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1. Northern Indigenous Peoples - General - ExploreNorth Northern indigenous peoples general Information. Crossroads of Continents From the Smithsonian, an exhibit examining cultures of http://www.explorenorth.com/native-arc.html | |
2. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar Virtual Library provides links to general indigenous Studies Resources. indigenous Resources for Africa the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the full http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
3. Joint Indigenous Peoples' Letter To UN Member States, UN General Assembly, Octob International Indian Treaty Council. CONSEJO INTERNACIONAL DE TRATADOS INDIOS WORKING FOR THE RIGHTS AND RECOGNITION OF indigenous peoples" of the Permanent Forum on indigenous peoples in February 2000, stated that "a Nations system." indigenous peoples are aware of the UN Secretary general's programmes on "Integrating http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_21134.htm | |
4. Solidarity Philippines Australia Network (SPAN) A network of Filipino and Australian individuals and organizations active in solidarity with the struggles of the Filipino people for human rights, selfdetermination, social justice, peace and democracy. SPAN identifies with the poor and oppressed majority of the Philippines and acts upon its special concern for women and children in general and indigenous peoples in particular. http://www.cpcabrisbane.org/ | |
5. Indigenous Peoples Of North & Central America Videotapes In The Media Resources gathered at the First Continental Conference of indigenous peoples held in Ecuador in July, 1990 to discuss with the U.S. government, culminating in the battle with general George A http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/IndigenousVid.html | |
6. World History Archives: Indigenous Peoples Of Boriken (Puerto Rico) A retrospective and contemporary history of the TaÂnos of Borik©n, and the history of Caribbean peoples of Amazonian origin in general. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/index-fc.html | |
7. United Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database - Document - Genera general Recommendation No. 23 indigenous peoples . 18/08/97. general Recommendation No. 23 indigenous peoples. (general Comments). indigenous peoples. http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/73984290dfea022b802565160056fe1c?Opendocument |
8. Home Page Buys, sells, trades and consigns used books. Also offers appraisals, special orders and search for rare and outof-print books. Specializes in British Columbia Interest, indigenous peoples, Literature, Canadiana, Canadian Literature and History, Antiquarian books of all kinds, as well as, general fiction and non-fiction. http://www.atsecondglance.com/ |
9. Indigenous Peoples With the aim of promoting indigenous and Tribal peoples participation in activities that are closely related to our to the attention of the general public all the efforts that are http://www.itpcentre.org/ |
10. Indigenous Declaration PROPOSED AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE. RIGHTS OF indigenous peoples ( Approved by the InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights on February 26, 1997, at its 1333rd session, 95th regular session) PREAMBLE. 1. indigenous peoples the possibility to obtain education at all levels, at least of equal quality with the general http://www.cidh.org/Indigenous.htm | |
11. Indigenous Peoples And Criminal Legal Systems. Many decisions affecting indigenous people. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Out of Attorneygeneral s WorldWide Listing Every AG everywhere. http://www.geocities.com/athens/acropolis/7001/solon_di.htm | |
12. Indigenous Peoples - ExploreNorth Links to information sources on the North's original peoples. indigenous peoples of the North. Northern indigenous peoples general. The Inuit http://www.explorenorth.com/native.html | |
13. Siberian Native Peoples Siberian Native peoples general. Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Northeast Siberian Tribes NativeL Siberian indigenous peoples Minority Languages http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/8226/sibnative.html | |
14. Mythology's MythingLinks: Indigenous Peoples -- Australian Aboriginal Peoples David Betz s essay as well as other fine pages, including terrific photo essays on artists and Aboriginal life in general. Back to indigenous peoples metapage http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~australia.html | |
15. MYTHING LINKS / Indigenous Peoples: Maori journals. If you want to explore New Zealand in general, this is the site for it. To top of Maori To indigenous peoples Home. If http://www.mythinglinks.org/ip~maori.html | |
16. Ninth General Assembly Of Indigenous Peoples And Ethnic Communities NINTH general ASSEMBLY OF indigenous peoples AND ETHNIC COMMUNITIES. For Land, Nature, Life and the Future. The 336 representatives http://www.puebloindio.org/moskitia/resoluti.htm | |
17. FWDP -- World Council Of Indigenous Peoples WCIP_DEC.TXT World Council of indigenous peoples Declaration on Human Rights - 2nd general Assembly, Kiruna, Samiland - September 1977. http://www.cwis.org/fwdp/wcip.html | |
18. General Definitions :: Indigenous Peoples In Brazil - ISA find your way indigenous peoples in Brazil Who, where, how many Who they are general definitions About the names of the peoples Emerging identities. http://www.socioambiental.org/pib/english/whwhhow/who/defi.shtm | |
19. General Languages :: Indigenous Peoples In Brazil - ISA that language as a tool for the catechism of the indigenous populations animals, foods etc.), so much so that many people imagine that Paulista general Language. http://www.socioambiental.org/pib/english/languages/general.shtm | |
20. Justice For Indigenous Peoples: 1993 UUA General Resolution Unitarian Universalist Association Justice for indigenous peoples 1993 general Resolution. BECAUSE Unitarian Universalists affirm http://www.uua.org/actions/racial-justice/93indigenous.html | |
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