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41. Indiana University Of Pennsylvania - Libraries Dean of IUP libraries. Email Rfowler@iup.edu Stapleton Library, Room 203. indiana, PA 15705. U.S.A http://www.lib.iup.edu/ | |
42. Libweb - Directory Of USA Public Libraries, Indiana The original directory of library home pages. This page is a directory of Public libraries in indiana. libraries on the Web. USA Public indiana. Current update 05/23/04 Evansville-Vanderburgh County Public libraries Evansville IN. Fayette County Public Library Connersville IN http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/Public_IN.html | |
43. IUB Libraries: Ask A Librarian Email a question or chat live with an IUB Librarian. This service is intended for the students, faculty and staff of indiana University, Bloomington. http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=43 |
44. EAS Map Room Index to aerial maps of indiana in the collection. http://www.lib.purdue.edu/eas/inmaps.html | |
45. CARNEGIE LIBRARIES List of the state's Carnegie buildings with year of grant and subsequent renovations or current use. http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/www/isl/ldo/carn.html | |
46. Indiana University Official indiana University homepage. You will find information about Campuses, Medical Centers, Research Centers, Economic Development, Academics, Administration, Admissions, Arts, Culture, International Resources. libraries. News Information. Administration. President. Board of Trustees Riley Hospital for Children. indiana University Hospital. Methodist Hospital http://www.indiana.edu/ | |
47. ORALL: Ohio Regional Association Of Law Libraries Lists information for members (covering indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky), including scholarship information, chapter newsletter, committees, and Ohio legal resources. http://www.orall.org | |
48. WWW Virtual Law Library: Table Of Contents indiana University School of LawBloomington. Presents the By information source. none. Law Schools/libraries. Law Firms http://www.law.indiana.edu/v-lib | |
49. Folklore Collection At Indiana University The indiana University Bloomington libraries Folklore and Ethnomusicology Collection home page contains general Folklore references, a list of links to other sites, and a description of the Collection. http://www.indiana.edu/~libsalc/folklore/ | |
50. Indiana State Library Our Catalog. The Web. 140 N. Senate Avenue. indianapolis, IN 46204. 317.232.3675 " that state government, other libraries and all residents of indiana have access to whatever or via our website. Preserving indiana history today Providing access for tomorrow http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/ | |
51. Music Library Association (MLA) Clearinghouse List of sites that relate to music librarianship and music libraries. http://www.music.indiana.edu/tech_s/mla/index.htm | |
52. Indiana Library Federation In addition, ILF is devoted to promoting the health and well beingof all libraries in indiana. The organization sponsors effective http://www.ilfonline.org/ | |
53. The Pied Piper Of Hamelin By Robert Browning By Robert Browning (1888), illustrated by Kate Greenaway; etext at indiana University libraries. http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/etext/piper/ | |
54. Indiana University William And Gayle Cook Music Library Home Page indiana University Bloomington libraries, William and Gayle Cook Music Library, general information, hours, music research, music databases, Variations system, online listening http://www.music.indiana.edu/muslib.html | |
55. Indiana Library Federation Educators (AIME), is an affiliate of the indiana Library Federation (ILF), and isa state affiliate of the American Association of School libraries (AASL) and http://www.ilfonline.org/Units/Associations/aime/ | |
56. Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System (unsupported Browser Version) Created in 1967 by the indiana General Assembly to permit sharing of educational resources via technology. Its members are indiana's colleges and universities. Partners include K12 schools, public libraries, state government, and public broadcasting. http://www.ihets.org/ | |
57. LIBCAT: US-Indiana indiana State University http//odin.indstate.edu/home.html; indianaUniversity http//www.libraries.iub.edu/; Private Academic Library http://www.metronet.lib.mn.us/lc/list1.cfm?statex=Indiana |
58. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS A list of interview questions for library employees used at indiana University libraries. http://www.indiana.edu/~libpers/interview.html | |
59. Faceted Access A Review Of The Literature The purpose of this paper is to define what is meant by facet analysis, and to review briefly the history of facet analysis within the context of other types of subject analysis in libraries and within the context of information retrieval research. A paper by Amanda Maple. http://theme.music.indiana.edu/tech_s/mla/facacc.rev |
60. TEI Text Encoding In Libraries A collaborative document produced as a result of the TEI and XML in Digital libraries meeting at the Library of Congress in 1998. http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/tei/ | |
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