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Iceland Government: more books (58) | |||
81. Iceland - Country Information - Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Tra Recent Political Developments. iceland s government is a centre rightIndependence Party/Progressive Party coalition. Prime Minister http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/iceland/iceland_brief.html | |
82. "For Sale: Iceland's Genetic History" By Oksana Hlodan The government of iceland has passed a law enacting the creation ofa national health database. As first proposed, the bill required http://www.actionbioscience.org/genomic/hlodan.html | |
83. Nordic Local Government - Iceland, Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Aland - Various Li A collection of links to entities of local government in iceland, Faeroe Islands,Greenland and Aland. Nordisk lokalstyre. Nordic local government. Island. http://www.perjol.net/kommuner/komdiv.html | |
84. Corp Watch:Â Stop Alcoa From Destroying Iceland's Wilderness! but to cut costs. It is closing smelters in the US and moving to Icelandwhere the government is offering dirtcheap electricity. http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=5828 |
85. The Avalon Project : Defense Of Iceland: Agreement Between The United States And shall come into force on the date of receipt by the government of the UnitedStates of America of a notification from the government of iceland of its http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/diplomacy/iceland/ice001.htm | |
86. Iceland Information: Facts, Geography, People, Government, Economy, Flag And Ice MyTravelGuide. We also have a iceland Tourism Guide. Facts, Geography, People,government, Flag, Economy and iceland Map. government, iceland. Country http://www.mytravelguide.com/guides-and-advice/fact-book/cia/Iceland.php | |
87. FalunInfo.Net - Renowned Iceland Lawyer: "The [Icelandic] Government Violated Th The Icelandic government violated constitutional law when it gathered personal informationabout a group of people and gave Flugleidir (IcelandAir) a list of http://www.faluninfo.net/DisplayAnArticle.asp?ID=6055 |
88. Iceland.org Enter iceland's diplomatic missions' websites above or go to iceland.is, the offical gateway to iceland, where you will find a wealth of information on iceland its nature, society and people - and http://www.iceland.org/ | |
89. Governments On The WWW: Iceland Links to websites of governmental institutions and political parties in iceland. http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/is.html | |
90. Iceland http://www.stjr.is/en/stjren01.htm |
91. Nordic Institute Of Asian Studies An international research institute funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, iceland, Norway and Sweden. Features current research, publications, links to related sites, and contact details. http://nias.ku.dk | |
92. North Atlantic University Alliance Alliance of universities, the private sector and governments from Canada, Denmark, Finland, iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom on the North Atlantic Rim. http://www.siu.no/inst.nsf/0/e57fb10028e59b224125683b00665aa4?OpenDocument |
93. Responsible Fisheries - Stocks - Whales Sightings surveys indicate that there are around 16,000 fin whales in the area betweenEast Greenland and iceland and about 18,900 in the wider area of East http://www.fisheries.is/stocks/whales.htm | |
94. NIH: IC Directors' Meeting Highlights July 26, 2001 to questions about whether our scientists will be allowed access to this material,Dr. Skirboll said, first, that the Icelandic government owns the data. http://www.nih.gov/icd/od/foia/icdirminutes/icdir072601.htm | |
95. Iceland - Countrywatch.com News iceland Review Politics The Constitution Politics The icelandic GovernmentPolitics The Parliament Stock Market iceland Stock Exchange Travel icelandair http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vCOUNTRY=77 |
96. The Icelandic Government The official English language home page of the government of Icelandhas been moved. A click here will bring you to the current page. http://eldur.stjr.is/en/stjren01.htm | |
97. Stjórnarráð Ãslands Stjórnarráð Ãslands. VÃsar á vefi ráðuneytanna og almenn atriði varðandi opinbera stjórnsýslu. http://www.stjr.is/ | |
98. ÃÂtflutningsráð ÃÂslands - Ãslensk hönnun sænsk framleiðsla. Ãtflutningsráð, à samvinnuvið sendiráð Ãslands à SvÃþjóð, boðar til kynningarfundar http://www.icetrade.is/ | |
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