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Hungary History: more books (100) |
141. Budapest Stock Exchange - Hungary Hungarian securities exchange features market data, information about issuers, listed securities and companies, brokers, rules and regulations. http://www.bse.hu/ |
142. Institute Of Inorganic And Analytical Chemistry, University Of Debrecen, Hungary Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry http://www.klte.hu/~wwwinorg/inorg.html |
143. Képzõmûvészet Magyarországon Virtu¡lis Ki¡llÂt¡s http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/keptar/ | |
144. Home Page Magyar Âllami F¶ldtani Int©zet hivatalos honlapja. http://www.mafi.hu/hunindex.html | |
145. C&T Hungary Utaz¡sszervez©s (k¼lf¶ld, belf¶ld, csoportos ©s egy©ni, k¶rutaz¡sok, ¼d¼l©sek, sÂutak); beutaztat¡s, programszervez©s (k¶rutaz¡sok, ¼d¼l©sek, gy³gy, hobbi- ©s sportutaz¡sok), kongresszusok, konferenci¡k, ki¡llÂt¡sok szervez©se, rep¼là Âjegy ©rt©kesÂt©se. http://www.congresstravel.hu/ | |
146. BBC Hungary Ritk¡n friss¼là Â, de megbÂzhat³ hÂrforr¡s http://www.infostart.hu/category.my?idt=165 |
147. ELTE-Operations Research Department Operations Research Department. http://www.cs.elte.hu/opres/index2.html | |
148. Colossal Rendezvénytechnikai Szolgáltató Kft. Hang/f©ny/szÂnpadtechnikai szolg¡ltat¡sok, l¡tv¡nytervez©s, lemezlovasok, rendezv©nyszervez©s, filmgy¡rt¡s. http://www.colossal.hu/ | |
149. Rhapsody Tours Canadian tour operator to Central Europe. Packages to hungary, Czech Republic, Vienna, Prague, Budapest and others. http://www.rhapsodytours.com |
150. Climbing In Hungary General area information. Crag information. Photos. (hungary) http://ludens.elte.hu/climb/climb.html | |
151. Political Map Of The Czech Republic, Slovakia, And Hungary - World Sites Atlas A political map showing major cities and towns. http://www.sitesatlas.com/Maps/Maps/516.htm | |
152. Www.meh.hu - Hiba The Ministry of Finance sets the financial policy framework that supports the government's economic strategy. It also prepares bills related to taxation, and it performs various regulatory functions. http://www.meh.hu/pm/ | |
153. INI.HU Domain Registration Service Information and pictures of a number of caves in hungary. http://www.cavediver.ini.hu | |
154. JDC | Programs Worldwide | Central And Eastern Europe | Hungary | History Although Jews have lived in hungary since the first century, the community underwent significant expansion in the 11 th century, with the immigration of Jews http://www.jdc.org/p_ee_hung_history.html | |
155. Jewish Cemeteries In Hungary Jewish cemetery surveys and gravestone photos with transcription and translation. http://www.geocities.com/winter_peter_4 | |
156. ENHR Activities In The Central And Eastern European Region With A Focus On Hunga From the Commission on Health Research for Development and the Task Force on Health Research for Development. Article in PDF Format. http://www.cohred.ch/documents_COHREDweb/Reports_country/ic_romania.pdf |
157. A Zöld Demokraták Hivatalos Honlapja ! Some information about the party and its policies in English. http://www.zd.hu |
158. Szivárvány Misszió AlapÃtvány Includes event information, mission statement, committee information, sponsors, and news. http://www.szivarvany-misszio.hu/homepage/angol/?page=2 |
159. Országos BetétbiztosÃtási Alap National Deposit Insurance Fund, which guarantees deposits up to one million forints. http://www.oba.hu/ | |
160. WWW.AUTOSTUDIO.HU - A GÃPJÃRMÃKERESà PORTÃL Haszn¡lt aut³k. http://www.autostudio.hu/ |
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