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         Hungarian Literature:     more books (100)
  1. A history of Hungarian literature
  2. The Oxford History of Hungarian Literature: From the Earliest Times to the Present by Lorant Czigany, 1984-06
  3. An Introductory Bibliography to the Study of Hungarian Literature by Albert Tezla, 1964-01-01
  4. History of Hungarian Literature, A by Frederick Riedl, 2002-12-31
  5. Treasury of Hungarian Love: Poems, Quotations & Proverbs
  6. A Complete Practical Grammar of the Hungarian Language, With Exercises, Selections from the Best Authors, and Vocabularies, to Which Is Added a Historical Sketch of Hungarian Literature by J. Csink, 1853
  7. Myth and Remembrance: The Dissolution of the Habsburg Empire in the Memoir Literature of the Austro-Hungarian Political Elite by Gergely Romsics, 2005-10-01
  8. Abraham und Isaak: Roman nach der Bibel. (Hungarian).: An article from: World Literature Today by Marianna D. Birnbaum, 2001-06-22
  9. THE CITY IN MODERN POLISH AND HUNGARIAN POETRY.(Critical Essay): An article from: World Literature Today by George Gomori, 2001-01-01
  10. Hungarian Literature: An Historical And Critical Survey by Emil Reich, 2004-09-30
  11. Hungarian-Canadian Literature by George Bisztray, 1987-10
  12. Babel Guide: Hungarian (Babel Guides to Literature in English Translation)
  13. A history of American Hungarian literature, 1583-1987 by Leslie Konnyu, 1988
  14. An Introductory Bibliography to the Study of Hungarian Literature by Albert Tezla, 1964

1. English
The Center of hungarian literature. 02 621 5800 e-mail The Center of hungarian literature was founded in August 1986.
T he Center of Hungarian Literature Porin kaupunginkirjasto - Satakunnan maakuntakirjasto
Gallen-Kallelankatu 12 , 28101 Pori
tel. 02 - 621 5800
e-mail: The Center of Hungarian Literature was founded in August 1986. A year later
a similiar center, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden keskus - Finn Irodalmi Központ,
was founded in National Foreign Language Library in Budapest. In Finland there is a nation wide plan concerning rare language materials in libraries.
According to the plan certain libraries specialize in rare language materials.
They function as reference and inter-library lending libraries who serve the whole country. Other centers are the Romanian Center in the libraries of Toijala and Valkeakoski,
Norwegian Center in Espoo, Polish Center in Tampere, Lappish Center in Rovaniemi,
Estonian Center in Kotka, Icelandic Center in Kuopio and Danish Center in Turku. Hungary was a natural choice for Pori because one of the most active Finnish-Hungary Clubs,
which was founded in 1972 operates here. Also contacts with Pori`s friendship town Eger are very warm.

2. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hungarian Literature
hungarian literature. The language others. In fact from the beginning hungarian literature was much indebted to the religious orders. The
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Hungarian Literature
The language which has prevailed in Hungary for nearly a thousand years and is spoken at the present day by about 12,000,000 persons, is a pithy and very pliant language, rich in vowel-sounds and fundamentally different from the majority of literary tongues. As was determined by the Jesuit Virginity of Our Lady , c. 1300. Hungarian literature, a markedly national product, was always in closest contact with the historical development of the people, and accordingly may be divided into five periods. The Pre-Reformation Period The pre-Reformation period, which in pre-Christian times, up to about A. D. 1000, produced chiefly popular epics, and after the introduction of Christianity Renaissance Bibliotheca Corvina ). Culture and literature were suddenly brought to a standstill by the invasion of the Turks and the consequent devastation of bishoprics, monasteries, and schools, and later through the divisions and confusion of the Reformation. Reformation and Counter-Reformation Period Towards the middle of the sixteenth century began the printed controversial literature. The polemical warfare was commenced by the

