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81. Indigenous People Social Studies indigenous Studies general Resources People History Culture. Home. To general Resources Africa, African Anthropology To general http://www.archaeolink.com/indigenous_people_social_studies.htm | |
82. FWDP -- UN Draft Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples Latest version of the United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights on indigenous peoples the Draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples. As soon as a new draft is http://www.cwis.org/drft9329.html | |
83. Indigenous Peoples - The Caribs In Dominica We ve moved! Please click here to go to our new page on a virtual Dominica . (YouÂll be redirected automatically in 10 seconds). http://www.delphis.dm/caribs.htm | |
84. Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights Presentation indigenous peoples Rights PresentationDecember 3, 2001 Human Rights CenterCommon Myths about as they pertain to indigenous peoplesGeneral AssemblyEconomic and Social Council http://www.hrusa.org/indig/presentation/presentation.pdf |
85. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : A The AinuJapan s indigenous People The Ainu culture, and the historical majority (Japanese Starkey Project Plug Ugly Resource devoted to general Lee s lost http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1787 |
86. NativeWeb: Information and organizations around the world; to foster communication between native and nonnative peoples; to conduct research involving indigenous peoples usage of http://www.nativeweb.org/info/ | |
87. International Decade Of The World's Indigenous People, General Assembly Resoluti and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Venezuela draft resolution International Decade of the World s indigenous People The general Assembly,. http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_211611.htm | |
88. Indigenous People Report of the Secretarygeneral on the review of the existing mechanisms, procedures and programmes within the United Nations concerning indigenous people. http://www.sdnpbd.org/sdi/international_day/Indigenous-people/reports.htm | |
89. Information For Indigenous (General) ....... general) general information and services for indigenous people. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (ATSIS). http://www.community.gov.au/Internet/MFMC/community.nsf/pages/section?opendocume |
90. Edmonds Institute Occasional Paper OF BIODIVERSITY. AND. indigenous peoples. What we are saying is that indigenous peoples have, above all, the right. NOT TO PERMIT PRIVATIZATION,. http://www.edmonds-institute.org/muelaseng.html | |
91. International Decade Of The World S Indigenous People BACK. Programme of activities for the International Decade of the World s indigenous People general Assembly resolution 50/157 of 21 December 1995, annex. http://www.itpcentre.org/decade.htm |
92. Message Of The Director-General Of UNESCO On The Occasion Of The International D Message of the Directorgeneral of UNESCO on the occasion of the International Day of the WorldÂs indigenous People 08-08-2003 - At the second session of the http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php@URL_ID=14044&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201. | |
93. *Ã*Â Planet Directory *Ã*Â | Peace, Spirituality, Globalization, On This Day, Halloween_16 Health_143 History Archaeology_47 Hoaxes pranks etc_10 Holidays general_38 Human rights_28 Humor_80 indigenous peoples_24 Internet http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/links/indigenouspeoples.html | |
94. "People's Paths Site Index!" North American Indian & Indigenous People! North American Indian indigenous People s News ; NAIIP People s Paths NAIIP Message Forums Cherokee Forums American Indian Forums ~ general Discussion and http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/mainindex.html | |
95. "The People's Paths!" North American Indian & Indigenous People! North American Indian indigenous People s News ; NAIIP North American Indian Forums ~ general Discussion and People s Paths NAIIP Live Chat Rooms; the http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/paths.html | |
96. The International Year For The World's Indigenous People The 1993 International Year for the World s indigenous People was proclaimed by the United Nations general Assembly to strengthen international cooperation http://www.ciesin.org/docs/010-000/Year_Worlds_Indig.html | |
97. Human Rights And Equal Opportunity Commission Website: HREOC And The WCAR the work of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people and requests the Secretary general and the http://www.humanrights.gov.au/worldconference/outcomes/indigenous.html | |
98. Agenda 21 - RECOGNISING AND STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND THEI The International Year for the World s indigenous People (1993), proclaimed by the general Assembly in its resolution 45/164 of 18 December 1990, presents a http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=52&ArticleID=74 |
99. The History Of Native America World History Archives top page. The history in general of the Americas http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41 | |
100. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : G Australian indigenous Education Conference (AIEC) bringing together people involved in the education of indigenous Australian students. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1781 |
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