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International Disabled & Special Needs Schools: more detail | |||||
61. Air Force Crossroads / Education StudyWeb School Education Colleges for disabled special needs Lists collegesand universities with programs for the disabled and their web sites. http://www.afcrossroads.com/education/special_friendly.cfm | |
62. Disabilities And Special Needs Websites Dyslexia Association is an international, nonprofit of Education, Office of SpecialEducation Programs. of parents of children with disabilities and their http://www.esu3.org/ectc/Edlinks/spneeds.html | |
63. International Nanny Association: Special Needs Resource List The Child with special needs, by Stanley I. Greenspan, MD Learning Disabilities,by Parent Club, Creative Publishing international, INC., $9.99. http://www.nanny.org/educationalresources.htm | |
64. Prince William County - Residents / Disabled & Special Needs Citizens / Committe Interpreter List Summer Camps special needs Camps and Kids on the Block an internationalcommunication program depict disabled and nondisabled persons to http://www.co.prince-william.va.us/default.aspx?topic=01005400174 |
65. International Developments employment and society, and The role of special schools in the www.ri.org.br; The6th international Congress on Including Children with Disabilities in the http://www.disabilityworld.org/April-May2000/IntntalNews/IntnatlDevelop.htm | |
66. Adopting.com Resources For Special Needs Children international Pediatric Health Services URL http//www empowering parents who havechildren with special needs. a broad range of disabilities, feature articles http://www.adopting.com/special.html | |
67. Helen A. Kellar Institute For Human Disabilities | Resources Very special Arts An international organization that works is a directory of consumermedical information, reviews and advice for the abled and disabled. http://kihd.gse.gmu.edu/resources.htm | |
68. Rescources For Special Needs And Learning Disabilities Resources for special needs and Learning Disabilities. on many learing disabilitieshave been international Dyslexia Association (formerly Orton Dyslexia Society http://www.muslimhomeschool.com/mhsnr/DOCS/spnd.htm | |
69. ELLs With Special Needs - CAL Resource Guide Online Teaching Students with special needs in Inclusive Resource Collection Learning Disabilitiesand Adult is the largest international professional organization http://www.cal.org/resources/faqs/RGOs/special.html | |
70. Library the new law that follows international standards. law will provide to people withdisabilities sheltered and 5, Children with special needs Deprived at School http://www.eumap.org/library | |
71. Resources For Arts Therapy Education Fitness - Special Education legasthenie,learning disability,disabled,literacy,dysgraphia, dyscalculia, specialeducation, attention dyslexia association international, reading http://www.dyenamicmovement.com/links/specialeducation.html | |
72. Nordoff Robbins Center For Music Therapy - Steinhardt School Of Education - New a Music Therapy Program in special Education for developmentally disabled the School sevenyears Nordoff and Robbins combined international travel, teaching http://www.nyu.edu/education/music/nrobbins/history.html | |
73. Search Results Disability Research is an international journal devoted and adults with learningdisabilities, program development of pupils with special educational needs in http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/searchres.asp?Main_subject=S&Subject_List=SR1 |
74. CNN.com - Senate Split on Special Education - May 13, 2004 to accelerate spending on disabled children but of the cost of educating childrenwith special needs. is significant because states and school districts must http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/05/13/special.education.ap/ | |
75. Equity And Social Inclusion: Publications & Documents: Publications new approach to making international comparisons in Postcompulsory Education forDisabled People (French). Including students with special educational needs in http://www.oecd.org/findDocument/0,2350,en_2649_34531_1_119699_1_1_1,00.html | |
76. MY TEACHERS PAGE some annotated) dealing with special Education CEC) is the largest international professionalorganization exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/teacher.html | |
77. Inclusive Technology - Home Page best special educational needs software, switches and inclusion worldwide IDDC InternationalDisability Development Consortium how a special school works BDA http://www.inclusive.co.uk/ | |
78. Special Needs - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Special Needs Children special needs children learn well being homeschooled. Resources here for support, legal assistance, curriculum, plans, and more. YOU ARE HERE HOME CONCERNS special needs. Click on NACD http://www.gomilpitas.com/homeschooling/weblinks/specialneeds.htm | |
79. KidPower Links Page KidPower Family Support Resource, Inc. special needs Links includes links to adaptive clothing, toys, assistive technology and equipment, educational alternatives, and disability organizations. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/9021/links.html | |
80. Special Education Resources Olympics international home page special Olympics is a non-profit, internationalprogram of Affiliated Program on Developmental Disabilities Research and http://www.theteachersguide.com/Specialeducation.html | |
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