3. Hungarian Literature. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. hungarian literature. Until the 19th cent. Latin was Hungary’s literary language.
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4. Hungarian Literature, Hungarian Books (book Reviews)
hungarian literature. Book Reviews. György Dalos The Circumcision a Jewish orphan in post-war Hungary faces a choice; Sándor Márai
Danny Yee's Book Reviews
Titles Authors ... Latest
Hungarian literature
Book Reviews
  • György Dalos The Circumcision
    - a Jewish orphan in post-war Hungary faces a choice
  • Sándor Márai Embers
    - looking back at the intensities and obsessions of youth
  • István Orkeny One Minute Stories
    - Hungarian stories "while the soft-boiled egg is boiling"
See also Eastern Europe Subjects Titles Authors ...
Book Reviews by Danny Yee

5. Hungarian Literature By Albert Tezla
hungarian literature. During the fall of 1955, I began an investigation of the origins of romanticism in hungarian literature from about 1770 to about 1845.
Hungarian Literature
by Albert Tezla
Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 64-19586

for his illumination and inspiration Content


Abbreviations, Symbols, and Hungarian Bibliographical and Literary Terms

B. European Libraries

PREFACE During the fall of 1955, I began an investigation of the origins of romanticism in Hungarian literature from about 1770 to about 1845. A dramatic development of a truly national literature in Hungary began in this period, and romanticism contributed to its inception and growth in very important ways. As I sought to collect materials for my study, I quickly encountered serious problems, the first of which was bibliographical. Despite the fact that Pintér's eight-volume history (no. 382, below) contained an extensive bibliographical apparatus, I needed other bibliographical aids, especially to uncover materials published since his history. From Pintér's work I compiled lists of titles and checked them against the National Union Catalog, the first of many attempts to locate useful titles. After I learned which libraries were interested in Hungarian materials, by analyzing the returns from the National Union Catalog and by examining the terms of the Farmington Plan and reports of Hungarian periodical holdings in the Union list of serials

6. Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár
literature Gyermek és ifjúsági irodalom Literature for children Határontúli magyar irodalom hungarian literature outside Hungary Klasszikus magyar'/nyitas.html','masik', 'scrollbars=no,status=no,width=430,height=155,resizable=yes');
Szépirodalom Literature, fiction
> Irodalomtudomány Literary studies
> MEK "virtuális" Szépirodalom MEK "virtual" Literature
Antik irodalom Ancient literature
Arab és perzsa irodalom Arabian and Persian literature ...
Távol-keleti irodalom Far Eastern literature

7. Greatest Hungarian Poets
The growth of hungarian literature was influenced by the need to establish the Hungarian language in a written form, by national history, and by foreign
Greatest Hungarian Poets Index
Hungarian Literature
Ady, Endre

Arany, Janos

Jokai, Mor
Petofi, Sandor

The growth of Hungarian literature was influenced by the need to establish the Hungarian language in a written form, by national history, and by foreign literary trends. Latinizing of the culture after Hungary's conversion to Christianity delayed the rise of an indigenous literature, and the Hungarian language was first used to translate religious matter, the earliest known text originating around 1200. Increased translation of religious texts and of the Bible during the Reformation as well as a growth in nationalism sparked by the Turkish invasions gave impetus to the development of a literature written in Hungarian. These factors and the influence of humanism helped to produce Hungary's first true poet, Balint Balassi, and the epic poet Miklos Zrinyi. From the mid-18th century to the 1848 War of Independence, literary growth was accelerated by the Enlightenment, romanticism, and opposition to the Habsburgs. Authors' attempts to promote literature and nationhood gradually bore fruit. Gyorgy Bessenyei founded a learned society; Ferenc Kazinczy led successful efforts at language reform; Karoly Kisfaludy founded the Aurora; and newspapers and other journals flourished. The Academy was created in 1830, the National Theater in 1837. Sandor Kisfaludy, his brother Karoly, and Milhaly Vorosmarty revived Hungary's past. The poets Sandor PETOFI and Janos ARANY and the novelists Jozsef EOTVOS and Maurus JOKAI raised poetry and fiction to new heights.

