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1. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America - LANIC indigenous peoples. Regional Resources. The Amazon Nuestro Pueblo Portrait Collection of guatemala's People by Sylvia Asturias http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/indigenous | |
2. Indigenous People / Indigenous Peoples' Rights indigenous peoples' Rights. C169 indigenous AND TRIBAL peoples CONVENTION, 1989 Peace Process in guatemala Agreement on Identity and Rights of indigenous peoples ( March 31, 1995 http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/ampro/mdtsanjose/indigenous/derecho.htm | |
3. Indigenous People: Guatemala Over the years, the indigenous peoples of guatemala have learned toexpect very little from their government and judicial system. http://www.amnestyusa.org/justearth/indigenous_people/guatemala.html | |
4. Guatemala Solidarity Network Works with Guatemalan organisations and communities striving for human rights, social and economic justice and the empowerment and participation of indigenous peoples and all marginalised groups. http://www.guatemalasolidarity.org.uk/ | |
5. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar historical archive of the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the full expression of self The Maya of guatemala Extensive Maya links and resources http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
6. Indigenous Peoples Of North & Central America Videotapes In The Media Resources at the First Continental Conference of indigenous peoples held in Ecuador in July, 1990 to Mayan refugees from guatemala, escaping political repression at home, have fled to http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/IndigenousVid.html | |
7. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty Reduction A Case Study Of Guatemala account of the poverty facing indigenous peoples in guatemala. Indeed there is a general and other indigenous peoples of guatemala have their own cultural institutions and http://www.iadb.org/SDS/doc/IND-RPlantE.PDF |
8. Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Guatemala) Indigenous Peoples And Freedom Of Expression indigenous peoples and freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is a universally recognised right. case in countries characterised by cultural diversity such as guatemala, Peru, Ecuador and http://www.unesco.org/op/eng/3may98/menchu.htm | |
9. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni The low official estimate may reflect a deliberate effort of the stateto minimize the existence of indigenous peoples in guatemala. http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
10. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni Income (GNI) of less than US $745 per person, while Bolivia, guatemala and Honduras notcovered by surveys yet this is often where many indigenous peoples live http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
11. Agreement On Identity And Rights Of Indigenous Peoples declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples in the appropriate forums of theUnited Nations, in consultation with the indigenous peoples of guatemala. III. http://www.minugua.guate.net/ACUERDOSDEPAZ/ACUERDOSINGLES/INDIGENOUS PEOPLES.htm | |
12. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni indigenous peoples and Poverty The Cases of Bolivia, guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Executive summary. This paper addresses some of the most pressing issues for indigenous peoples in Latin America. http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
13. Indigenous Peoples Declaration Against Of United States Invasion Of Iraq Colombia. Information Network of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. INIPA.Canada. Liga Maya Internacional . guatemala. Universidade Federal de Mato Groso. http://www.freepeltier.org/indigenous_declaration.htm | |
14. DECLARATION OF ATITLÃN, GUATEMALA, Indigenous Peoples Consultation On The Rig International Indian Treaty Council. CONSEJO INTERNACIONAL DE TRATADOS INDIOS WORKING FOR THE RIGHTS AND RECOGNITION OF indigenous peoples" DECLARATION OF ATITLÃN, guatemala and traditional authorities of indigenous peoples, Nations, and organizations from 28 appreciation to the indigenous peoples of guatemala, particularly the Maya Kaqchikel http://www.treatycouncil.org/new_page_5241224.htm | |
15. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni printer friendly version. General aspects of indigenous peoples' perception of poverty. Apart from providing countryspecific information, the MRG consultation in guatemala also confirmed that many http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
16. 9746/9822—Guatemala's Indigenous People—11/18/97, 6/2/98 guatemala S indigenous PEOPLE. Guests Members minute. guatemala has over60 percent of its population coming from indigenous peoples. I http://www.commongroundradio.org/shows/97/9746.html | |
17. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International Maps (Magellan) Institute for Central American Development Studies indigenous peoplesin Central America Maya peoples in Mexico and guatemala Maya Archeology http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
18. NGO Indigenous People 1998, guatemala Partners sent over $450,000 to fifty projects and organizationsin guatemala, Chiapas and Honduras, emphasizing indigenous peoples, women and http://www.nativeplanet.org/ngo/ngo1.htm | |
20. Indigenous Peoples' Global Consultation, Right To Food, April 2002 Guatemala / C DECLARATION OF ATITLÃN, guatemala, indigenous peoples Consultation on the Rightto Food A Global Consultation, Atitlán, Sololá, guatemala, April 17 19 http://www.treatycouncil.org/new_page_5241223.htm | |
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