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61. Hudson's Bay Company --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia For more than 300 years the Hudson s bay company furtrading stations lay scattered over the vast northern regions of canada. Most http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=296896&query=morecambe bay&ct=ebi |
62. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Business (Fur The Queen) of trapping furs and trading with Native Americans in British North America are long gone, and today the Hudson s bay company is known primarily as canada s http://www.snopes.com/business/alliance/hudson.asp | |
63. Hudson's Bay Company - Fact Sheet - Hoover's Online and a fox.) Hudson s bay company (HBC) is canada s largest department store chain. Founded in 1670 as a fur trading enterprise, HBC is also canada s oldest http://www.hoovers.com/hudson's-bay/--ID__42417--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml | |
64. HistoryTelevision.ca :: Chiefs :: Cree, The Fur Trade The Hudson s bay company and its competitor, the North West most powerful and expansive fur trading company in the The company s empire grows to include almost http://www.historytelevision.ca/chiefs/htmlen/cree/ev_furtrade.asp | |
65. Province Of Manitoba | Hudson's Bay Company Archives A Resource for Historical Geography. Canadian Geographer 21 no Deidre A. Annals of the fur trade The Making of the Hudson s bay company Archives. The http://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/archives/hbca/about/hbca.html | |
66. The Hudson's Bay Company: Canada's Store - Suite101.com II, King of Great Britain, chartered a company of fur traders called the Hudson s bay company which would have monopoly of trading rights in the http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/3586/38815 | |
67. The Beaver Both English and French fur traders were soon selling beaver pelts The trade of beaver pelts proved so lucrative that the Hudson s bay company honoured the http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/sc-cs/o1_e.cfm | |
68. Boom Town Tales and Fort Okanogan along with other Hudson s bay properties suddenly By agreement the company continued their commerce. But the days of the fur trade were over. http://www.ghosttownsusa.com/bttales14.htm | |
69. Hudson's Bay Company to get the French government to support them in their efforts to develop the fur trade in the Hudson bay region The headquarters of the company was in London http://www.oregonpioneers.com/hbc.htm | |
70. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Hudson's Bay Company : Founding (Canadian History) - Enc Hudson s bay company, Canadian History. The company was founded as a result of the exploration of The expedition s success in opening up the fur trade with the http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/H/HudsonsB-founding.html | |
71. Hudson S Bay Company Scotsmen had assumed a large role in the Montreal fur trade, and their trade cut into the declining returns of the Hudson s bay company. http://members.tripod.com/~war1812/hudsonbay.html | |
72. Hudson's Bay Company Adventures: The Rollicking Saga Of Canada's Fur Traders Hudson s bay company Adventures The Rollicking Saga of canada s fur Traders. This sizzling, actionpacked account of canadaÂs http://www.fedpubs.com/subject/history/hudsons_bay.htm | |
73. The CLEARWATER RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers" remarkably similar rock paintings across northern canada, they are put an abrupt end to the Hudson bay company s longstanding fur trading monopoly http://www.greatcanadianrivers.com/rivers/clearriver/history-home.html | |
74. GENUKI: Orkneymen With The Hudson's Bay Company by an individual in Vancouver, British Columbia, canada. Since the major fur trading company for this Pacific slopes area was the Hudson s bay company and many http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/sct/OKI/canada.html | |
75. Department Of Economics, UCB - Faculty - Carlos to property rights and depletion in the Canadian fur trade; Canadian railroad finance of Hudson bay Indian Consumers and the Hudson s bay company, 16701770 http://www.colorado.edu/Economics/people/carlos.htm | |
76. CM Magazine: The Nor'Westers: The Fight For The Fur Trade The story of the fight between the Hudson s bay company and the North West company for supremacy in the fur trade is an incredible story of http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol9/no20/norwesters.html | |
77. Fort Frances Museum HudsonÂs bay company were united under the name of the HudsonÂs bay company. this union the role of Lac la Pluie became less important to the fur trade. http://www.fort-frances.com/museum/hudson-bay.html | |
78. Explorer Links the West was Young fur trade and Missionary Henry Hudson Canadian Arctic Profiles Exploration Henry The Young Adventurer Hudson s bay company Great Canadian http://www.rupert.net/~rtoor/Explorers.htm | |
79. Hudson's Bay Company - Encyclopedia Article About Hudson's Bay Company. Free Acc to Lower canada and the French fur traders who had Their traders, the Nor westers, competed bitterly with the Hudson s bay company, and matters often http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Hudson's Bay Company | |
80. Hudson's Bay Company Adventures: Rollicking Saga Of Canada's Fur Traders - Book Published Book or Work by Elle AndraWarner. Hudson s bay company Adventures Rollicking Saga of canada s fur Traders. Hudson Buy this book. http://www.writers.net/writers/books/23704 | |
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