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81. XCP:links and political realities of indigenous nations. fosters better understanding betweenpeoples through the Lists, Publishers, Newsgroups/ listservs, General Links http://bfn.org/~xcp/links.html | |
82. GST Gateway Biodiversity - Policy indigenous peoples, indigenous Knowledge and Innovations and the Convention onBiological Diversity by the indigenous People s Biodiversity Network (IPBN). http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/LKS/biodiv/policy.html | |
83. GST Gateway Biodiversity - Issues World Wildlife Fund publications on indigenous peoples and conservation; HarvardScience, Technology and Innovation Program Background Papers, Biodiversity and http://gstgateway.wigsat.org/TA/LKS/biodiv/issues.html | |
84. GM Websites Since indigenous populations represent a significant percentage of desire held bya growing number of people. World Wide Web Sites, listservs, online databases http://www.dhushara.com/book/genes/gmwww.htm | |
85. Heritage Institute - Continuing Education For Teachers place to browse for K12 teachers (and others) interested in subscribing to education-relatedlistservs (see below K12 Education and indigenous peoples group. http://www.hol.edu/listsrvs.htm | |
86. Latin America South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC) Exists to ensure that thestruggles of Latin America s indigenous peoples for self determination and http://www.worldrevolution.org/RegionResources.asp?RegionName=Latin America & Ca |
87. Western Europe of human rights, environment, agrarian reform, sustainable development, genderequality, migrant rights, trade unions, urban poor, indigenous peoples, etc. http://www.worldrevolution.org/RegionResources.asp?RegionName=Western Europe |
88. Electronic Mailing Lists IKS under provisions contained in Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Convention, and otherinternational agreements and conventions applying to indigenous peoples;; http://www.sdgateway.net/mailinglists/list9.htm | |
89. Links To Other Sites list of links to many treaties, listservs, journals and Project The Center for WorldIndigenous Studies Fourth record and preserve our peoples struggles to http://www.usd.edu/iais/baggsites.html |
90. ENVIS Homepage WWW additions IIFB2 indigenous people and CBD BIOD Brazil Allows indigenous SustainableLogging Re Biodiversity and Ornithology listservs Botanical Society |
91. Cyberactivism, Sociology 4JJ3 - Group 9 The Zapatistas themselves are a poor indigenous people, who do not even know whatthe seemed to be developing on the Net involving email listservs and many http://socserv2.mcmaster.ca/soc/courses/soc4jj3_99/stuweb/gp9/indigenous.html | |
92. PROJECT NEWS AND UPDATE Committee, PCC) kan daglig kommunisere gjennom to email listservs . the High LatitudesArctic colleges band together to serve indigenous people and preserve http://www.ulapland.fi/home/renman/nor/news_2003.htm | |
93. Humanities Links the Web. Native Web Native Web has links to good resources concerningnative/indigenous peoples from all over the world. http//h http://avconline.avc.edu/avcoll/olhuman.html | |
94. UF Web Resources For Multicultural Studies CLNET s Chicana Studies Home Page provides profiles of Chicana resources, listservs,organizations, and networks; Native or indigenous People top. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/ref/webminstudies.html | |
95. Zapatista Peace Talks Gains Come Slowly As Indigenous Rebel S Many people believe that the National Consultations will to permit the reforms itsindigenous bases are the real revolution. Also check the listservs for the http://ladb.unm.edu/retanet/plans/search/attachments/zapatista_peace_talks.html | |
96. Oceana Welcomes You including global transport patterns of these chemicals and a heavy reliance on seafood,the Arctic ecosystems and their indigenous peoples are suffering the http://www.oceana.org/index.cfm?sectionID=11&fuseaction=3&pageID=113 |
97. Australian K-12 Resources Includes, Victorian Koori Information, Australian Aboriginal Information, WorldwideAboriginal and indigenous peoples sites and Newsgroups and Mailing Lists. http://www.myinternet.com.au/education/ausk_12.html | |
98. Multi-cultural Resources And K-12 Project Sites Home of the First PeopleÂs Art Project Internet Strategies for Empowering IndigenousCommunities in organization offering conferences, listservs and resources http://lone-eagles.com/multicultural.htm | |
99. OneWorld Radio Africa - Newsletters and listservs are also available and some of them are free. IndigenousPeoples funders. 09.07.2002. This site contains funders and resources of http://radioafrica.oneworld.net/section/radioafrica/funding/funders | |
100. Lawlists.txt ADMLPROF is available for sharing tips and resources for study, teaching, or research, sharing recent developments, engaging in friendly debate, meeting new friends and keeping up with old ones. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/~llou/lawlists/lawlists.txt | |
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