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61. Amnesty International - News.amnesty - WESF_speech in our societies is required. International human rights law is muchmore than civil and political rights. It goes far beyond a http://web.amnesty.org/mavp/av.nsf/pages/WESF_speech | |
62. Business & Human Rights : Drummond Lawsuit (re Colombia) Report, in ACLU International civil Liberties Report 2001 American civil LibertiesUnion Dec. 2001 includes updates on human rightsrelated lawsuits http://www.business-humanrights.org/Categories/Lawlawsuits/Lawsuitsregulatoryact | |
63. Human Rights Links And Resources to institutionalize the recognition of African women s and girls sexual andreproductive health rights as fundamental to their civil and human rights. http://www.wougnet.org/Links/rights.html | |
64. Human Rights PIC - Homepage for building stronger connections between the movement for LGBT equality and thebroader movements for human rights and civil rights, both internationally and http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/hrpic/ | |
65. Human Rights PIC - Human Rights Related Links Center for human rights; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame Law SchoolCenter for civil and human rights; Washington College of Law http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/hrpic/links.htm | |
66. LookSmart - Directory - Human Rights Country Reports Guides And Directories of State Country Reports on human rights Furnishes an archive of the US StateDepartment s annual reports on civil, labor and political rights worldwide. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us62071/us62074/us921185/us921 | |
67. Silicon Valley Funders - Intl Peace Civil Rights Community Development Civic Affairs Education Elderly Enviroment Animals HealthHuman Social Services International, Peace civil rights Religious http://www4.compasspoint.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=851 |
68. Aspen Publishers - HR, Employment Law Civil Rights Employment Law civil rights. International human rights. http://www.aspenpublishers.com/pifs.asp?market=HR, Employment Law & Civil Rights |
69. PHILOSOPHY 19A: HUMAN RIGHTS (8) What are human rights? by Maurice Cranston, (36) On Salmon Rushdie andCivil Liberties by Leon (10) The Development of human rights in intl. http://www.unet.brandeis.edu/~teuber/hr.html | |
70. Human Rights. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002 human rights. Freedom from arbitrary interference or restriction by governments.The term encompasses largely the same rights called civil liberties or civil http://www.bartleby.com/59/13/humanrights.html | |
71. Civil And Political Rights. Virtual Library. International Human Rights Web Site Freedom in the World 2000 2001; human rights Watch; rights International; UnitedNations High Commissioner for human rights. civil and Political rights. http://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/links/cprint_e.html | |
72. Human Rights & EO In UK Directory: Library: Specialist Law Web Search human rights EO. Collated legal resources on humanrights, equal opportunity, civil rights and UK and int l law. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705569,705572,44541,670426,670453 |
73. ::: UZBEKISTAN: ANOTHER HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER DETAINED ::: another human rights defender on what appear to be politically motivated charges,continuing UzbekistanÂs crackdown on civil society, human rights Watch said http://www.muslimuzbekistan.com/eng/ennews/2004/02/ennews26022004_h.html | |
74. Tolerance.org US Map Of Human Rights Groups Council Bluffs, Council Bluffs human rights Commission, more info. Council Bluffs,Deaf Missions, more info. Davenport, Davenport civil rights Commission, more info. http://www.tolerance.org/maps/human_rights/state.jsp?state_id=16 |
75. International Gay And Lesbian Human Rights Commission - and Regional Standards (see Sydney intl Standards ) Regional in regard to their civilrights and vow Laws for the Protection of human rights. (translated by http://www.iglhrc.org/site/iglhrc/content.php?type=1&id=74 |
76. SF Human Rights Commission: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & HIV Division 5535987 Website www.ftm-intl.org Largest transgender people, to promote full civilrights, and to human rights Campaign Telephone (202) 628-4160 Website www http://www.ci.sf.ca.us/site/sfhumanrights_page.asp?id=5890 |
77. Electronic Resources: Law And Human Rights ExpressChronicle human rights Report A daily Russian-language bulletin/newsservice that reports on human/civil rights events and organizations. http://www.civilsoc.org/elctrnic/e-law.htm | |
78. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Joins Landmark International Human Rights The Act, which the Court is reviewing for the first time, allows nonUS citizensto bring civil lawsuits for human rights abuses committed in violation of the http://www.aclu.org/court/court.cfm?ID=15326&c=261 |
79. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Joins Civil And Human Rights Leaders In Ur ACLU Joins civil and human rights Leaders in Urging the Bush AdministrationTo Participate Fully in AntiRacism Conference in South Africa, http://www.aclu.org/International/International.cfm?ID=9737&c=36 |
80. Human Rights - Film Festival Of rights and Wrongs is a project of the Alliance for Justice, to promote involvementby lawyers on civil rights issues. Gaza Strip and human Weapon Speaker http://www.wcl.american.edu/humright/center/02film.cfm | |
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