8. HUNGARY By Zoltan Halasz
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9. Encyclopedia: Hungarian Literature
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    10. MSN Encarta - Hungarian Literature
    hungarian literature. I. Introduction. hungarian literature, literature written in the Hungarian language from medieval times to the present.
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    You are at Home — Books — hungarian literature. SPECIALS 60% discount! hungarian literature front cover. Eminent Hungarians Buy Direct,
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    12. Babelguides: The Babel Guide To Hungarian Literature
    The Babel Guide to hungarian literature Hungarian may be an unknown language to most of the world but a substantial number of its greatest works have been
    Your site for world literature in English translation home guides publishers authors ... contact :: Browse Books :: African Austrian Brazilian Chinese Dutch and Flemish Eastern European French German Hungarian Indian Italian Japanese Jewish Latin American Middle Eastern Portuguese Portuguese African Russian Scandinavian Slavic Spanish Yiddish You are at Home Guides Hungarian Guide SPECIALS 60% discount!
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    The Babel Guide to Hungarian Literature
    Hungarian may be an unknown language to most of the world but a substantial number of its greatest works have been translated and are ready to read in English.
    Get to know more about a fascinating, sometimes bizarre nation, romantic and crazy, with a history full of brilliance and brutality, through its literature.
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    13. Hungarian Literature - Encyclopedia Article About Hungarian Literature. Free Acc
    encyclopedia article about hungarian literature. hungarian literature in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. hungarian literature. literature
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    Hungarian literature
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition
    • Ignác Acsády (1845-1904)
    • Tamás Aczél (1921-1994)
    • Endre Ady (1877-1919)
    • Anonymus
    • Zoltán Ambrus (1861-1932)
    • Lajos Aprily (1897-1973)
    • János Arany (1817-1882)
    • László Arany
    • Mihály Babits (1883-1941)
    • József Bakucz
    • Bálint Balassi (1554-1594)
    • Béla Balázs (1884-1949)
    • János Batsányi (1763-1845)
    • Dániel Berzsenyi (1776-1836)
    • György Bessenyei (1747-1811)
    • Kata Bethlen (1700-1759)
    • Miklós Bethlen (1642-1716)
    • Adám Bodor
    • Péter Bornemissza
    • Cholnoky László
    • Cholnoky Viktor
    • László Cs. Szabo
    • Géza Csáth (1887-1919)
    • Mihály Csokonai Vitéz (1773-1805)
    • Tibor Déry (1894-1977)
    • József Eötvös József, baron Eötvös (September 13, 1813 - February 2, 1871), Hungarian writer and statesman, the son of Baron Ignacz Eötvös and the baroness Lilian, was born at Buda. After an excellent education he entered the civil service as a vice-notary, and was early introduced to political life by his father. He also spent many years in western Europe, assimilating the new ideas both literary and political, and making the acquaintance of the leaders of the Romantic school. On his return to Hungary he wrote his first political work, Prison Reform ; and at the diet of 1839-1840 he made a great impression by his eloquence and learning. One of his first speeches (published, with additional matter, in 1841) warmly advocated Jewish emancipation.

    14. Hungarian Literature --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    hungarian literature Encyclopædia Britannica Article. To cite this page MLA style hungarian literature. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. literatur

    15. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Hungarian Literature (Russian And Eastern European Liter reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on hungarian literature, Russian And Eastern European Literature.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 09, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Russian And Eastern European Literature ... Hungarian literature
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    Hungarian literature, Russian And Eastern European Literature
    Related Category: Russian And Eastern European Literature Hungarian literature. Until the 19th cent. Latin was Hungary's literary language. The Funeral Oration (c.1230) is the oldest surviving work in Magyar; some 14th and 15th cent. chronicles also exist. The Reformation prompted various translations of the Bible. The poets BAlint Balassa (late 16th cent.) and MiklOs Zrinyi and IstvAn GyOngyOssi (17th cent.) were succeeded in the 18th cent. by VitEz MihAly Csokonai and Ferenc Faludi. In the last quarter of the same century, Hungarian literature was given fresh life with the work of GyOrgy Bessenyei , while Ferenc Kazinczy led a reform of the Hungarian language. The establishment of a national theater and the founding in 1825 of the Hungarian Academy of Science assured the development of a national literature. The leading literary figures in the 19th cent. were the poets KAroly Kisfaludy (also a noted dramatist), his brother SAndor, JAnos

