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101. Department Of Algebra And Number Theory, Eotvos University Department of Algebra and Number Theory. Members pages. http://www.cs.elte.hu/algebra/ | |
102. NEIK's Mission: Protect The Gypsies Of Hungary By David Bornstein. http://civnet.org/journal/issue10/rpdborn.htm | |
103. Who Was Who? Ancestor of the Ãrpád House, the first royal dynasty in Hungarian history. Baross, Gábor (18481892) politician, the Iron Minister . http://www.gotohungary.com/history/whowaswho.shtml | |
104. SIC-Hungary Gumiipari Kft. Pr©selt gumialkatr©szek, t¶mÂt©sek, profilok, extrud¡lt cs¶vek gy¡rt¡sa b©rmunk¡ban. http://www.sickft.hu | |
105. Historical Text Archive: Electronic History Resources, Online Since 1990 history DVDs. © 19902004 Donald J. Mabry / The Historical Text Archive. http://historicaltextarchive.com/ | |
106. AIB-Vinçotte Minà Âs©g, biztons¡gi-, k¶rnyezeti- ©s ©lelmiszeripari menedzsment rendszerek tanºsÂt¡sa. http://www.aib-vincotte.hu/ | |
107. Hungary Flags Geographic.org Hungarian Flag Images in several sizes. http://www.geographic.org/flags/new1/hungary_flags.html | |
108. Austria , Austro-Hungarian Monarchy-- Primary Documents Hungarian Electronic Library International, AustroHungarian and Hungarian history Also contains commentaries and annotations (Translations and Hungarian http://library.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/austria.html | |
109. 4th World Jamboree, Gödöllö, Hungary, 1933: The Scout Jamboree Book, BSA. Int The Scout Jamboree Book of the Boy Scouts of America as compiled by James E. West, Chief Scout Executive. http://www.pinetreeweb.com/1933-wj4-sjb-introduction.htm | |
110. Digsight Site devoted to digiscoping, producing digital pictures through spotting scopes. Galleries of birds of Belgium, hungary, and Africa. http://www.digi-sight.com/ |
111. The American Association For The Study Of Hungarian History The American Association for the Study of Hungarian history. John s University College Europa program. Interested in reading more about Hungarian history? http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~habsweb/aashh.htm | |
112. School Success For Roma Children A meeting hosted by the EPSU team and the Soros Foundation Romania to discuss the development of programming to promote school success for Roma children. http://www.osi.hu/epsu/conf/961211.html | |
113. CNN.com - Far-right Fears As Hungary Votes - April 6, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/04/06/hungary.election/index.html | |
114. Sara Lee K¡v©k ©s te¡k forgalmaz¡sa. http://www.saralee.hu/ | |
115. Roma/Gypsy Minority Addresses and links. http://www.meh.hu/nekh/Angol/5-11-2.htm | |
116. Magunkról Mostly in Hungarian language; covers the campaign and research on it. http://www.fact.hu/dohanyzasrol/ | |
117. Hungarian History Mátyás however died without an heir, and as was the case throughout Hungarian history, a period of progress and order was quickly followed by feudal http://www.talkingcities.co.uk/budapest_pages/history1.htm | |
118. Children's Railway - Budapest, Hungary The only real narrowgauge railway line operated by children throughout the year, located in Budapest, hungary. http://www.gyermekvasut.com/english.html | |
119. Index POSTECH, Pohang, Korea; 57 July 2002. http://com2mac.postech.ac.kr/wshop/kohu2002/ | |
120. Folkinfo, Az Almássy Téri SzabadidÃ
Âközpont Folkadatbázisa - Budap Ingyenes folkadatb¡zis a magyar n©pmà ±v©szet, n©pzene, n©pt¡nc ©s az ehhez kapcsol³d³ t©mak¶r¶krà Âl nyºjtott inform¡ci³kkal. http://www.folkinfo.net/ |
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