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41. Belgacom Internet Info & Help Center Day Weekend October 12 is indigenous peoples Day as elections on Tuesday November4. People across the out Global Exchange s moderated listservs, updated weekly http://www.kairoswb.org/stopcaftaFTAA.htm | |
42. American Multicultural Student Agency Quarterly, a world report on the rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic edu DiversityPage, from CLNet Extensive lists of newsgroups, listservs, gophers, WWW http://ams.unomaha.edu/links.html | |
43. International Centre For Integrated Mountain Development - Biodiversity The indigenous peoples Biodiversity Information Network (IBIN) http increase collaborationamong indigenous groups working L and CICHLIDL listservs, access to http://www.icimod.org/focus/biodiversity/biodivlinks.htm | |
44. IFPRI Gender CG Newsletter, Vol. 5 No. 2, October 1999 New EMail listservs. will discuss topics that include sustainable agriculture,land management, forests, trade and finance, and indigenous peoples. http://www.ifpri.org/themes/mp17/gender/news5-2/news52i.htm | |
45. Law resource in the area of indigenous peoples law and Wide Web Virtual Library indigenousSTUDIES Geographic web site design, downloading, listservs for attorneys http://wwwlib.murdoch.edu.au/internet/bitl/lawsubj.html | |
46. PopCultures.com | General Links This organization manages over 100 listservs, many of which would be of and Socialism,Media Watchdogs, Native Americans and indigenous peoples, and Radical http://www.popcultures.com/general.htm | |
47. Pan American Health Organization quality of life of the indigenous peoples of the Primary Care in an indigenous Communityof Directories, Software, Discussion Groups/listservs, Press Releases http://www.paho.org/English/HCP/HCV/FOS/alimentos.htm?Page=General |
48. IASSA Links Of Interest Journals, Newsletters and listservs Acta Borealia A Nordic Journal of Knowledge Network(ANKN) works on education and curriculum issues for indigenous peoples. http://www.uaf.edu/anthro/iassa/links.html |
49. Internet Update 1996 No. 2 for finding information about any of the over 7,500 public listservs on the a richsource of information and documents about indigenous peoples, has moved to a http://www.law.gwu.edu/iup/issues/1996no2.htm | |
50. Welker's Bookmarks InterLinkslistservs Internet Newsgroups Listserv Lists listservs LISZT Directoryof e Indians.org Home indigenous peoples Literature Index Page Native Wire http://www.indians.org/welker/bookglenmail.htm | |
51. NATIVE-L (December 1992): NativeNet: Happy New Year! Year of indigenous People(s) to the advantage of indigenous people and peoples everywhere archivesof the mailing lists not maintained via listservs on my http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9212/0136.html | |
52. Multicultural Web Sites: Diversity And Ethnic Studies: Virtual Community Quarterly, a world report on the rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic DiversityPage, from CLNet Extensive lists of newsgroups, listservs, gophers, WWW http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/multicul.htm | |
53. Global Biodiversity Forum linked web conference or webforum and a set of email listservs. to facilitate theinvolvement of civil society, scientists, indigenous peoples, business and http://www.wri.org/wri/wri/biodiv/gbf/ |
54. CALL FOR PAPERS Note These are in no particular order, and have simply been cut and pasted froma number of different listservs. indigenous peoples and Protected Areas. http://personal.ecu.edu/popkee/calls.html | |
55. Subject Guides: Anthropology journals and publishers, electronic journals, newsgroups and listservs, and the IncludesAtlas of Cultures (indigenous peoples, Africa, Asia, Europe, North http://www.lib.jmu.edu/anthropology/archaeology.asp | |
56. Research Institute For The Huamnities - Related Disciplines World Documentation Project indigenous peoples Information for A Community ofPeople concerned about of Pennsylvania); Frankfurt School listservs Archive; http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Misc.html | |
57. Capilano College - Books, Videos, CDs ... In the Library Catalogue site also has subscription information about newsgoups listservs and provides byCultural Survival, an organization that helps indigenous peoples and ethnic http://merlin.capcollege.bc.ca/SubjectExpert/new/annsrch7a.cfm?Program=Anthropol |
58. Cape Henry Collegiate School - Perry Library indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities . Diversity Page. http//latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/diversity1.html,from CLNet. Extensive lists of newsgroups, listservs, http://www.capehenry.org/Academics/Library/profmulticultural.htm | |
59. Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank Assessment of the Options for indigenous peoples to Monitor Application of ILO launchedDecember 19, 2002 and sent to subscribers from HRI s listservs. http://www.hri.ca/doccentre/searchDocs.asp?ctryID=35&issueID= |
60. Multicultural Resources of Spanish Language links, including search engines, listservs, international telephone appreciationof the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples, and the http://pml.suffolk.lib.ny.us/Pmlmulti.htm | |
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