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81. Voyageurs NP: The Environment And The Fur Trade Experience: 1730-1870 (Chapter 1 the highways of commerce throughout the fur trade era, and has remarked, the rivalry between the Hudson s bay company and the North West company was not http://www.nps.gov/voya/futr/ch1.htm | |
82. The Hudson S Bay Company In Oregon specified that any Canadian could trade in US trapped side by side with Astor s Pacific fur company. The Hudson s bay company was originally chartered by King http://www.endoftheoregontrail.org/road2oregon/sa04HBC.html |
83. Fur Trade Bay the Hudson bay company; the Canadian Government offers the transformation of the Hudson s bay company, 18841891 A stranger to the fur trade Joseph Wrigley http://anomalies-books.net/Fur_trade_Bay.html | |
84. The Tudor And Stuart Port - About Maritime London - Port Cities size imageThree ships of the Hudson bay company off Greenwich What began as a simple fur trading enterprise evolved into a huge trading and exploration company. http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/server/show/ConWebDoc.476/Trade-and-expansio | |
85. Fort Union And The Upper Missouri Fur Trade of the EuropeanNorth American fur trade, formally initiated by the1670 English charter to the Hudson s bay company. the Red River that drains into Hudson bay. http://www.eh.net/bookreviews/library/0602.shtml | |
86. Canadian Council For Geographic Education The new Hudson s bay company took over the North West company Later, in 1832, the company built Lower Fort Garry the focal point of the fur trade away from the http://ccge.org/ccge/english/teachingResources/rivers/tr_rivers_RRtraders.htm | |
87. Civilization.ca - Oracle - Canadian Inuit History The Hudson s bay company and other trading concerns also began to take an active interest in the With the fur trade came the Royal Canadian Mounted Police http://www.civilization.ca/educat/oracle/modules/dmorrison/page02_e.html | |
88. N.W.Co. Fur Trade Licences was a major force in the fur trade between the The company was formed by Highland Scots, Loyalists resist the advances being made by the Hudson s bay company. http://www.trentu.ca/library/archives/89-1069.htm | |
89. The Museum Of The Fur Trade Maker; Some More Bits of Greenland History; trade Goods in M Morey; Look Before You Leap; The Hudson s bay company in the 1840s; Needles in the fur trade. http://www.furtrade.org/quarterly/vol21_30.php | |
90. CheatHouse.com - The Hudson Bay Company ever s most powerful rival s rich fur trade s west sole trade and commerce that the company was to whose rivers and streams drained into Hudson bay they had to http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/41157-the-hudson-bay-company.html | |
91. Hudson's Bay Company - About Hbc - Our History The resulting Âoriginal six HudsonÂs bay company department stores coffee, tea and tobacco were all lines that supplemented traditional fur and retail http://www.hbc.com/hbc/about/history/ | |
92. The Fur Trade The fur trade. During the 1600s, colonization began in canada. France established a colony along the St.Lawrence River particularly current day Montreal. It was carried on mainly by the French and http://www.angelfire.com/zine/linz/indexy.html | |
93. The Hudson Bay Company: An Historical Overview Of Canada's Oldest Company infringement by other companies on their furs and to Eventually the predominantly French North West Trading and the English Hudson s bay company merged in http://www.canadianaconnection.com/cca/hudsonbayco.htm | |
94. The Atlas Of Canada - British North America Circa 1823 only significant part of British North America outside the HudsonÂs bay company control in that part of Mingan seigniory controlled by the company and in http://atlas.gc.ca/site/english/maps/historical/preconfederation/britishnorthame | |
95. Cozy Up With A Canadian Icon company Point Blanket is named after canadaÂs first trading company, who occupied a vast parcel of land surrounding the HudsonÂs bay from 1670. http://www.whereedmonton.com/Features/BackPage/6-92887.html | |
96. Literary Encyclopedia: Hudson's Bay Company interested only in maintaining its furtrading monopoly, and effort to settle the barren lands around Hudson bay. of operation did the company venture inland http://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=521 |
97. A Brief History Of Fort Langley Fort Langley was part of a network of trading posts established by the Hudson s bay company on the Pacific Slope in Though its trade in furs was initially http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~gborden/fl-hist.htm | |
98. Hudson's Bay Company - Exploring Westward - 18th Century - Pathfinders And Passa The posts on Hudson bay were closer to the supplies of furs in the forests of the northern country, and company ships could sail with their cargoes of http://www.collectionscanada.ca/explorers/h24-1502-e.html | |
99. About The Hudson's Bay Company The Hudson s bay company, one of the oldest, still active for beaver pelts with the Cree near James bay. into a trading and exploration company that reached to http://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/archives/hbca/about/the_bay.html | |
100. The Hudson's Bay Company : National Maritime Museum its inception in 1670, the Hudson s bay company controlled fully beaver pelts with the Cree near James bay. into a trading and exploration company that reached http://www.nmm.ac.uk/site/request/setTemplate:singlecontent/contentTypeA/conWebD | |
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