    16. Languor Management: Hungarian Literature Since The Fall Of The Wall
    May 05, 2004. hungarian literature since the fall of the wall. Listed below are links to weblogs that reference hungarian literature since the fall of the wall
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      May 05, 2004
      Hungarian literature since the fall of the wall
      My summer reading list is getting bloated. Leopard V: An Island of Sound is an attempt to provide a snapshot of Hungarian letters, both prose and poetry, in the Soviet era and its aftermath. In his introduction, George Szirtes refers to certain subjects having been taboo in communist Hungary. That's not quite right. There were no forbidden subjects (although certainly some topics were viewed as less savoury than others, the Holocaust for example), only forbidden opinions. You could write about the revolution of 1956, as long as you didn't do so with evident approval. By the mid-1980s, writers had a Trabant freedom, rather third-rate but workable. The live wires of 20 years ago, such as Esterh¡zy, Konr¡d, N¡das and Krasznahorkai, are the household names of today. Permalink
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    17. Letteratura Ungherese In Italiano E In Inglese
    letteratura ungherese in italiano e in inglese hungarian literature in English and Italian. navigazione English hungarian literature - in English.
    Letteratura ungherese in lingua italiana o inglese Hungarian literature in Italian and English
    Letteratura ungherese - in italiano
    • Le mie traduzioni
      Osservatorio Letterario Ferrara e l'Altrove

      di Melinda Tamás-Tarr Bonani
      • traduzioni
        • Füst Milán: Addio in versi d'un poeta arabo ellenista (Egy hellenista arab költõ búcsúverse) Tóth Árpád: Vicino al fuoco che soffia (Duruzsoló tûznél)
        • Tóth Árpád: Come un sospiro (Sóhajféle)
        • Móra Ferenc: L’ocarina dal bel suono (Szépen szóló muzsika)
        galleria letteraria
        poesie di: Kassák Lajos, Kemény Géza, Tolnai Bíró Ábel, Melinda Tamás-Tarr; prosa: Móra Ferenc, Anna Jókai, Kate Carry lirica ungherese
        poesie di: Erdélyi József, Kemény Géza, Petõfi Sándor, Tolnai Bíró Ábel, Zubor István prosa ungherese
        • István Örkény: C'è sempre speranza
        • Cate Carry: Fiaba del natale dei libri
        poesie di: József Bajza, Csongor Rubino, Melinda Tamás-Tarr Tóth Árpád : biografia e poesie tradotte "Le voci magiare" - traduzioni letterarie
      • "Pagine colorate" - racconto e poesie
          La storia di Magdolna -(le frustrazioni di una casalinga laureata) Apolide Buongiorno, Ungheria!

    18. F&P Foreign Literature (Hungarian)
    Anton Chekhov. Foreign literature (Hungarian) in Russian Translations. TAB of autors, hungarian literature - 2 poems. This fale is not available in English.,mozilla,unix,english,,
    Poetry must be human. If it is not human, it is not poetry. - Vicente Aleixandre
    Foreign literature (Hungarian) in Russian Translations
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    19 Century 20 Century For Children Literature Anecdote Exhibition Photoarchives Foreign Literature Historical overview hungarian literature Historical overview,mozilla,mac,english,,n
    The business of art lies just in thisto make that understood and felt which, in the form of an argument, might be incomprehensible and inaccessible. - Leo Tolstoy
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    20. Hungarian Literature
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia hungarian literature. hungarian literature. Until the 19th cent. Latin was Hungary s literary language.


    Hungarian literature. Hungarian literature. Until the 19th cent. Latin was Hungary's literary language. The Funeral Oration Bessenyei Kisfaludy Arany Petofi . Endre Ady and Attila were the outstanding early 20th cent. poets; the dramatists Ferenc Herczeg and Ferenc socialist realism Hungarian Writers and Literature (1965); L. Degh, ed., Folktales of Hungary (tr. 1965); M. Vajda, ed., Modern Hungarian Poetry (1977); T. Kloniczay, ed., Old Hungarian Literary Reader (tr. 1985). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
    Hungarian language
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