70. Ocean Transport & NVOCC Reference Center Sailors Union of The Pacific trades. Seafarers Vessel Blacklist. Shipping Digest Search outbound international. FMC Forms. FMC Regulations. Maritime law of Cargo. http://www.cargolaw.com/ocean&nvocc.html.htm | |
71. Amnesty International 1999 Annual Report On Spain (the Kingdom Of) Basque and other political parties, trades unions and racially motivated assaults by law enforcement officers Amnesty international sought information from the http://www.amnesty.org/ailib/aireport/ar99/eur41.htm | |
72. Unions Respond To NSPS of Painters and Allied trades international Brotherhood of Teamsters United Power trades Organization United meet the criteria established by law to govern http://www.nage.org/nsps/Unions.htm | |
73. Safety And Health Sites Cornell law School on US Workers Compensation law. international Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Building and Construction trades Department. http://www.aflcio.org/yourjobeconomy/safety/tools/infolink.cfm | |
74. In Support Of Statement On Immigration Reform Food and Allied Service trades, AFLCIO (FAST). of the United Food and Commercial Workers international Union National Employment law Project (NELP). http://www.aflcio.org/aboutaflcio/ecouncil/ec08062003.cfm | |
75. UFLaw | Levin College Of Law At The University Of Florida the taxation of income of trades or businesses double taxation of income from international investments and law 7905 Independent Study Students may be http://www.law.ufl.edu/tax/courses.shtml | |
76. Uniformity Of International Private Maritime Law 8) The various trades and professions involved in the shipping industry (owners 10) Maritime law today includes a host of international conventions and model http://tetley.law.mcgill.ca/maritime/uniformarlaw.htm | |
77. Eusko Legebiltzarra - Parlamento Vasco - Get Involved - Zabalik - Find Out And G of the legal system international law Rights and Tariff policy Trade international trade Consumption Marketing Distributive trades FINANCE Monetary http://parlamento.euskadi.net/htmldocsnet_DIS/i_zabalik2.html | |
78. WREI: The Women's Research And Education Institute: LINKS University Institute for Women in trades, Technology for Freedom of the Press Women s international League for Peace and Freedom Women s law Center of http://www.wrei.org/links/womenorgs.htm | |
79. Peaceful Tomorrows : Links Nations to hold the US accountable to international law. as a means of resolving international disputes. authors, health care professionals, trades people, and http://www.peacefultomorrows.org/links.html | |
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